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Goodbye Jesus

Little Blog of Doubt

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I am going through a restless period that has lasted the better part of a few months now. There are so many things that I want to be doing with my time and yet more often than not I find myself staring idly at a computer screen, occupying my time with pointless videos or video games that feel like little more than busy work. Another day passes, I go to bed and tell myself that I'm going to do better tomorrow, but the same things happens and the weeks pass.   To be fair, I have started a new jo



'its Not Like That In Europe...'

I find myself increasingly frustrated by the sentiment that living in Europe makes 'coming out' as an atheist easy, that I should consider myself lucky to be in a country that is so accepting of the atheistic position.   While I would agree that, in comparison to the United States, Christianity is not so all prevailing here. It is more acceptable to be an atheist, but that does not mean there are not communities here that are as fundamentalist and imposing as those in the US. I find myself sur



Reading List

I'm going to use this entry to keep track of the books/websites/youtube channels that have been recommended to me during my time here, those I've stumbled across myself in my search, and whether I have read/listened to them. As time goes on I plan to create at least an entry for each book I read, youtube series I watch or website I visit.   If you think there is a book/source that I am missing in my search for the truth then please recommend it in the comments and I'll be sure to add it to my



Wrestling With Doubt

I've been absent from this forum for a little while, hoping that perhaps a short break would help me order my thoughts and calm the internal battle that has been raging within me for some time now. Unfortunately, such a ploy hasn't worked all that well and I find myself back here, hoping that pouring out my thoughts in this entry might help. So here goes.   I find myself torn, my thoughts wrenched between the attachment I have to my faith and the information that I have been absorbing within t



The Story Thus Far

I suppose it would be wise to establish just exactly where I stand before I begin chronically my journey through doubt. To do this we must go back to the very beginning; to the point at which I was first exposed to the Christian faith, no still further than that....to the family I was born into.   ~~~~~   Both my parents were brought up in active Christian households, their lives heavily influenced by the Protestant Church and the Bible. They attended Church religiously, participated i



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