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Goodbye Jesus

A Confession/my Story


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I tried copying and pasting from WordPad but it didn't work. I hope the attached file is viewable by everyone. If not I'll try again.


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Ach, I may just end up trying to type it out again in the provided box. This is quite annoying.

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Annoying indeed!  I've been able to just define a block of text in Word and plunk it into the provided box here.  Maybe it works for Word but not Word Pad?  I don't know enough to suggest anything more.

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Thanks Ficino. I don't have Word on my computer, so I've just started typing it over.

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Hey!! Here's the beginning of yours! Do you want me to paste in the rest?


"A Confession.


I'm probably not who you think I am. More specifically, I'm probably very different from the person I come across as on here.

I tried to write a deconversion story a few days ago, after I'd typed out a lengthy description of my church, its beliefs, and why I've come to recognize it as a cult - even more so than most churches or even Christianity or denominations, or even Christianity as a whole. The whole description was very biting and sarcastic, and afterwards as I was reading over it I kept asking myself, Is this how you really feel? Or are you just trying to assume the general attitude of most of the people you've encountered here (more anti-Theist than not)? In other words, I knew I wasn't being writing from the heart. I was writing what I thought someone else might say in my position - what I thought I was supposed to say."

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Hey it's cool LPC.  There are plenty of people here who still believe in something.  You don't have to pull any line.  All we ask is that if you have a religion please don't preach at those who are not interested.  That is all.  But the spirituality section is a great place to talk about non-Christian religion with plenty of willing people.

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Hey Ficino - thanks a lot, but I just reposted it after typing it out in the box.

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If anyone's still on this one, I noticed a lot of typos in the attached file, so I edited and reposted.

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Practical point - why don't you try OpenOffice if you need a workable alternative to Word?  It has the advantage of being free and I've used it for composing posts on various forums and e-mails to copy and paste with no problems.

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Practical point - why don't you try OpenOffice if you need a workable alternative to Word? It has the advantage of being free and I've used it for composing posts on various forums and e-mails to copy and paste with no problems.

Thanks. I might give that a shot.

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