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On The Human Experience


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In 1012 or so I heard some TED talks that suggest we are products of our molecular/biochemical compositions. We do what our hormones tell us to do. Essentially, we're along for the ride as observers mostly.

Since then I've found this is true. I am in a position to decide some things, like, oh, okay, I know that if I let a thing go that way it will make everything so, or if I don't it will make it not so, but then...

outside forces. Inside forces. How much choice do I really have? Some, I think. But there's way more we don't control than we do I think - unless it comes down to just a few choices we do make that affect everything else.


This isn't a classical free will argument. If this topic goes that way then I've failed to express this thought. I'm saying we do make choices. I'm also saying that much of how we behave is not choice at all, even if we think it is sometimes. It's how we're made. It's like how oil separates from water when you combine them. How magnets repel or attract depending on how you turn them.

I'm trying to express recent experience that suggests I'm along for a ride more than I thought, without actually providing any examples.


MOHO you said in the depression thread something along this line, about feeling bad over something we might have done under the influence.



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I'd like to take a survey of members willing to respond, how many of you tortured small animals or another person when you were kids? Even just once?

Bart Simpson did. He burnt carpenter ants through a lense under the sun. More of us than not I bet, those unwilling to admit.


The human experience. I always thought those nerd kids who talked about war all day were weird.

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Insects were my only victims.  Mammals and amphibians were safe under my watch.

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Insects are worthy victims. They don't appear to have feelings.

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Hey Voice,


If memory serves I stated somewere here that we should not feel embarrased for doing stupid stuff when we were xtians as we were under the influense of the indoctrination. So, in that respect, I can see where you are coming from that sometimes free will does not seem like it. We still made a concience choice, however, when we did those things.


Also, if memory serces, I did the magnifyer on the ants thing in grade school.

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I did the ants also, until one day when my dad asked me why. He was disturbed by it, and that is the first time I thought about the ants as alive and going about their business. They weren't bothering me, I was just using them for targets. That is the day I stopped.

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