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Goodbye Jesus

JP1283's Blog

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General mental instability.

Entries in this blog

Homophobia in the Workplace

Hello, chums.   Today's blog is about something that I encountered today from my infamous Jesus-loving, End-Times-preaching coworkers. Apparently they are bunch of homophobes as well. I'm sure they have a special place reserved for them in heaven. Anyway, here's what happened.   The group (Aida, Bill, Alfred and Diana) were huddled around talking about Juan Gabriel. I walked up and joined the conversation. "Who's Juan Gabriel?" I asked. "Oh," said Aida, "He's a Latino singer. He's l



Woes of script-writing.

Hello my blogreaders.   A few things pissed me off today. Right now I'm going to talk about one of them.   First things first. Flash back a year or so ago. I came up with an idea for a play. I shared my idea with a couple of friends from my theatre troupe and we all mapped out a script. My friend Leslie wrote up the first draft. It was Gawd-awful and needed a total revamp. That's where I came in. I basically rewrote the entire play and I must say that it was a great piece of work.



My first blog ever!

Hello everyone!   It's just past midnight and I'm watching a rerun of "Dallas" on Soapnet. I've never done one of these blogs before, but I'll give it a shot.   I'm going to jump right into my normal issues. One of the biggest things I'm dealing with right now is my fear of the end of the world. Thanks to members of this forum I've been working on it and evaluating the validity of the fear. However, at my job I have coworkers that froth at the mouth whenever we have an earthquake, bad



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