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I Was Asked To Share My Story (No Catchy Phrse Today) Just Typos


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How DOuble A7 became Christian.

If you want you be condescending mock, belittle, make fun, go ahead. O cant stop you, you would only be proving to yourself who you are.  But.....for those who willing to listen with an open ear withotu judgement. Its valid to share your thoughts an opinions tho i have no disagreement with that. Feel free to ask questions i will asnwer it best i can. I am postingthis before i head to bed so you probably wont get any answeres until the morning


For 15years i didnt have a relationship with God and didnt know who he was, i doubted i asked questions i was a skeptic, but not someone that just blindly ask questions but someone who really searched for truth and i found exactly what i thought i wanted to find. Zero evidence for God, my family and friends believed, I kept it hidden inside on who i was and what i thought as i played the church role until I got tired of rules and regulations. Some people read the bible and through logic determine through their own reality there is no God becasue of the contradiciting evidence from science and what the bible said and from the otrocities of the OT the translation errors the no miracles today anymore sooo many factors contribiuted to my LAck of beleif in God.


One day.....is not how it happens...not two days...not three. but 15years i struggled as many due, it doesnt happen in the press of a button but slow gradual process of life begin to stump me, and instead of saying God did it when i didn;t know, i just remained in a state of unbeleif, which was better than making something up. Although there came a time where truth entered my mind and heart and it erase confusion and doubt after thsi slow process there was a time of complete renaissance of who i was what i beleive what i thought what i wanted to do. There was times when no human no friend, no family memebr could help me, could be there for me only GOd was. It was then i knew he was real, when he gave me an overwhelming about of unexplainable truth that was undeniable. Since then i never turned back. There is more to the....Progression part of from lack of God believer to beleiver but i do not wish to write a novel but i will answer questions to fill any holes you may find.


To me here is the thing

You see, Jesus has four roles that he performs to help and love All of humanity in the world, he is not Dead and the truth is he alive today unlike other religious founders. Although he is not visible to the naked eye he changes peoples lifes here in reality and plays a critical role in the world we live in today to put it in modern terms a Lawyer, Doctor and Firefighter and Friend


Can i get Witness?....Lawyer

Its like this, Jesus is like a lawyer for humankind and because of Adam and Eves Rebellion we are all born into sin and God is a God of justice so we had to be punished for our sin but Jesus being our lawyer stood in front of God and said no, take your punishment out on me even though we were guilty Jesus took our place and got punished by God instead, for our sin and we got to go free. Jesus bridged the gap between us and God and was the atonement for our sins. (Hebrews 7:23-25) Colossians 2:14) (1 John 2:1) 1 John 1:9) Isaiah 43:25-26)


No Cure...Know Cure....Doctor

Luke 5:31 Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."Why would a doctor give medicine to a person who is completely healthy?” Doctors help those who are ill. so Jesus helps those who are ill in the spirit…sin, condemnation, or brokenness. Not just physical healing but also inside of us, and helps the problems that trouble us, such as Purpose in life, Fatherlessness, marriage, self-esteem, Depression, grief abuse etc. Christ can bring us out of the pit and make us whole. Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Psalm 147:3 Psalm 34:18


Some fire doesnt Burn.....Firefighter

Houses get caught on fire by accident and on purpose, by anyway it comes about the fighters are called to help, Jesus does the same for us, when we are going through what could be metaphorical fire, lack of finances, stress,heartache, Jesus can help. Your life will not be perfect but He will put people in your life, or unexpected blessing will come out of nowhere.When there is a fire we call a firefighter and they wash the fire away, in the same way when there is personal strife or sin Jesus can wash it away. IF you dont call the firefighter to wash away the fire how can they take care of it? When Jesus died for us, at that moment out sins were washed away, so all we have to do now is ask for forgiveness whenever we sin. 1John 1:9 "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Essentially, no matter what you have done, God is willing to forgive you and to wash away the sin. If you have unconfesssed sin in your life, do not feel like you have to hide from God. Instead, bring the matter to him in prayer and receive the gift of his forgiveness. Isaiah 43:25 "I, even I, am he who blots out your sins, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." Matthew 26:28 Ephesians 1:7 Colossians 1:14 Revelation 1:5


Does anyone really care?....Friend

John 15:13 “13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” There are points in our lives we feel misunderstood, ignored, and even confused. Worst of all everyone has at one point we felt alone. The truth is we are never alone. God is omnipresent This means He is everywhere and all knowing. Our heavenly father knows what we are going through because when He was on earth he faced the same temptations, betrayal, and persecution a we do. He understand and knows our pains that is why he says to put it all on him so we can be at eae With that being said, he has outlined for his children how to deal with these challenges and how we arent alone.He is watching over us he will never make us call to him but he is always there waiting Peter 5:7.Hebrews 13:5

God was there for me when NO HUMAN EVER WAS...That is what makes me know I am not alone. We are never alone



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Where did you cut and paste the last half from?

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Ok 1A, you know what, I genuinely think you have more guts than the other christians who visit the Den.  You shared your 'testimony' as it were.


One opening question for you.  You only mentioned bible god.  Why not the Koran Allah, the Hindu gods such as Vishnu, Shiva?  Why not Shintoism from Japan?  Why not Jainism?  (Yes, these are all one question.  Why not the other gods?)

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Wait, was this story suppose to be about you or was it a story about Jesus?  Or maybe you are Jesus?

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Thanks for taking the time to type that out.


It seems to me that you didn't really answer my question about why you became a Christian. Your story focuses mainly on who Jesus is to you. It doesn't really address how you know that Christianity is actually true. So I'll ask again: why do you believe it is true? Is the basis of your belief evidence? Reason? Logic (I ask hesitantly...)? Or do you take it purely on faith? This is the crux of the matter.

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I read that...


I'm not going to insult another persons testimony. It's obviously very real to you.


All I'm going to say is that we've all been there. This is an ex-christian forum. Were ex-christians. That looks like something I would have written 3 years ago.

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as far as your testimony goes, to me personally, you are NOT an atheist by default before becoming a christian

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How DOuble A7 became Christian.

If you want you be condescending mock, belittle, make fun, go ahead. O cant stop you, you would only be proving to yourself who you are.  But.....for those who willing to listen with an open ear withotu judgement. Its valid to share your thoughts an opinions tho i have no disagreement with that. Feel free to ask questions i will asnwer it best i can. I am postingthis before i head to bed so you probably wont get any answeres until the morning


How boy. You start already in defense mode? Are we that horrible and condescending or is that just what you where taught to expect of people not believing in your God anymore? Sorry but I find this pretty offensive to be honest. We all are people who know where you are coming from and I have not seen a forum where Christians where treated with the respect and patience they are treated here.


I like the first part of your story but then you just go on into preaching mode and that is where you lose me. I have heard it, told that stuff myself and thought it over and all. I can see you are doing a lot of thinking. I did so too. I tried to find ways to keep my religion by thinking it all through.


You say you just knew there was a God. What got you from knowing God was real to knowing it had to be the God of the book?


Maybe to break your already made up opinion about people here I share some of my story? Hope that is OK with you.


I grew up christian, questioned faith several times but stuck with it. There had been moments when I felt God was real. There have been many moments I thought God was doing things in my life. Inner healing, miraculously providing me with a job, I even prayed once for my vision and that moment I felt that my eyes would adjust. When I went to see my eye doctor I got new glasses prescribed with less diopter...about half (and I now can explain that but then it was God). Many times I had amazing prayer times where I felt blessed afterwards and als while doing it. And I even went as far as casting out demons. For myself and then for others. It all was quite real to me. Except for that relationship thing. On the most sincere and honest searching point I had to finally admit that there had not been much of a relationship. I knew so much about God but I did not really know much of him. How could that be? If you ask my friend (who had been the one to give me some material that sent me on that journey I never thought would end up in me losing faith the way I did) she would tell you probably this: moana is the one friend who took faith serious, who prayed more than most, who knew the bible well, who did not just read but also made those passages alive, who raised important questions, who believed with the most sincere heart...and who was seeking and longing for a real relationship with Jesus/God more than anyone she knew. I do not exaggerate. I know you could ask her and she would tell you just that.

So one day I got so frustrated because it seemed all that praying, spending time with God, being open and listening to him and whatsoever would not bring me anything closer to him. He still seemed that huge invisible bird up in the sky. So my friend gave me a book to read and that book just put in words what I wondered already. So I left Church because it seemed it was not really essential for me to get to know God. It would just distract me from that quest. So I decided to stop pretending and being real in all aspects of my life. Because all I wanted was this God relationship to be real. As real as possible. Everything non real had to be cut out. And so I went on that journey and finally found myself in the place of utter realness...and no God showing up on the scene. I don't claim there is no God. But if he wants me to know him, he had his chances. If I did not get it right, he is mighty enough to correct my views. But for my part I can honestly and truly say I was seeking him. By doing so I got away from a believe that did not help me in life. It robbed many years to the point of me not knowing who I actually am and now I am 37, still trying to find out what to do when I grow up.

So now comes the evidence...it had not been that evidence took faith away from me. It had been that faith had been fading and now I can see the evidence. I would never have accepted evidence to 'taunt' my views on God. So if you think that I was that sceptic Christian who started asking scientific questions and questions about contradictory passages in the bible and then found the evidence that supported my wish to leave it all behind, I can whole heartedly say that has not been my case. I just start to see all that evidence kinda surprised it had always been there and I just had not seen it due to my wanting Christianity to be true.


I hope this helps you to see where I am coming from and also helps you to stop assuming us just waiting to find an opportunity to belittle you and talk down to you. That is not on my mind, has never been.



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Interesting testimony. However, I found that trying to have a relationship with Jesus had the opposite effect on me and all of those roles you claimed he performed, were absolute bullshit.


Can i get Witness?....Lawyer

Its like this, Jesus is like a lawyer for humankind and because of Adam and Eves Rebellion we are all born into sin and God is a God of justice so we had to be punished for our sin but Jesus being our lawyer stood in front of God and said no, take your punishment out on me even though we were guilty Jesus took our place and got punished by God instead, for our sin and we got to go free. Jesus bridged the gap between us and God and was the atonement for our sins. (Hebrews 7:23-25) Colossians 2:14) (1 John 2:1) 1 John 1:9) Isaiah 43:25-26)


The biggest problem here is that, Adam and Eve were set up to fail. They wouldn't have known that what they were doing was rebellion. All Yahweh told them was that they would die if they ate the fruit. He didn't say why or how.


He also never told them about all of the other consequences of doing so. He never told them that, by eating the fruit, they would doom all life on the planet to suffering and death. He never told them that some animals would become viscous predators, who would need to kill other living things in order to survive. He never told them that all future generations would be "born into sin", making them deserving of death simply for being born.


What if Yahweh had given all of that information to Adam and Eve? Would they have understood? Would they have been able to comprehend? If they were already capable of comprehending death, suffering, and sin, then they wouldn't have needed to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to acquire that knowledge because they would have had it already.


Given that eating from that tree was necessary to know about and understand these things, then they didn't already understand those concepts. Unless they already knew what death was, they wouldn't have been able to comprehend the consequences of eating from the tree.


Another problem with this is the whole "born into sin" thing. What exactly does this mean? Does it mean that all humans born after A&E would be slaves to sin, making it impossible for them to live their whole life without breaking even one of Yahweh's rules?


Since, according to scripture, this is the case, then it means we are programmed to sin (break Yahweh's rules). You say that we have to be punished for our sin because your god is a god of justice, but how can he be a god of justice if we are programmed to sin (a programming none of us chose) and he blames us for committing acts we were programmed to do? There wouldn't have ever needed to be an atonement for sin and Jesus wouldn't have had to bridge any gaps if your god had not willingly created humans that were programmed to sin in the first place.



No Cure...Know Cure....Doctor

Luke 5:31 Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."Why would a doctor give medicine to a person who is completely healthy?” Doctors help those who are ill. so Jesus helps those who are ill in the spirit…sin, condemnation, or brokenness. Not just physical healing but also inside of us, and helps the problems that trouble us, such as Purpose in life, Fatherlessness, marriage, self-esteem, Depression, grief abuse etc. Christ can bring us out of the pit and make us whole. Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Psalm 147:3 Psalm 34:18


If we are programmed to sin (a programming we did not choose), yet still to blame when we sin, then isn't Jesus (or his father) like a doctor who intentionally injected poison into a patient just so he could save them from the poison? How can you trust a doctor who would do that?


Based on the points I have already made, I do not see how Jesus could perform the last two roles you've shared with us. It all comes back to me failing to understand how you could trust such a monstrous god and believe that he is willing to help you for selfless reasons and how you could possibly think he cares about you.

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It was then i knew he was real, when he gave me an overwhelming about of unexplainable truth that was undeniable. 


What specifically was the "overwhelming amount of unexplainable truth"?

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Guest Marty

To me here is the thing

You see, Jesus has four roles that he performs to help and love All of humanity in the world, he is not Dead and the truth is he alive today unlike other religious founders. Although he is not visible to the naked eye he changes peoples lifes here in reality and plays a critical role in the world we live in today to put it in modern terms a Lawyer, Doctor and Firefighter and Friend




And the evidence for this is where?



Can i get Witness?....Lawyer

Its like this, Jesus is like a lawyer for humankind and because of Adam and Eves Rebellion we are all born into sin and God is a God of justice so we had to be punished for our sin but Jesus being our lawyer stood in front of God and said no, take your punishment out on me even though we were guilty Jesus took our place and got punished by God instead, for our sin and we got to go free. Jesus bridged the gap between us and God and was the atonement for our sins. (Hebrews 7:23-25) Colossians 2:14) (1 John 2:1) 1 John 1:9) Isaiah 43:25-26)



I never ate the forbidden fruit, neither did the 99.9999999999% rest of humanity.  And your god is one of "justice" for punishing everyone for the "crime" of 2 people who could not have known any better?


How about this, I am going to rob a bank today, and I will call the police and tell them 1AAT1 is the culprit.  You should have no problems doing time for me, indeed, as long as someone​ pays, it is justice, right?



No Cure...Know Cure....Doctor

Luke 5:31 Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."Why would a doctor give medicine to a person who is completely healthy?” Doctors help those who are ill. so Jesus helps those who are ill in the spirit…sin, condemnation, or brokenness. Not just physical healing but also inside of us, and helps the problems that trouble us, such as Purpose in life, Fatherlessness, marriage, self-esteem, Depression, grief abuse etc. Christ can bring us out of the pit and make us whole. Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Psalm 147:3 Psalm 34:18



Not being told every week you are a worthless piece of fuel for hell does an awful lot to boost one's self image.  Also, children are at a greater risk of abuse inside the church than out.  And I am referring to both sexual and mental abuse.



Some fire doesnt Burn.....Firefighter

Houses get caught on fire by accident and on purpose, by anyway it comes about the fighters are called to help, Jesus does the same for us, when we are going through what could be metaphorical fire, lack of finances, stress,heartache, Jesus can help. Your life will not be perfect but He will put people in your life, or unexpected blessing will come out of nowhere.When there is a fire we call a firefighter and they wash the fire away, in the same way when there is personal strife or sin Jesus can wash it away. IF you dont call the firefighter to wash away the fire how can they take care of it? When Jesus died for us, at that moment out sins were washed away, so all we have to do now is ask for forgiveness whenever we sin. 1John 1:9 "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Essentially, no matter what you have done, God is willing to forgive you and to wash away the sin. If you have unconfesssed sin in your life, do not feel like you have to hide from God. Instead, bring the matter to him in prayer and receive the gift of his forgiveness. Isaiah 43:25 "I, even I, am he who blots out your sins, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." Matthew 26:28 Ephesians 1:7 Colossians 1:14 Revelation 1:5



Could you explain to me exactly how the blood of jesus washes away sin?  It is not enough to tell me "it just does", I would like to know the physical mechanism in which sin is cleared away by the blood of a innocent 3rd party.



Does anyone really care?....Friend

John 15:13 “13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” There are points in our lives we feel misunderstood, ignored, and even confused. Worst of all everyone has at one point we felt alone. The truth is we are never alone. God is omnipresent This means He is everywhere and all knowing. Our heavenly father knows what we are going through because when He was on earth he faced the same temptations, betrayal, and persecution a we do. He understand and knows our pains that is why he says to put it all on him so we can be at eae With that being said, he has outlined for his children how to deal with these challenges and how we arent alone.He is watching over us he will never make us call to him but he is always there waiting Peter 5:7.Hebrews 13:5

God was there for me when NO HUMAN EVER WAS...That is what makes me know I am not alone. We are never alone


The trick used here is to identify things all humans experience.  Politicians use a similar trick when they don't remember someone they should.  "Hey, how's your back injury doing?", is a question you have a good chance of being close to the mark, as just about everyone has back issues after a certain age.  What about all the starving children the world over that call out to him every day and he does nothing?  Do you really think a omniscient being would care if someone calls him by the wrong name?  Towards the end of her life my grandmother thought I was my mother's brother (my mom is an only child) which shows she didn't even know who her daughter was.  We still loved and cared for her none the less.  If I fed a homeless man I wouldn't take his food away if he called me Gary instead of Marty.  But your god will turn a blind eye to so much of humanity because they call him Allah or something else.


I don't know what the point of the OP was, but you didn't show me anything but typical christian circular thinking...

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"To me here is the thing

You see, Jesus has four roles that he performs to help and love All of humanity in the world, he is not Dead and the truth is he alive today unlike other religious founders. Although he is not visible to the naked eye he changes peoples lifes here in reality and plays a critical role in the world we live in today to put it in modern terms a Lawyer, Doctor and Firefighter and Friend" ~1A



You said that well. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Guest Marty

"To me here is the thing

You see, Jesus has four roles that he performs to help and love All of humanity in the world, he is not Dead and the truth is he alive today unlike other religious founders. Although he is not visible to the naked eye he changes peoples lifes here in reality and plays a critical role in the world we live in today to put it in modern terms a Lawyer, Doctor and Firefighter and Friend" ~1A



You said that well. Thank you for sharing your story.


IOW, jesus is nothing more than an imaginary friend you guys have so you don't feel lonely and scared in the big bad world...


I wonder how many who cling to religion all their life were coddled as children and never held responsible for their actions?  I fail to see how this imaginary friend provides any use outside of childhood unless I consider that "I was tempted by satan" is a way Bobby can continue to not be accountable for whatever, just like how mommy and daddy used to clean up after him as a child...

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Now actually i will be sharing more of WHY i became a christian as time goes by because its like meeting a woman for the first time and you ask her everything about herself. Its impossible for her to tell you everything in one sitting. Some things come about as things come to her rememberance like when certain questions are asked etc. Also i think what would help keep responses short like you did the first time I mean look how long THIS is and i only responded briefly to everyone and i think it makes it easier for me to respond to everyone, because when its long i spend more time responding to you than everyone else. but your responses so far were brief enough thanks.

I do have a SECRET that i cant exactly tell yall yet its one of those private things people would tell someone after they had awesome sex just analogy btw and well...uh ya know you got you earn that kinda thing i ain t no Hoe! one night stands is overrated.


lol what do you mean where did i copy and past that last part from? my head i just seperated it in pieces for visual effect.



i have more guts but not as much brain lol that End 3 Guy seem pretty smart., well i do like zombie type video games, the walking dead video game by the way is really awesome it won game of the year and----Oh, wait i got sidetracked. Sorry im a gamer at heart.
Yea i do beleive in sharing testimony as is, because if someone makes up a testimony for favorable purposes, then 1 most people can tell anyway and it will make you look like a fool. and two people are not swayed by emotions only truth and 3 it's against the bible anyway so defeats the very purpose
why not the other Gods? Good question my friend well from logical standpoint i wasnt exposed to them and because christianity is more mainstream look how many christian movies came out this year heaven is for real God is not Dead persecuted Son of GOD the Bible on history channel. So logical
standpoint would be from pure exposure. But having atheist friends before and after my conversion i know about other Gods but for me choosing a God wasnt like choosing a ferrari over a Bugatti, and other than exposure from media and family, I believe God resonated with me in a real way that effected my reality and has helped me so it became an impact on my life thru that way. A question i asked as a skeptic was, Well did other people have a chance/opportunity, What about people then, who were exposed to something else?....will answer that on next psot trying to answer all questions because i got accused of not answering them last time



I am not jesus but the bible says that we have the holy spirit within us its a part of him but we are not HIM, himself, the closer you get to him the more you will be like him, its a spirtual concept at this moment i cannot prove emperically or show evidence and proof im simply talking to you in the form od a documentrary lieks tyle of what we believe at this moment. that might sound strange but in reality when you know a friend you are more willing to understand his actions then a stranger would. A stranger would accuse your friend of many things, but you would know his true intentions. Its the same with Christians and Jesus.

I am not jeusus but Jesus did make a prophecy that came tru in todays world he said many people will come in his name and in the last 1000years many many people have claimed to be Jesus and led people astray. Other people have coem in other religiosn names but the amount is so small it barely noticed around the world, but that is not the case with jesus. You can easily find many articles on google a list of names Had they read the bible then the people wouldnt have followed someone just because he claim messiah.

Matthew 24:5
For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many.
Prophecy fulfilled time and time again.



Thanks for sharing yours as well in the last topic, I do struggle with things i want to do and not suppose to do, but i dont adhere to them out of obligation and strict expectation. I do what i do out of revereance for God, because of the love he has showed me. I do what i do out of desire and want and not expectation, fear, force manipulation and guilt trips. No more porn, no more clubs etc. But i didnt stop them to please God in a way so i could get a heavenly reward, i stopped becasue i genuinly lost interest due to my love FOR God. your story was very real and powerful im sorry u went thru that,is it ok if i ask Do you think that maybe you would stay with christianty if you didnt feel that nagging pull of back and forth between things you wanted to do and couldnt? or was there another reason you left?



Thansk for reading, excuse me for the typos
actually i did answer the WHY it was "its because he was there for me when no other human ever was" that was a simplified version of years of repeated actions.
your second question however i didnt, how i know its true, evidence, reason, logic, etc. Well to me it was all the above but not in your conventional sense that the scientific community would accept. There is things that in the bible that says X will happen if you X and in real life that is EXACTLY what happened so To me whatever comports realtiy is TRUE for me, what is TRUE for me is evidence to me, what is Evidence for me is a reason for me, what is a reason is logical to me. On a consistent basis God was there for me through my entire life. When even when i was doing wrong he protected me. Now as a skeptic i would ask people...how does this work non emperically? so what do i mean by THERE for me? does he tuck me in bed at night? does he drive my car for me and swirves out the way of someone who got inspired by fast and the furious movie? i mean to be Honest i cannot present to you with emperical evidence, but would you accept that truth statements as non emperical evidence? A list of events that matches reality and was in sync with the bible said would happen matched reality to me was good enough buit again to the scientific community every event im sure they would contest every....last...one. in any case. cutting short to get to next person, Im willing to answer any questions to expand upon this. Thx for reading



Thanks i beleive everyone in the world has a story, although our experiences are always based on truth, but they are real enough to make us change our life. I think that accoutns for something. I seen christians try to discredit an athiests story, it breask my heart when they do that because they have no idea the EXTENT of the effects the pain and confusion some had to go through to do what they did, their family friends everythign changes. not an easy change to me so i respect all stories. Yea Im actually writing a book on the real effects of christianity and atheist using real stories real people and real conversations. Instead of the typical christian movies or books you see out there that go based off what they THINK an athiest feels, but i will be writing a book about the real deal from BOTH sides and not one.




Isn't Athiest the default position? logically everyone would qualify using that line of logic. personally i dont believe that assertion because it cant be verified fully how could we know what is in someones brain? what is the difference between a baby and a cat? neither are capable of understanding would they both be athiests then? eh just a thought



Ah...there is all that one that will give me a hard time ROFL. But really i am not meant to be offensive, i was simply operating off classical conditioning. My Christian friend went to this site shared his honest story just as i did 2 years ago and he was mocked like a rabbit Dog. it was pitiful So it wasnt a defense it as a condition responsed as, many of you here have christians preaching lying making up stuff to gain favor etc. That was your condition. Ultimatly i didnt mean to be offensive and i am sorry. BUT sometimes when i post my story all they will do is just disect it. and not care but not everyone is like that


Thanks for your story very real and heartfelt im sure you hear christians use bible verse such as seek him diligently and you will find him, knock and the door shall be open to you and your like...Umm yea i already did that lol. I mean Matt dillihaunty from Atheist experience i watch that show all the time before my conversion(at the time it was fortifiying WHy i didnt beleive) and even now i still love to watch it. It is interesting tho how Can i be exposed to something like the athiest experience and still cross the bridge from lack of beleif to to beleif. from faith to no faith and abck to faith again. lol Strange there was a character in the bible that did this i cant rememeber his name. Thats cool you knwo verses im sure alot of people here do now and know more than most christians lol because too many christian just listen to a preacher and want their ears tickeld the bible actually warns against this, we are to reasearch for ourselfs. Look how many people fell victim to the Harold Camping story of End of the world May 1st and then december x and both times people gave up everything and got nothing back in return and whole families were living on the streets. All they had to read the part in the bible where it says "No one man knows" 4 words could have saved their life. But many christians just go based on what they hear and when they are promised roses and get thorns they give up on the whole thing altogether. Not saying you did this, just sharing the sad stories of people hurt BY false information.


By the way What do you think of me responding to everyone like this? I care about you guys to take time during breaks at work lunch breaks before my shift and after my shift to be able to respond to everyone, i think its pretty cool. So please pardon me if i take a long time to respond i wrok from 10am to 11pm and working thru breaks and in between phoen calls, its the only way i can keep up and respond prompltly otherwise if i wait til after work im tired and you all would get a resposne once a week then i would seem like the typical run and post christian when in actuality that wouldnt have been the case.

again thanks for sharing your story Maybe That puts you Closer to knowing my SECRET if you get what i mean ROFL



Thanks for the encouragement i heard atheist say, "You think athiest are mroally bankrupt and that we are scum of the earth" and my response is..well if i used to be atheist then that would mean i thought that of MYself! lol. and thats is not the case.  I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, i love everyone, people are the priority in all aspects regardless of beleive, if you cannot share the truth in love, then do not share the truth at all. All my friends are athiests i knew them before and after my conversion when i said God was there for me when no human was i was referring to specific moments. I remember going thru the faith part having this thing im suppose to use as a crutch but i found myself so perplexed i wanted to pull my hair out i went thru the faith thing and at first it didnt work for me based on my understanding of it at the time. My Faith is different now its more like a confirmation of things rather than blind leaps. but i can share more on that later with any future questions you may have.

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sorry everyone else that responded after the first people, i will have to get to you another time

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See moanareina Just as i predicted these responses below is WHo i was referring to in the first few sentences of my story.





"all of those roles you claimed he performed, were absolute bullshit."

"I don't know what the point of the OP was, but you didn't show me anything but typical christian circular thinking..."

"It all comes back to me failing to understand how you could trust such a monstrous god and believe that he is willing to help you for selfless reasons and how you could possibly think he cares about you."





I understand....they dont beleive but IT never fails that they didnt actualyl care about me or my story. or if they do they have a funny way of SHowing it... Not everyone is like this, and i appreciate everyone who had loving responses. while the others claim christianity/jesus/God isnt love fine believe that if you want but then why would they go ahead and NOT show love themself and accuse others of doing the SAME thing they are doing? wow. not suprised. im used to it. no more insults will tip the kettle.

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Why should we care about you bozo?  You're just some dumbshit on the internet spouting more bullshit.  You're the one who is supposed to care about us, but instead you just revel in victimhood.  One more reason not to care about you. 

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God still wants you to spell-check.

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you dont have to care about me, but based on your own logic you need to be consistent. Tell others they not showing love and then you dont do it. That is not consistent and Orbit yea i agree :)

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So A1 what are you doing here? We get it, you're a believer, and that you base your belief on faith in a subjective personal experience. But what about objective evidence? How do you make sense of the Book of Genesis, for example, where God ordered innocent babies to be murdered? How can you worship such a God?

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you dont have to care about me, but based on your own logic you need to be consistent. Tell others they not showing love and then you dont do it. That is not consistent and Orbit yea i agree smile.png


Well, most xians I know are logically challenged, and you too are no exception.


Logically, you're the one who follows a creed to love your fellow man.  We make no such claims, thus, no double standard is present. 

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Thanks for sharing yours as well in the last topic, I do struggle with things i want to do and not suppose to do, but i dont adhere to them out of obligation and strict expectation. I do what i do out of revereance for God, because of the love he has showed me. I do what i do out of desire and want and not expectation, fear, force manipulation and guilt trips. No more porn, no more clubs etc. But i didnt stop them to please God in a way so i could get a heavenly reward, i stopped becasue i genuinly lost interest due to my love FOR God. your story was very real and powerful im sorry u went thru that,is it ok if i ask Do you think that maybe you would stay with christianty if you didnt feel that nagging pull of back and forth between things you wanted to do and couldnt? or was there another reason you left?


I got divorced and stopped going to the church the ex-wife went to. It was more pleasing to not have to get up on Sunday morning to that anymore and I made a few attempts to go to a different church for about a year but lost interest. Not being surrounded by churchies all the time meant not being bombarded with doctrine to reinforce the fear, guilt and shame which is the essence of Christianity, imo. So I reverted back to my normal skeptical critical thinking self which I had been for most of my life prior to becoming a Christian. The  problem was residual guilt about doing things I wanted to do which harmed nobody, were not illegal, yet were sins according to the bible. I got tired of this guilt so I told God he would have to deal with it. A Christian might say, "See you just quit believing because you wanted to sin!" Guilty as charged, I guess, but some normal human behaviors and thoughts are considered sin...and this is absurd.


As a Christian I also dealt with the guilt of frequently saying "Goddammit" and then apologizing to God. lol. Ridiculous. Then there was the guilt of my not being a good evangelist and not recruiting new Christians. I tried it a few times and it made me feel gross inside. Then there was the guilt I'd feel when someone in church mentioned 'luke warm Christian' cuz I knew that's what I was.


During my time as a Christian I was still heavily influenced by 3 prior decades of nearly anti-Christian upbringing and critical thinking. So it was hard to swallow some of the bullshit being preached. It was obvious to me that tithing only profited the church and the pastor and that God did not need money (U2's Bono will back me up on this). I always laughed inside when the preacher told us we needed to do some particular thing or avoid some particular thing to become closer to God and at the end of the sermon would say, "and the truth will set you free!!!!" lol. haha. Not hardly. Christianity will imprison and control your mind.


I only became a Christian because I got married to one. It's been many years now since I gave it up and not buying into Christian BS since then has 'set me free.'

So I didn't quit Christianity for the common reason of non-belief. I gave it up because it was causing me mental distress. It wasnt until years later I came here to Ex-c and other places on the web to learn more about the bible, other sufferers of the religion and the critical thinking that destroys it. I have no interest in getting tangled up again in the emotional and mental prison that is Christianity.

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See moanareina Just as i predicted these responses below is WHo i was referring to in the first few sentences of my story.





"all of those roles you claimed he performed, were absolute bullshit."

"I don't know what the point of the OP was, but you didn't show me anything but typical christian circular thinking..."

"It all comes back to me failing to understand how you could trust such a monstrous god and believe that he is willing to help you for selfless reasons and how you could possibly think he cares about you."





I understand....they dont beleive but IT never fails that they didnt actualyl care about me or my story. or if they do they have a funny way of SHowing it... Not everyone is like this, and i appreciate everyone who had loving responses. while the others claim christianity/jesus/God isnt love fine believe that if you want but then why would they go ahead and NOT show love themself and accuse others of doing the SAME thing they are doing? wow. not suprised. im used to it. no more insults will tip the kettle.


Well, if you dont like the way the Ex-Christians treat you, maybe it's time to either leave or give up your not-so-covert recruiting operation here. We were all Christians and we know the prime directive of the religion is to recruit more people. You can argue against this idea all you like but we know better. We did the same thing as you are doing now: Trying to be subtle about your intention. But we know your intention.


What we actually do care about on this site is to help others to leave Christianity. That is the point of the site in general. The Lions Den is just a distraction to give Christians something to do who might be tempted to interfere with OUR prime directive. Recruiting new Christians is not respected here. Christianity is not respected here.


Christianity has caused emotional damage to the people who are here and they don't really wish to damage themselves again. But if Christianity works for you, enjoy! Just dont demand that we respect your beliefs. Dont cry on behalf of Jesus. It's unbecoming.

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Be a Christian, don't be a Christian. If you've been harmed by the religion, if you're looking for a way out of the cult, that's why we're here.

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