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Goodbye Jesus

Knowledge That Leads To Freedom- The Truth About Christianity And Jesus Himself


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Please read this, although some sections still need to be completed but I need to pass this along as it is important to do so.


Knowledge That leads to freedom


Pass this knowledge along please ! This knowledge is earned and it is a responsibility to pass it along as we are living in a manipulated world ! Please have an open mind when reading this


The truth that will set you free


Freedom is something that we all should have; but sadly, its something that some, if not many of us dont have anymore. The truth is we have been manipulated for a long time. We have been lied to for generations and generations. But it needs to stop !


You may have many questions about life:

-. Why are they so many religions?

-. Why do so many people suffer? And often, good people suffer. Why is that?

Look at the things around you, people dying in syria, gaza and many other countries throughout times, fighting because of religions. But what are they really fighting for? What are the intentions of these gods of the religions such as Christian, Islam, buddha, etc?


Throughout time, Human have been suffering and are still suffering in most part of the world today because of the religious wars and conflicts (jihad, terorrisms), diseases, hunger, inequality, natural disasters, etc. We were born in a manipulated world, we live following 'the system' and most of us can probably see that if this keep going, the path is actually leading us towards destruction of the earth and suffering of the humanity itself. As if it was somebody's master plan for us to live this kind of life. But the question is, what is their goal?


Also, some of us may be asking why are there so many religions on around who promises the afterlife in heaven and each one also says that their way is the only way. Yet, after a while many realised that they are empty promises but some fell in too deep and had suffered and sacrificed so much already, some change their believe to other religion. But with the way the society shapes us, esspecially in muslim or other religious countries, you must follow a religion otherwise you are judged to be a bad person or you simply must believe in something.


About the universe and the 'after life'


Human keeps wondering if there is life outside earth and if theres a life after death. Actually, we are not alone in this universe. There is a life after death and when we die we go to the cosmic space and are supposed to cross over to the next life/ dimension if we have a good 'karma'. If we have a bad 'karma' we need to cross back to earth and fix our 'karma'.


Basically, the universe is an inter-related dimensions where there is a system of a cause and result, something we call karma, because the universe is supposed to share fairly in order for it to maintain a balance. Dimensions are a two way world where the karma on the earth are served. Human who has a knowledge of life (The one who had learnt about life) is supposed to guide the human to find decide their 'way of living'/ what is good for the society and universe as a whole (as humans has common sense and are able to judge what is good and bad for others), but this perspective had been manipulated by deceitful teaching in order to manipulate the human against each other (I will get back to it again in a later section). But you may ask, what is their purposes?


Humans living on earth are relatively younger souls. Which means we are weaker and hasnt learnt as much. On this earth humans are able to determine their desires (ability to choose what they want/ freedom of choice) and has souls (all humans are living souls) which is made up of emotion and ability from previous life (talents/ the right side of the brain) and ability to learn new things and choose how they wanna live 'freedom/ freewill' (left hand side of the brain). But are not supposed to have a memory of the previous life as they are supposed to have a 'fresh start' every time human reincarnate on the earth. And this had been taken advantaged by the gods of this earth because without memory of the previous life humans can be easily deceived (even the ones that has been on the previous dimensions before).


Have you heard about the story of adam and eve? Sounds familiar doesnt it, but didnt really make much sense. Snake was supposed to be the evil one and they manipulated the human and convinced them into eating from the tree of knowledge and 'god' punished them for their sin. The truth is that both the snake and the so called 'god' manipulated the human into thinking that they are guilty for eating from the tree of knowledge. But they are actually have one thing in mind, that is to make human suffer and manipulate them so that it benefits them in the later life. Without knowledge of life and memory of the past life, the gods of the earth manipulated the karma on this earth and instead turn humans against each other while also destroying the mother earth itself in the process.


The karma system for human is currently judged by common perspective (as human can judge what is good or bad). But the gods of the religions have been trying to manipulate the humans and their perspective and so that their karma benefit them in the next dimension/ world. In other words, they are trying to change human's perspective so that they receive a good karma and human would receive a bad karma instead while making the mother earth suffer in the process. And it needs to change !


We were taught that there is a 'good' and 'evil' force while actually angels and devils were actually human souls who got manipulated. Angels are souls who had lost their memories therefore are forced into believing that they were çreated by the gods and must follow their orders. A lot of the angels are unborn babies or infants that died prematurely and therefore had no memories of the previous life. Devil were human souls who had submitted their souls for earthly reasons (when they die they are forced to follow 'gods' order). Remember there is a song that says 'heaven right now is an angel and devil away?'it actually is, as we are supposed to have our freedom on this earth. While ghosts are souls who still has unfulfilled desires on this earth and therefore still dwell on the earth.

The holy spirits are actually souls who devoted themselves to god (Christians who died from persecutions)


Humans are supposed to grow until they find their 'way of living'. 'The two force who are in charge of the karma on human and earth are supposed to help the human to find their way of living to maintain balance in the universe. The thing is, the two forces who are supposed to help the human are working together to manipulate the human and make them suffer, just because they wish to fulfil their own selfish desires. Human actually just need to understand each other. We know what hurts, we feel pain in ourselves and shouldnt make others feel the same. Human are supposed to share and care about each other, protect each other, and help others in times of need. Yet, religions often teach that their way is 'the only way' and we must follow it. They are using a fear tactic forcing human into thinking that there is hell and heaven so that way you are have to follow their teaching if you dont want to go to hell (it was even taught to little kids and it puts psychological fear on them since they are little). While actually, hell is on the earth itself while they create their own heaven in the afterlife. What these gods really aimed to do is to manipulate humans against each other so that they wont unite and find their freedom and own way of living. They want the human to have a bad karma instead by making them follow and obey them and keep turning human against each other.


The gods on this earth aim to build their kingdom in the next life by building a mass of army (who are originally human souls that had been manipulated) and order them to do their 'work' on earth. The goal is to further build their kingdom and spread their manipulation. You have no idea the scope of the damage that they had done for thousand and thousand of years.


Religions on earth


As I had mention before, the purpose of the religions on the earth is to manipulate the humans against each other and corrupting the human into destroying themelves and the mother nature. They try to expose the more dominant (and also the more 'sacrificing' nature of the human and turn them against each other. (very apparent in the conflict between the the muslims and christians thats been going on for generations). The religions had been manipulating human against each other manifested throughout times by wars and ongoing conflicts (example the crusaders wars, ongoing conflicts in gaza and palestine (has been going on for generations) , and the most recent one is the ISIS conflict In syria.


In the next section I will discuss the 4 major religion that have had major influences in the world in the past and recent times.


Islam and Christian (including Catholic and Jew)


I put these religions on the same section because they all share similar teachings, commandments and principles to their followers. Christian and Islam teach violence and hate for non believers and severe punishment for not following and obeying god and 'love' while twisting the meaning of love itself as it teaches to love their god as he is the priority and implement severe punishment towards those who dont obey him.


Love should be between human where we should look after each other




Islam teaches that there is a sole god (allah) and you must 'love' allah and must fight for allah and even sacrifice your life for the sake of jihad. It teach that their followers must hate followers of other religions as they are 'kaffir', even to the extreme of killing the unbelievers.


Throughout their teaching they avoid human to gain knowledge as it was what caused human to sin against 'god', and reach unity (through teaching of racism, sexism and violence against the non believers, esspecially the countries where shariah laws are in place) and spark ongoing religious conflicts even terrorism in this modern era.





While Islam teaches that, Throughout the Christians are also taught both to love and hate (violence mainly in the old testament and 'love' in the new tastement) while manipulating the meaning of love itself. Christians are taught that jesus had sacrifice his life so that they could be reconciled with god for their sins, while actually there is no such thing as sin, but sin itself is going against's god's will and one must be punished for not doing so according to their bible. Its like saying if you dont folow his will you should be punished and using this fear tactic to continue to manipulate.


Islam and Christian both teach their followers that they must worship God and the concept of the religions themselves is to voluntarily submit oneself to 'god'. Voluntary because souls originally have 'freewill' to choose what they want to do in their life. Humans were deceived into believing that were created by 'god' and therefore must submit their life to god and worship him and obey him and serve his purposes and build his kingdom. (read: our father in heaven prayers in christian teaching)


While in christianity people are taught to worship and receive the holy spirit. They are taught that they must follow god and also submit their life to him. It is manifested in the 'praise and worship songs' christians sing at churches where most of the lyrics are devotion and praises to their god himself.


If you all realise, both religions teaches extreme punishment (violence), sacrifice, and loving others for the sake of their god. Human are deceived into thinking that they only teach love when the truth is all written differently, but we chose to ignore those parts as we believe that the god we believe in should be good to us.


Remember How I mentioned in the previous section that angels and devils were actually human souls who got manipulated? Islams and christians both teach their followers to submit their lifes to god. They turn the two followers of religions against each other, one is taught to hate and fight for jihad while another to sacrifice their lifes for their beliefs. Special mention the holy spirits, they are actually souls who had also died for their 'god' and therefore are spirits with emotion and memory but have been manipulated and are being used to serve his purposes.


The goal of these gods gods is actually building their own kingdoms on the so called heaven (afterlife) and create hell on earth by manipulating the karma on the earth through their deceptive teaching.


Although the gods from the two dimensions have control over the karma of this earth, the universe can still help although the dimension way towards earth is a two way dimension and souls who enter the earth dimension (reincarnate) needs to also lose its memory and therefore many have been deceived by these gods (the ones who knew more and used it to its own interest), thats why earth itself is congested with lost souls because of the manipulation of these forces. Human are also supposed to be able to connect and ask for help to the rest of the universe through common perception on what is good and what is bad although these views had also been deceived.




Buddha and hindu


These religions have many gods and their souls actually had lived on earth on the previous lived on earth and has received a good karma to pass along to the next world.

These gods are actually souls with emotion and memory without a body but wants human to worship them and give them offering and energy (by chanting prayers) so they can use it as they wish for their own purposes.

These religions teach that there is a heaven (some call it nirvana)

As they have the ability to manipulate nature (through negative energy as human have a bad karma for not looking after the earth).










All these gods actually live in the next dimension/ world and wanted to build their kingdom on the next life through the human suffering on the earth. Suffering on earth makes human pray to god for help, and those who submitted themselves to god like the ones in syria at the moment are actually dying in vain.


Jesus who claimed to have sacrificed himself for people's sins is actually blocking the way towards freedom. Their ultimate goal is to create a two way dimension (heaven and hell)


Actually there is no god, but only people who had lived previously who decided to use their knowledge to deceive for their own selfish benefits.


These so called gods on both ends of the universe are working together to manipulate the karma system and create what they desire on the next dimension.


People are dying in many countries, screaming and asking for help from their gods. Sacrificing so much for their gods, damaging them physically and emotionally.



The gods who are in charge on the karma on the earth:


Jesus- the one who has the knowledge and is in charge to give human a guidance (he twisted human perception instead through his deceitful teaching to fulfil his own desire/ purpose).

Teachings of Jesus that is used to manipulate the karma system for humankind:


The greatest love is to sacrifice one's own life. When you convert to Christianity, you are told to give your life to Jesus and serve his purposes as he said that he is the 'lord' and 'god'.

Eye opener: All human has freewill and freedom, by giving your 'life' to him you


He also said that money is the root of

Eye opener: churches had been known to be accumulating wealth and obviously money is not evil as it is a wage of a hard earned work. The purpose of this teaching is actually to build a deceitful perspective to the rest of the universe, as all human need to work and earn money to feed and care for their family/ make a living for themselves. In the old testament, the bible also mentioned that it is necessary to give our money (tithe/offering), he needs this as it is what is necessary to build his kingdom on earth (churches) and spread his teaching to lure more people into giving their lifes to do his work/ fulfil his own goals.


He said that you already sinned if you know how to do good but do not do it. It actually is forcing you to always 'give' without knowing a good balance until you put yourself in a bad position.

Eye opener: Everytime you dont do 'good' (or give for jesus, in most cases), you would be self judging yourself. It puts a seed of guilt on you, and it is very destructive. He even tells you to give up everything. If you open your eyes and realise, people are crying out to 'god', people in syria, gaza, but where is he? The so called 'god' didnt do anything for them yet you are told to go to church every week, praise him and commit your life to him for the sake of his glory. The question is, does he even care about you?


Twisting the meaning of love by telling his followers to always give and sacrifice (if someone slap you on the left cheek, give your right) and even sacrifice one's own life for jesus.

Eye opener: the story of a believer who had devoted his life to christianity for many years. He believed that jesus is the only way, truth and life. He even had no social life as he was so devoted to serving jesus. One day he


He said if your hands sin its better to chop them off than getting

Eye opener:


The coming of jesus and the so called 'anti christ'.

Eye opener: How many people had been waiting for the second coming of jesus that they even give away their possession and kept praying so that he would come on the earth again. How many lifes had been ruined because of this empty promise? That from time to time there is a 'sign' but he never actually came back. He also mentioned about the anti-christ who would bring unity and peace to the world but he mentioned this only to prevent humanity to a path towards unity and actually see us all together as one.


And most importantly we need to understand, what is sin? It says that the wage of sin is punishment in hell. But sin itself is actually 'going against god's will'. You are forced to believe it (some because of the country they live in, family they were raised in, their culture etc) without even seeing god himself because his deceits had been spreading for generation. It is actually a scare tactic being used to manipulate the human, damage them emotionally, control their lifes and take away their freedom.


The teaching of the bible teaches to firstly love their god above all else, serve him and obey him. A lot of the teaching manipulated human to do immoral things against other human beings even to the extend of killing their own and harsh punishments for not following god's commandments (Read old testaments).


The teaching that many claim to teach 'love' actually teaches violence as well, but we chose to ignore it. Human grew compassion towards each other and therefore there had to be another teaching of 'love' to convince the human and convert them to Christianity so that the deceit may spread and continue even further (new testament)



Buddha- supposed to be compassionate towards nature and the earth but instead had been working

These two forces manipulate both end of the universe making earth a congested place for all the living souls as a lot of them are lost


When you pray to buddha

Food and other offerings ;

chain and lo


Actually, there is no sole god, only people who want to be god and have what they desire in cost of other's suffering and pain. The scope of the physical and mental damage that they had done is so huge that its hard to comprehend.


jesus himself was actually a taoist deity named lao zhi, (manifested by 3 spirits, one including the spirit that has power over water used to manifest the holy spirit).


He had previously learnt about the universe system himself and spreaded his teaching and therefore had to find another way to convince people that hes god (because in the teaching of tao ism that he previously spreaded, it mentioned there is no god that created the universe) and that way was through the teaching of christianity. The gods on this earth are actually people who had lived previously and they wanted to deceive human to follow them and serve them for their own goals.


Mother nature is also really hurt. Please stop the destruction on earth thats been going on for generations. We must look after the earth itself as it is whats given us a place to live.


The force that we first thought was 'good' and 'evil' have actually been working together all this time for their own goals. Whenever your faith is tested by the things around you and start disbelieving, you are reminded that there is an evil force when actually both had been working together.


We need to open our eyes and see this in a bigger picture. Religions promises world peace, yet we must realise by now what really caused the human suffering throughout the generations. All religions teaches similar yet deceitful teaching (god as the priority and must obey and live for their work) stop this deceits thats been going on for generations.


Stop the chain of hatred on humanity! Too many people have suffered throughout the generations both mentally and physically, both what is seen (history of religious conflicts, terrorism and wars), but mostly behind closed doors; as too many people are even too scared to admit how much religious teachings had scarred their life. And the damage that had been done is beyond comprehension and we must soon realise it and stop this deceits immediately. In the past, although some may have realised that religions only causes destruction and conflicts throughout the history, but what had been missing is: why? What are their goals? Why would anyone do such a thing? You havent seen the gods yourself, but can you see the destructive teaching, fear and suffering that had been caused throughout the generations by these religious teachings.


Humanity needs to realise that they had fallen into the trap of deceitfulness and we need to unite and find our own way of living. We cant keep suffering only because of the action these 'gods' who wants to continue human suffering for their own personal benefits.


The worst thing about it is that people who they deceived actually have pure hearts and believe in their teaching to the point of great emotional pain and suffering for years and years, that only one knows.


The right way to live is to care for each other, protect each other while also protecting life itself and not hurt each other as we know what hurts and know that others shouldnt feel the same, have compassion ! As humanity we need to unite, religions turned earth into hell for most of us and we need to stop it. So please live freely and care for another instead !


Note: you may ask how I know about all this. Its hard to tell the details of whats been happening and the experiences I went through. But sooner or later we'd realise that religion actually doesnt bring peace on earth but rather had been putting a seed of hate and destruction on the humanity thats been going on for generations. I want people to know this so their deceitfulness and human suffering may end. We all had freedom and freewill in the beginning and thats why we must fight back and regain our freedom !

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I call BS

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  • Super Moderator
There is a life after death and when we die we go to the cosmic space and are supposed to cross over to the next life/ dimension if we have a good 'karma'. If we have a bad 'karma' we need to cross back to earth and fix our 'karma'.


I already know there is zero evidence to support this or any of the other inane assertions in that post. Why do you believe such stuff and why do you present it as fact?

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Though I don't disagree with this...


The right way to live is to care for each other, protect each other while also protecting life itself and not hurt each other as we know what hurts and know that others shouldnt feel the same, have compassion ! As humanity we need to unite, religions turned earth into hell for most of us and we need to stop it. So please live freely and care for another instead !


The rest of it is exactly the sort of unsubstantiated garbage, full of mystical half-truth (and less) that I've been avoiding for nearly 30 years.

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  • Moderator

Welcome to Ex-c sonyryn. Good to have you.


 Although the content of your 'testimony' could be an interesting topic for some, I will ask the moderators if we should move this to another category on the board. This section is normally for christians who have left christianity.


Thanks for sharing.

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Believe whatever you like.


Please do not present people with what is basically a religious tract (unless it is requested).

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TL;DR.   Too long; didn't read.


TW;DB.  Too woo; don't believe.

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This lecture/New Age religious tract has been moved to the Den. Have at it.

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Where to begin?

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A karma peddler with a side salad of gnosis.  How quaint.

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Welcome to Ex-C!!!   Wow.. there's a real mash-up there. I commend you on typing that all out.


Have you read Halexandria?  (  http://www.halexandria.org  )


Because your theory/philosophy..is pretty much based on Sitchen's interpretation of the Annunaki as well as Nag Hammadi/Gnostic theology, with a fair bit of New Age eastern religious influence thrown in. I hope you weren't thinking you were the only person who had looked into this stuff.


You really need to.. read that (I have), and then come on back, then we will talk.  ;D


It will be fascinating to converse with you.

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Wow, holyshittewallo'textualbullshitte!!!

Seriously, what the blue blazing fuck is OP doing here?


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Somewhere around the second paragraph, I farted a little and completely lost interest.



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This lecture/New Age religious tract has been moved to the Den. Have at it.


Um, not to piss off a mod or anything, but I just saw this here.  No offense, but can it be moved back to wherever it came from? Even if it means back to first cause?

For the love of God man, the Den must maintain some dignity!

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Note: you may ask how I know about all this. Its hard to tell the details of whats been happening and the experiences I went through.




I'm no scientist but I'll have a go. Prof or BAA please feel free to jump in and correct any mistakes. This is how we learn.


Have you ever heard of the scientific method.


The Oxford English Dictionary defines the scientific method as "a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."


You haven't actually read any threads here at all before you joined now have you? If you had then you would know that we don't accept personal experiences as proof of anything. 




Replication (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method)

If an experiment cannot be repeated to produce the same results, this implies that the original results might have been in error. As a result, it is common for a single experiment to be performed multiple times, especially when there are uncontrolled variables or other indications of experimental error. For significant or surprising results, other scientists may also attempt to replicate the results for themselves, especially if those results would be important to their own work


See the problem is how do we replicate your personal experience?


I'm not calling you a liar. It might be true, but if we don't follow the scientific method then we have to judge what you're saying on faith alone and there are so many faiths in the world. Which one to pick?


So, maybe you should try again by saying why I should reconsider what you have posted?

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I'll bet you 3 driftwood wind chimes we won't see this one here again.

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  • Super Moderator

About all I can say at this point is, "faceahem, I don't see anything wrong with your post."

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...there is so much 'knowledge' in this one post...where do we begin to pull it apart?? It's just so much information for my little head.....

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Definitely New Age.  About as religious as it gets.  Calling your beliefs 'knowledge' (good) and different beliefs religion (bad).  


New Agers always remind me of fundamentalist Christians when they say  "We don't have a religion, we have the Truth™."

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Holy shite. I'll never get the 30 seconds I gave to this crap back...

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Too many errors to enumerate. Poorly written as well.

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Welcome to Ex-c sonyryn. Good to have you.


 Although the content of your 'testimony' could be an interesting topic for some, I will ask the moderators if we should move this to another category on the board. This section is normally for christians who have left christianity.


Thanks for sharing.


I think it should be deleted altogether. We don't want or need this garbage. I've reported it as spam.

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TL;DR.   Too long; didn't read.


TW;DB.  Too woo; don't believe.


TLDR... OP needs to cut to the chase.

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