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Goodbye Jesus

They Have Such Poor Understanding Of What A Atheist Is...


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Today at church I was sitting at a table eating the after church dinner with some Christians (of course at church) and its going good, eating my food having a swell time and suddenly one of them gets the idea to talk about atheist.


So as soon as they star talking about it I immediately stop eating my food to tune into what ever is about to go down and it was one of the more retarded and maybe for the first time I actually felt insulted by it and amused. So the first one starts out by saying she knows a strong atheist who apparently is a atheist because he doesn’t understand why god took his mom from him, so one of the other guys starts to say that he doesn’t understand atheism because you have to believe in something you don’t believe in. when this guy said that I dropped my fork and looked at him with the face of shock, you know the kind of face when you talk to creationist. The way he explained this was that when he was in the army he knew a atheist who said “God Damn it” all the time, so the guy has decided because atheist use the “lords name in vain” they must really believe in God and they are simply contradicting themselves.


By this point I wanted to argue with him and chew his head off and spit it back out but I held my tongue. So the girl now says that all atheist believe Jesus never existed and the only defense they have for it is that they think some one stole the body which is a contradiction of her first statement since you cant steel something that doesn’t exist. I got up ginuenly feeling my inteligence had just been insulted.


So what is the most ridiculous thing you have heard Christians say about atheist, what is your favorite straw man argument?

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Guest Valk0010

Evolution is speculative because they have to take guess on how bones of fossils fit together.

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I had a friend ask me if I hate the military because I'm an atheist...but other than that, I've really only heard the more common misrepresentations.


The way he explained this was that when he was in the army he knew a atheist who said “God Damn it” all the time, so the guy has decided because atheist use the “lords name in vain” they must really believe in God and they are simply contradicting themselves.


I've gotten that one for using "Jesus Christ" in frustration with something. How idiotic. Do these people not realize that we're treating their precious deities' names as low as 4-letter words?


Evolution is speculative because they have to take guess on how bones of fossils fit together.


Christians (at least the biblical literalists) know that if one part of their religion's narrative falls apart, the whole thing goes to shambles, so they think the same applies to evolutionary theory and scientific understanding in general.

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Why expect sensible behviour and conversation from silly people?

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My favorite stupid argument is Pascal's Wager. It just says it all about what they think of their god - their god is so jealous that if you don't at least pretend to believe in him, he'll do horrible things to you, and so dumb that he can't tell the difference between genuine belief and pretending in hopes of a prize.

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...the guy has decided because atheist use the “lords name in vain” they must really believe in God and they are simply contradicting themselves.


So what is the most ridiculous thing you have heard Christians say about atheist, what is your favorite straw man argument?


Everything morontheists babble is ludicrous but what I quoted above takes the cake for me when I use my standard reply. :fdevil:


Keep in mind that I'm an Asatruar... follower of the ancient Gods of the North. I had a few chances to run into that "if they say gawddamnit it shows that they really believe in gawd!!11!!!111oneoneone!!!", and usually asked them (always in English but it works in German too, just a bit less nicely) what day of the week it is. After their reply I could usually easily state that by their own "reasoning" they must really believe like I do.


Of course the usual reply to that was "Duh...?" :lmao:


Then I drilled holes in their heads and filled in the fun fact that Tuesday = Tyr's day, Wednesday = Wodan's day et cetera. Never failed to make them shut their pie holes immediately and run home screaming :pureevil:

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  • Super Moderator

My favorite stupid argument is Pascal's Wager. It just says it all about what they think of their god - their god is so jealous that if you don't at least pretend to believe in him, he'll do horrible things to you, and so dumb that he can't tell the difference between genuine belief and pretending in hopes of a prize.


You want stupid arguments, SusanStoHeli? Here's a gem of anti-atheist arguments. I don't know if you've had the pleasure of reading this comedy gold.




This site is run by some fundie kook named Michael Caputo, and boy, does he spout lies... He claims to fight atheism through "truth and logic" and that atheists are "irrational" and "mentally ill!" LULZ!


Another good site is Fundies Say The Darndest Things -- a collection of stupid things on various subjects said by fundies all around the net. Here are just a few entries from the many thousands: Wendycrazy.gifWendycrazy.gifWendycrazy.gif


Quote# 86904


The atheists need meaning so they try to become good people by being liked and doing good deeds. The problem is that they or a group of them decide what a good deed is or who are the good people by consensus or group think. The group may decide it is good such as Hitler’s Germany who said they needed to weed out the weak and infirmed for the greater good of society. Same with our society that says it is better to kill a baby than to bring it into poverty even in a country that prides itself on upward mobility. The group may decide it can destroy a business if it decides the business isn’t satisfying some arbitrary goal they set up which makes them a good person. The society may define what is living a good life and what is not by brainwashing that society into an agenda driven set of morals to make those people try to become good people.



Bray, Free Republic 42 Comments [4/15/2012 2:59:53 AM]

Fundie Index: 45


Quote# 86847


[in response to an atheist questioning why she cannot be outspoken while religious people can be]


If you don’t like being one of God’s children, then why don’t you just dig your way into hell?


What an absolutely DESPICABLE rant about godless sinning and hedonistic debaucheries.

Atheist filth needs to be PURGED. The devil walks on earth, in the soul of EVERY ATHEIST!


Jan-jaap Z. Brandthilde, The Skeptic Detective 61 Comments [4/11/2012 3:08:51 AM]

Fundie Index: 112

Submitted By: Ahlberg


Quote# 86503


[Talking about atheists on the forum.]


When people sign up u should get there cell # and send out a code for them to enter and validate. That would block them one and all........


They must be policed. Atheists do not deserve the same typr of treatment the rest of humanity gets.


Hope u can do something about it.....



JOHNNYPOP, Catholic Answers Forum 36 Comments [3/19/2012 2:45:32 AM]

Fundie Index: 57

Submitted By: Krystal H.



Quote# 86270


Atheism is especially attractive to several types of people:


Addicts. Atheism teaches that no God will punish their selfish and destructive behavior. Therefore addicts, whether alcohol, drugs, pornography, etc. flock to atheism. This is the typical atheist in Western Europe or English speaking counties. Part of recovery is belief in God.


Communists. Traditional religions might be a threat to totalitarian dictorships, therefore Communists are militant atheists. Additionally, atheism permits everything, including murder. Murder is necessary to carry out the proletarian revolution and maintain the dictatorship of the proletariat.


Scientists. According to atheism prophesy cannot exist and therefore clergymen are unimportant, making scientists society's most important intellectuals. Many scientists have therefore enthusiastically promoted atheism while many young atheists have chosen a career in science. (The 1860 Oxford evolution debate and the 1925 Scopes Trial have become the legendary symbols of scientists triumphing over clergymen.)


In general, atheists are frequently either debauched libertines, murderers or both. Many are psychopaths - remorseless and egocentric [popularly known as "a--holes"].


jewish philosopher, Torah Philosophy 57 Comments [3/2/2012 4:19:30 AM]

Fundie Index: 90

Submitted By: Wykked Wytch



Quote# 87302


You know what they say. History is written by the victors. The satanic witches won and now they run our country. That's why history books say they weren't really witches.


You must understand God can not be evil. For he is God. He decides what is good and what is evil and he never does evil. Evil is the absense of God. If God decides someone has to die then it is God's will and it is good. Maybe they were bad and God wants to rush them to hell, or maybe they were about to encounter something terrible and God was getting them to heaven early so they wouldn't have to deal with it.


But for the most part if you are innocent God will show you to be innocent and if you are guilty God will show you to be guilty so long as the accused puts their faith in God that he will show the correct result.


That is why we must bring back trial by ordeal.


You keep repeating "they weren't really witches." over and over. Please provide some evidence other than that historians don't think they were real witches and a few people (probably under the command of Satan) renounced their testimony.


ServantofChrist, Unenumerated 75 Comments [5/13/2012 4:49:29 AM]

Fundie Index: 184

WTF?! || meh



Quote# 87165


How You Can Prevent Alien and Military Abductions


1. Ask God to send angelic protection for the house that we were living in and to seal it off from the attacks of the enemy.


“Heavenly Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you in Jesus name to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of billions of legions of angels to surround and encamp around this house and within striking distance of this house and set up angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields and angels to seal this house off from creation.


In Jesus name Father I ask you to send angels to bind up all the free demons trapped inside this house when the shield is closed and to send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus name.


In Jesus name Father I ask you to break, destroy, cut, dissolve, and sever every line of remote viewing, energy drain, energy supply, remote influence, command and control and surveillance that the enemy would try to put through this shield. In Jesus name, Father I ask you to make this shield impregnable to all the attacks of the enemy”.


Michael Relfe, Educate Yourself 80 Comments [5/1/2012 3:20:28 AM]

Fundie Index: 85

Submitted By: zipperback

WTF?! || meh



Quote# 87194


E=mc2 is a meaningless statement in physics that purports to relate light to matter. In fact, no theory has successfully unified the laws governing mass (i.e., gravity) with the laws governing light (i.e., electromagnetism). Simply put, E=mc2 is liberal claptrap.


Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge predicts that a unified theory of all the laws of physics are impossible, because light and matter were created at different times, in different ways, as described in the Book of Genesis.


[Emphasis added]


Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 88 Comments [5/3/2012 3:14:10 AM]

Fundie Index: 132

WTF?! || meh



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Too bad he goes on about how humans can hurt fellow humans and how you shouldn't let yourself be turned away by that, yada yada... As if we all don't understand that humans do the stupidest things. What he fails to address is what to do if God himself and the bible let you down. He probably thinks that's impossible? I'd bet that letter doesn't win over anyone. I left for a reason and that reason wasn't humans.

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I had some southern girl ask me "Wait so you DON'T believe in jesus?" after I had said I was an atheist. I've also heard they're all sad, sinners, having sex left and right, smoking weed and being in line with the devil.

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I'm waiting for the Jehovah's Witnesses to come around again. I want to tell them that they are here at a good time since we're barbecuing a baby and it's just ready if they'd like to come in and join us.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

"...but you can't prove that there is not a god..."


You want me to disobey the laws of logic and prove a negative? Right....

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Have you guys ever read any of Lee Strobels books? like case for faith and case for christ? that dude is a idiot, he claims he was a atheist but there is a diference between a atheist and a normal non christian and he was a normal person. The guy has come to the conclusion in his books that atheist are atheist just so they can live immoral lives because thats what he did. Lee thinks he has cracked the atheist code but i dont know if he ever refered to a actual intelectual defence of atheism and i have read the books.

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Morontheist standard tactic #2,557 - claim that you once were an athiest™

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I've read that damn book. When I was needing reasons to continue to hold on to the bullshit. Sent it to a non believing friend, actually. Damn that was stupid..... Guy is a total joke.

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Have you guys ever read any of Lee Strobels books? like case for faith and case for christ? that dude is a idiot, he claims he was a atheist but there is a diference between a atheist and a normal non christian and he was a normal person. The guy has come to the conclusion in his books that atheist are atheist just so they can live immoral lives because thats what he did. Lee thinks he has cracked the atheist code but i dont know if he ever refered to a actual intelectual defence of atheism and i have read the books.


I read "Case for a Creator" while still a believer. My sister-in-law gave it to me and she's an incredibly smart person with a degree in chemical engineering. Even then, I found myself completely offended and confused as to why my sister-in-law could find the book to be good scientific proof in the slightest.

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