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Michio Kaku 3 Types Of Civilizations


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I found this to be somewhat interesting.



Michio Kaku presents himself as a futurist in most of his commentaries. Much of what he chooses to talk about is certainly interesting to many people including me, but he also presents string theory as being likely, where at best it is controversial, and I think most today would say it is unlikely. He has also proposed the possibility of backward time travel as being possible or even likely where many or most in mainstream science today think it is impossible. For this and other discussions I think he should be using more qualifying statements.


As to this video, he categorizes possible civilizations in three different categories not including category zero, where it seems obvious to me that there may be a number of other ways to categorize futuristic civilizations that could be of equal merit, but he discusses these types as if this is a preferred way of such categorization.


For example nuclear energy, via fission or fusion, might be more efficient than stellar power, and a singular political system is certainly not a certainty in the future, and seems to me to be as unlikely in the future as it is in the present day.


In the future I think he will be remembered as a supporter of failed theories of his own time rather than as a visionary, or as having been insightful of the future. I find myself laughing at many things that he says or supports rather than admiring or agreeing with them, although he does seem to be a likable enough guy.

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I have no criticism of Michio Kaku and I have no constructive criticism to offer Michio Kaku, either.  Eh, maybe decades from now many of his ideas will be discarded as flawed or misguided but at least he never proposed that all matter in our universe is shrinking.  


I've been thinking about this vid a lot ever since I first saw it.  It haunts me what he says about the zero to type one boundary.  We certainly do seem ready to destroy ourselves.

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The video does have a somewhat disturbing pang to it.


Carl Sagan had a similar opinion. He thought that we should colonize other planets and moons in our solar system ASAP, and also have some colonies in space a long ways away from the Earth. These strategies would be for the reason that by these means humanity in the future, via a great number of widely disbursed outpost colonies, at least in one of these outposts might be able to survive nuclear devastation concerning the Earth and maybe other major habitats.

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