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Goodbye Jesus



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"This is it then! My exhortation to you. My call to arms. My cry for heroic violence, and a never-ending purge, till we have cleansed our land of Christianity, and restored the true, ancient faith!"


At this, a cry arose from the ten thousand pagan warriors who had gathered outside the Abbey that day. Determined to follow War Chief Oswald to the death, and following his message of eternal war against Christian doctrine, they cheered until their throats were hoarse, and, clinging their torches and singing their bloody, macabre and warlike songs, filed into the church smashing and burning and looting. All the while, a service was in progress, and the frightened congregation stood up to greet these wild and violent, long-haired lunatics, with fear in their eyes and prayers in their mouths. The pastor, mid-sermon, began praying in tongues, but had an axe flung at his forehead and fell down instantly, dead. The congregation screamed and scattered in terror. Some people were stupid enough to run towards the altar where the priest fell, cling to it and pray that Holy Ghost fire would fall down on these evil vermin and that the hand of God would deliver them from death. They were all killed without mercy, and their heads placed on the altar, to the amusement of the pagan warriors. Soon, the entire church building was in flames. The smell of burning Christians wafted to the skies and pleased the gods. The sight of burning wood excited the barbarian band, who were killing and raping the congregants without mercy. The pretty ones were carried off to be forcibly married at a later date. The ugly ones were killed without hesitation. Blood ran over the church floor. There would be no atonement. This was not the blood of Abel, and there was no angry Yahweh to avenge it.


Anything of value was robbed. Gold cups, plates, offering - all were seized. The wooden cross in the back of the room was taken down.


"Curse Yahweh!" screamed War Chief Oswald as he climbed into the altar and urinated shamelessly into the font. "Curse Yahweh! May he strike me dead for what I have just done!" And with that he roared with laughter. He picked up the Bible that had been left on the altar by the priest. He threw it into the flames. "Nonsense book," he muttered. Turning to his warriors, he announced, "I have the divine power now!"


The blazing church illuminated the surrounding area for several miles, uncovering the worried faces of pitiful Christians city-wide peering out from their shop windows, their cars and their house doors, fearing for their lives.


The Pagan Terror had begun.

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LordProtector, as a devoted Game of Thrones fan, I get that fiction is in a way a portrayal of real life, and that what happens in an imaginary universe isn't necessarily meant to be a statement on the morality of imaginary events - for example, the "Mad King" is derived from real tyrants, and is not meant to be emulated. In addition, fiction tells a story - it's only a fantasy.


However, after looking at this OP, I'm not sure you understand the divide between fantasy and reality. You've posted a great deal about your anger toward the Christian Church, your wish for revenge and dominating others. This thing about burning and rape makes me wonder if you are expressing your actual desires. Please remember why you abandoned the Church - because it harms people. Attacking Christians would put you at their level.


In case you're thinking that a mass assault on Christians will exterminate the religion, it won't. It will only lead to killing of non-Christians in retaliation, the remaining believers becoming even more loyal to their faith out of their "persecution" paranoia being confirmed, and possibly even increased sympathy toward them for their treatment. If you have some idea that attacking them yourself will spark the anti-Christian revolution you're looking for, let me explain that you will end up killing/maiming a few of the billions in existence, get yourself thrown in maximum security prison and even on death row, and otherwise the same result as I described above.


You're young, and young people tend to be idealistic and impulsive. Trust me: I used to think I could bring down Christianity too. As you get older and you move out of your parents' house, your anger will decrease. But that isn't to say that opposing it isn't worthwhile. The best thing you can do to help along its demise is to point out its flaws, support others who are de-converting, and show tolerance and compassion to everyone, including Christians, to show that non-believers are not angry or sinful as we have been stereotyped. Keep in mind that you were Christian yourself once, and if someone had decided to end your life for believing the Jesus nonsense, you would never have had a chance to know any better.


Whether or not this OP is something you currently believe should happen, I hope you will see that violence and hatred are likely to get us nowhere except to more violence and hatred. Best to you.

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As usual Lilith posts exceptional well thought out perspectives. I echo what she says, and don't really have much else of value to add except sometimes you have to accept the situation you are in, with the understanding that it won't be forever.

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