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Goodbye Jesus

Here's The Machine People Use To Slay People In The Spirit With!


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Months ago I posted on these boards about feeling like I got a uncomfortable electric shock 18 years ago when I got slain in the Spirit. Nobody believed me, everyone wanted to say how it's got to be in your mind, or that it must have felt good and I was making it up.

Well well well, here comes the Electric Touch Machine, a device that got someone arrested in an African country where he was accused of being an impostor when they found him with it.

Here's the link to the gizmo company:


I cannot describe how vindicated I am over this! Not into supernatural answers myself, and by supernatural, I lump in the 'mind over matter' faith-based bs as well. And here we have a likely source for how it happened, a real explanation using a real piece of technology.

Anyway I have a buddy Dan out here to thank for this, he's an atheist in my atheists group who his first words were, "I believe you man. I could see that." And he actually started doing some digging on this and came up with this machine, plus an academic paper where they describe the airport scene where a preacher got caught over trying to use one of these as an impostor. No such laws in the U.S., so slay away in the spark, or as Brother Jeff says, Spook.

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FWIW, I didn't say it was impossible, just that it was probably not a very widespread method.


I do think people usually fall over in these situations for psychological reasons.


I also think coming into contact with this device could cause medical issues for some people.  It looks downright dangerous to me.

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That's great, Leo, but how do explain Benny Hinn just waving his suit jacket and all those rows of people falling over?

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Maybe for some people, you would know more of the medical side than I do, but I've been hit with far worse in my younger more foolish and less experienced days when either learning or fooling around with things. In my case it sure came up as electricity because it made me go rubbery, felt like a bolt to my face, felt like the discharge from a capacitor. I didn't remember who or which person said what, BTW. I didn't remember that you personally had responded on that topic. And, none of the Christians believed me either, I mean the ones who don't believe in slayings in the spirit.

My buddy Dan thinks maybe they have the shock machine for people that aren't true believers, or are skeptical of it, but don't bother to elicit it when they have a willing taker. Hence the Wife having said in those days that for Her it was a warm feeling. She doesn't know what ozone smells like, so She couldn't answer whether it smelled like that for Her.

I wasn't being personal towards anyone, except myself, the one who has sought vindication in this regard for near two decades. Damn does it feel good now though!

I guess you yourself would know what it was you had or hadn't written, I'm just speaking to the situation in general. And yes, in my experience with things, an awful lot of phenomena do have practical explanations that don't require either of the faith-based ideas.

Some kids at my Wife's workplace thought the basement was haunted when a cart started circling around and around down there in the middle of the basement. One of the Wife's coworkers was telling the kids it was in their head. Well when the Wife came to me with that, I suggested next time something like that happens, look for a drain or a depression there, it's an old building. And bingo I was correct, move the cart to the other side of the room, out of the way -- yes there was a drain -- and no more movement. Those kids weren't making anything up, just part of residing in an old building. She told me they felt better afterwards, not just because there was no ghost, but someone showed them the reason. Maybe it's my engineering background, I don't know, but I just have a hard time with how people can de facto resort to some sort of mentalist idea for a solution instead of looking for actual material causes. And I'm not saying anyone here who may be on the defensive -- it's just a common problem. I notice in my own atheist group there's a few of us that are like this, and I'm actually going to find it fun to vindicate people whenever and wherever possible that a practical, material, reproducible explanation exist. Mentalist / mind explanations are none of those, and usually leave people feeling rather empty and foolish, or worse.

I don't think this Electric Touch machine is exclusive, there are probably competing products on the market. My buddy Dan said that in the 70s he heard that Kathryn Coolman had filaments sewn into her sleeves. I don't know about the charging / power portion, he's not an electronics guy and didn't have any sources. This was before the Internet.

And, there's people like my Wife and some others on here who said they felt something nice during the event. So clearly it's possible for some people to experience it with their mind, if it's something they wanted.

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Well Leo I am really glad you found this. I got major anxiety every time I tried to get to typing the Shock Induction Hypnosis description for you, as there are huge triggers for me there and I felt bad for having you wait for it.

I know my own being slain was hypnotic phenomena as being shock induced feels very similar physically, only you're not driving yourself into euphoria thinking God is touching you. The induction itself is not good or bad if it's not framed as either. However it doesn't leave any lingering ozone scent.


You know Leo, I know how ozone smells and I thought that part was 'off' in your description vs. my experiences, but I had no explanation for it. Now I think I should have mentioned that earlier.


I don't suppose you need my hypnosis text anymore as this does sound more plausible in your case, especially as it explains some details (such as the ozone scent) that I couldn't have explained anyway. :)


(wow, the things some pastors do. Incredible. Here I was thinking that creating hypnotic phenomena by over-excitation and also some good timing was shady enough. Ew.)

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 how do explain Benny Hinn just waving his suit jacket and all those rows of people falling over?

I'd said, the power of suggestion, coupled with the expectation  of the gullible 

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When I read the title of this post, I imagined some sort of mechanical device. Maybe it would cause the floor to move so that everyone in the audience would fall down - now there's an idea.


About 5 years ago I had the experience of being slain by gravity. Those were the exact words I used to describe it to my pastor. A couple of women were praying for me and one of them said something about me being slain in the Spirit. I felt no urge to collapse, so she started pushing on my chest until I lost my balance and the other lady lowered me to the ground, where I still felt nothing.

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I used to slay my friends with charged up electrolytic capacitors in electronics class. :)

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I think a lot of it has to do with a particular state of mind, usually these moments where people are 'slain in the spirit' follow after a service specifically tailored to induce an almost hypnotic state, or at the very least a highly suggestible one (though I'm sure worship leaders and the like would refer to it in less divisive sounding terms - opening or preparing people's hearts, that sort of thing). Then it's just conformity to the group, expectation, that rush of adrenalin. Their hearts are probably racing, they are probably anticipating something happening. At least that is what I've gathered from the things I've read or videos I've watched.


Never mind the fact that if you are on Benny Hinn's stage you are in front of a huge audience of people who all expect you to keel over as soon as Hinn even looks in your direction.

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 how do explain Benny Hinn just waving his suit jacket and all those rows of people falling over?

I'd said, the power of suggestion, coupled with the expectation  of the gullible 



And some acting too - people faking it because they're 'supposed' to fall down, you know.

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Guest Furball


 how do explain Benny Hinn just waving his suit jacket and all those rows of people falling over?

I'd said, the power of suggestion, coupled with the expectation  of the gullible 



They also have exposed people like benny hinn hiring actors to come on stage and act as if they were randomly chosen to participate in the lie.

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