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Weight Loss Progress - 36 Kilos / 80 Pounds Down!



Today I clocked in 129.1 kilograms. That's about 284lbs for you yanks :) Now, I realise this is still fat as fuck, but I was at one point 165 kilograms so I'm pretty chuffed at the moment. I still have about another 29 kilos to go until I am anywhere near a healthy weight but at least I'm past the halfway mark. As it stands now, I am lighter than I have been in years. In fact I think when I first joined ex-c, I was probably about 10 kilos heavier than I am now, to help put it into perspective.


Anyways, I know I don't post often here anymore but I know I sometimes wonder how things are going with people. No one likes being left in suspense :) Anyways, I'll try to remember to post again soon to fill y'all in about how I am going. I'm hoping to be 100 kilos by january next year, but let's see how this pans out. I think it's possible, but I'll need to be disciplined. Anyways, that's it for now. Catch y'all later :)

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Keep up the good work JA! I'm down 70lbs as well since last April, and still going strong. Never give up!

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Very good Jaded.


I am 179cm/125kg atm. Weight down from 136kg a year ago.
Between various medical things and learning to eat less and better, cutting out ALL excess carbs like breads and pastas have not felt those horrible hunger pangs.

Keep a pair of your pants and an shirt from when you were just fucking FAT. When that 99kg mark shows on scale, take a pic, share it, Proud for ya amigo, keep up getting less of you.

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Very good Jaded.


I am 179cm/125kg atm. Weight down from 136kg a year ago.

Between various medical things and learning to eat less and better, cutting out ALL excess carbs like breads and pastas have not felt those horrible hunger pangs.


Keep a pair of your pants and an shirt from when you were just fucking FAT. When that 99kg mark shows on scale, take a pic, share it, Proud for ya amigo, keep up getting less of you.

Thanks champ. I've been thinking of doing exactly that. The other day I bought new shirts and for the first time in my adult life I'm wearing 4XL shirts (around a 2-3XL in US sizes). This time last year I was barely in my 7XLs. I'm chucking all of them but one. Will also be keeping one of my pants as well for perspective.


Looks like you're doing pretty well too. You have an idea of where you want to get to with your weight? 

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Yes Jaded, weight loss is one, for my transplanted kidney. Never have had high blood pressure problems. Don't want to start as age creeps on. Need to have loss on chest, back and butt. Lots of muscles there, but my "six-pack" is covered by the keg beer and fried foods left!

Recently lost gallbladder. Can't yet eat much in fried foods, an may not return. Diet seems better, greener, and full of crunchy goodness out of our families garden spots.

Annnnddddd, I just need to get back to being more than a blob. I've never been a couch potato, nor so flubbery that taking a whizz was a major lifting effort.. However when your lover in any position screams "GET OFF! I CAN'T BREATHE!", ehh, too much.

Health and longevity first, better fuckin' and riding second.

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