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Goodbye Jesus

I Made A Major Life-Death Decision.


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**This topic may sound morbid to some, so if that is the case for you, please ignore this post.**



I belong to a Unitarian Universalist congregation. Tonight I had a candid conversation with my minister about my end-of-life plans. I am not ill, yet I have to make plans because I have no family support, and I am working on building a new support network. My decision to have my body interred on the Unitarian Universalist congregation's property is just what I needed to make to get beyond the loneliness and despair that came with the passing of relatives, especially my grandma. Having my ashes scattered to the earth fits right in with my pagan leanings. I know that upon finalising my death plans, I can be more present in life. This means a whole lot to me because I am able to come to terms with my mortality without depending on a Christian worldview.



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I'm glad you were able to find some measure of peace through your discussion with your minister.

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That's not morbid at all, IMHO.  Human death is a truth of our existence, and it does no one any good to deny or ignore this.  I'm glad you've talked to someone about your wishes, and I think it is quite the opposite of "morbid" that you decided to raise this issue while you are still healthy and not facing an impending death.  I've never really given this much thought.  Since I already belong to the Hindu religion, I assume it will be obvious what I want done with my body (i.e. a traditional funeral and cremation).  However there are other topics that I've neglected to discuss with my wife or parents, such as organ donation, DNR, etc.  It's great that you have the foresight to broach this topic with someone else.

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Perfectly reasonable.  Good for you!

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that's kind of beautiful, actually. :)

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