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Goodbye Jesus

Life Is Like A Game To God... One He Rigged


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I've been thinking about something. I've come to the conclusion that life is basically all a game to God. There is no point in this game as God has rigged the outcome and there are many other flaws and contradictions with the rules of the game. Here are the rules to the game:


-God, the creator and host of the game, is an all loving, all powerful, all knowing, perfect being and the creator of everything.

-All humans are automatically entered in the game.
-Participants have until they die to win the game. The game itself lasts until the end of the world.

-Object of game is to accept salvation through Jesus Christ.

-Those who accept salvation win the game and get to go to heaven

-Those who don't accept Jesus as their savior lose the game and suffer eternal torment in hell when they die.

-Humans have free will and are in control of whether they win the game or not.

-Any info about the game can be found in the Bible. Those who are saved need to read it regularly.


There are some major flaws with these rules, rendering the game utterly pointless:


-Free will is an illusion. This is because God has already planned out the fate of everything and knows exactly what will happen. He has already chosen who will be saved (God's Elect) and who won't be saved. There can't be a divine plan and free will can there? That just doesn't make any sense at all.


-God isn't all loving. This guy has wiped out all but (8 I think?) humans at one point. He has destroyed entire cities. He has condoned rape, murder and other horrible things at certain times, but never gay marriage, or other things that are relatively harmless (and not evil by any means). Worst of all, he sends people to hell simply because they don't believe in him. If you had children would you send them to hell? Of course not!


-Salvation is very vaguely described in the Bible. This is obviously a problem as its the object of the game... There are many, many different beliefs about salvation. This is one of the reasons there are tens of thousands of different denominations of Christianity.   


-God is hard to believe in. He never speaks to anyone or shows himself. The only way you can talk to him is through prayer and he answers back by giving you a thought or gut feeling. His answers are either non existent, impossible to tell what he is actually telling you, or is hard to tell from your own thoughts and the devil's temptations. 


-Finally the game is pointless. Its rigged which destroys the entire point of it. The point is, to see who believes in God and gets saved. But he already has all this planned out.

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Seems so complicated.  Try a simpler model:


Con artists say there is a God so that they can make a great income off of tithes.

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Hi DirtyBird2, welcome to Ex-C.  

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Oh yeah, don't forget. God constantly changes the rule books (revisions of whatever bible you read) & different rules for different players according to the rule books.

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Good thoughts, DirtyBird. This is something that most believers just don't seem to get. Even if they could prove beyond any reasonable doubt that their god exists, there would still be a whole bunch of people (including me) who still would not love him, worship him, or wish to spend an eternity with him. He would be a total shit-pants.

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Guest Furball

It is always fun going back over the insanity of god and its religion. All solid points, thanks dirtybird2, and welcome to ex-c! -Cat

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Guest Furball

 He would be a total shit-pants.

You're being to nice to him. How about something like abominable murderer? Baby killer? Child killer? Lover of violence? Merciless torturer? 

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Religion could also be called Stockholm Syndrome.


"Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness."

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Good thoughts, DirtyBird. This is something that most believers just don't seem to get. Even if they could prove beyond any reasonable doubt that their god exists, there would still be a whole bunch of people (including me) who still would not love him, worship him, or wish to spend an eternity with him. He would be a total shit-pants.


I would be in that same cart with you.


I have some words for him if he ever shows up...

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I choose not to play the game any longer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm God and I'm a maniac and I want to play a game.   Here are the rules.  Everyone is automatically entered.  I lock you all in a huge building and tell you that I will ignite the building at any minute.  It could be seconds from now, or it could be decades from now.  I like to keep you guessing.  But I promise you, I will ignite this building and without warning.  But if you will sacrifice your most innocent and perfect individual to me, I will offer the rest of you an escape.  The way out is: take a left, then a right, another right, straight down the corridor, third door to the left, left turn here, down the stairwell, get into the elevator and go to the 111th floor, turn right..........Oh by the way, you did happen to notice I'm criminally insane?  First I locked you inside a building.  Then I terrorize you with impending burning.  Then I force you to murder somebody to save yourself.  Then I give you confusing, bullshit instructions for how to escape.  You see I am a very clever God.  I gave each of you a different set of instructions.  I like to see you argue amongst each other.  I like to see you follow my instructions only to find that they each lead to a brick wall.  You see, the only kind of games I play are the kind that can't be won.  There is no way out of this building.  You trusted me!  You lose!  The winner is the one you sacrificed, for at least she doesn't have to play along in my mad game. 

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