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Goodbye Jesus

The Bluegrass Skeptic

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Formerly Rotting Thoughts

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An Exercise In Hypothetical Vengeance

Edited because I did a shite job at writing it the first time:   Many of us who have been subject to the fanciful hopes and malicious hate of the religious world enjoy many conversations where we describe what we would like to do the church we once belonged to or how we would like to turn the tables on those pesky Jehova's Witnesses knocking at our doors at 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning with the intention of getting us interested in gawd again. Those conversations are always so satisfying and



The Holiday Culture Impact On My Atheistic Life

An atheist mother and her two younger, impressionable kids, walk into a Family Dollar store in a city in Kentucky. It's October 19th, and in just twelve days, their favorite holiday will arrive. Yes, Halloween! So the trio eagerly makes their way through the usual malfunctioning door of the converted mini-mart and excitedly round a few aisles to check out any last minute decorations that might be for sale. Then the unthinkable happens as they find the decked out orange and black aisles of Hallow



Zomberina's Flick Schtick Review - This Is The End (2013)

Who is up for a comedy filled with demon spawn, demon dong, demon molestation, and tons of elite Hollywood stars? This girl was, and I lived to tell the tale!     Welcome to Hollywood! Where, just like we suspected, A-Listers like to party, sing about taking off panties, and live in excess. This tale is spun around two longtime Hollywood friends Seth Rogen (Pineapple Express) and Jay Baruchel (Million Dollar Baby). The latter of which doesn't really care for the mainstream life and is st



Off The Cuff Thoughts On Politics Lately

Man, this is really spur of the moment. I've only about 10 minutes to write, so if there are way too many grammatical errors to stomach, please feel free to NOT point them out, because I will not give a flying shit.   Some close to me know that I have taken a break from the boards on here, and several other places for that matter, due to the constant same old fat being chewed everyday. I wonder at times when folks are ready to quit purposely frothing at the mouth and actual do something about



The Reality Of What Tragedy Really Does

So, today is that day in my lifetime's history that garners specific attention to the catastrophic events of September 11th, 2001. The common descriptive phrase I hear being used is "another day that will live in infamy." Myself, it doesn't have any catchy phrases or memorable quotes attached to it. I never fell into the hype that surrounded that day, and I think my own personal misgivings about the events that transpired was set ablaze by the absolute selfish hysteria I saw the rest of our belo



Happy 4Th Of July

Happy 4th of July, America!   Today we are reminded of how wonderful it is to be citizens of a land of liberties and guaranteed basic rights. We enjoy a voice in public elections for legislators by casting our ballots. We have the right to be represented in government decisions by these elected officials and make sure they hear our voice on the issues and make decisions accordingly.   But as of late, it is startlingly apparent how undemocratic we really are in our legislating process. The bl



This July 4Th It Is Time For A Vagina Strike! Lock The Twat, People!

Tired of the ridiculous legislation that is being forced through by those in congress with conservative ideals and religious motivation that might not match your own?   Want to make a clear message that as women, we are not to be anymore legislated than our fellow men are?   Ohio has recently decided that women must undergo a MANDATORY ultrasound in order to get an abortion, and plans to cut funding for contraception, and has decided we are pregnant before we really are, let's help our men a



Fetuses, Marriage, Gun Control, And The End Of America... Oh My!

I know I cannot be the only person in this world that sees the last year of politics and governmental scandals as a circus sideshow. Everywhere I look there is over sensationalized headlines, vitriolic throw down a la congressional members, and blatant lying about facts and context.   It's been an extremely frustrating year of slugging through statements and their veracity in regards to "data". I'm at a point, I see an issue, I don't bother to listen to ANYONE speaking on it. I look up the bil



Monday, How I Hate Thee! And Other Rage Filled Contemplations

The family saga of drama continues. Right when I think things are comfortable and good things start to happen, the gooey strings of life's historical bubble gum sticking to my shoe seems to reappear. I am seriously starting to wish I would be working on weekends so that I wouldn't come in contact with such aggravation. My Mondays are always so shitty because I am processing the bullshit from the previous Saturday and Sunday in a calmer state.   As those of you who follow my blog already know,



Discussing Tragedy With Children

"Mom, what happened?"   My eleven year old son's curiosity was peaked when seeing my emotional and very teary eyed face yesterday afternoon as I watched the Boston Marathon bombing coverage on my lap top. Looking up at him, I realized I had to tell him something simply because I didn't want him to have it explained by someone else at his school the next day. Up until this point, he really had not a single clue as to what had happened other than my obviously distraught demeanor.   See, I was



It Pains Me To Tears

Right now, I am pounding these keys.   Pounding them hard.   Pounding them like my heart would pound in the wee hours of morning as a child.   Pounding these lettered plastic keys like they are bones being turned to dust.   And this pounding will not yield much relief or vengeful satisfaction because, as Chaucer put it so simply,"Forbid us something, and that thing we desire." Still, I am slamming away at my Logitech K260 Model keyboard with heated thought. Each slam of the space bar is



My Ex-Family's Audacity Never Ceases

So, overall, my week has been rather blasè.   Crappy weather. Crappy workload. Crappy attitude.   Seriously, my Friday could not get here fast enough this past week, and once here, I actually managed to wind down a bit and relax. Fast forward to this evening, on my way home from the store and I get a phonecall from my oldest son's father that my daughter Rachel gave a call to Sean on his cell phone. Turns out my youngest daughter, a whole 16 years old youngest, was over visiting my parents a



Denying God - Why I Avoid The Morality Argument Like The Plague

Like many of us on Ex-C, being confronted by relatives, friends, trolls on discussion boards, and co-workers that have faith in one deity or another is a part of everyday life. Some folks, you just know not to even waste your breath on. Others you might converse with, merely like the debate. Of course, a confrontation isn't a good one unless it involves someone on a mission to "save your soul from eternal damnation". Ultimately though, pent up frustration with confrontation, the exchange of view



Another Year In The Same Life

True story.   Sat down at my desk Friday afternoon, and I thought, "Wow, I really fucking hate this." And, at that moment, as I am gazing through the poorly installed blinds of the front windowed side of the building, admiring the graveyard just across the road with its towering granite angels, and Jesus memorials weeping green streaks of algae -- I realized that what I hated was the lack of work while at work. There was no productivity in my day due to slowing business, and despite all my ask



The More They Talk, The Deeper The Hole

The progressives are out in force.......   He has done nothing but apologize to his Muslim brethern   Looks like Obumbo duz his kid in bad placeses   Those liberals won't listen to facts   Liberals just want free hand outs for all, and it doesn't work that way   Democrats think that suppressing religion makes things fair   Democrats and liberals want a Socialist nation. (My personal favorite)   I listen to this diatribe everyday at work. Usually, I'm stuck in between the two cubic



Once Upon A Time: Biblical Fairy Tales For Kids

So, my kids like reading about Zeus, Osiris, and even the Japanese Kotoamatsukami. With this, I thought, well, why not rewrite the biblical stories a tad? My kids ended up LOVING this one better than the previous. Especially because I discount the importance of the mystical creator in the end, and show the creator put trust in the creatures to handle themselves without him. **********************************************************************************   Once upon a time, in a faraway real



Title Vii Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964

"Everyone, no discussion of politics and religion, please!"   The chatter of the Mayan apocalypse and Christ's most certain return this year, which were both initially induced by a Christmas countdown clock email for our desktops, abruptly quieted to a hush of incredulous faces and gasps at the outright authority in my supervisor's Irish flavored scolding to our office.   His short, and rather stout frame, disappeared back in to his office, and within a few moments, our Venezuelan saleswoman



Juan De Los Muertos (Juan Of The Dead) Review

JUAN OF THE DEAD (Juan de los Muertos) First of all, I have to say, this zombie movie was impressive. I think it deserved way more than the 3 lousy stars it was given (which I think is just outright discrimination against Cuba being shown personally). When you watch the protagonist Juan in this film, you get a real true feeling of his love for Cuba, not many films can really portray that so deeply…at least, not in this genre of the industry. Also, this film is upbeat, and I like that, along wit



Untitled Lust

Impossible to alleviate   Ambivalent nature of human flesh   Making the straight line hard to toe   And I try to curb all these   Cravings   Urges   Needs   Torridity   All these things I embody   Lingering in my senses   Lounging on the far edge of my view   Dallying the tips of my thoughts   Along the luscious fronds of what was once inhibited pleasure.   Yearning for the carnality of their gratifying essence.   Longingly, I play in these leaves of temptation   Ob



What Is With All The Hate? Fuck!

Traffic light ahead of me, oozing red through it's curved lense, and I am stuck listening to NPR focusing on all the horrible ignorance that has been spouting out of every orifice while atop a soap box that mankind can possibly find. Besides the news radio on my morning commute, at lunch I was bombarded with further sensational headlines and bylines.   Yemen: Some protestors admit they haven't see the movie they cite as instigating the demonstrations.   Libya: Burning down buildings and ki



September 11Th, 2001 Is No Longer Just About Terrorism And Tragedy

So here I sit this fine September 12, 2012, evening. I am reflecting on all the horrible news that has hit our airwaves over the last eleven years.   The revolutions.   The civil wars.   The oppressive nature of clashing societal beliefs and standards.   Hostages having their heads sawn off with field knives.   Bombings of embassies.   The outright thievery of corporations from their workers.   The millions of dead from the outcomes of our wars.   Even the dastardly speculating o



Voting Is Not A Waste Of Time In America!

I realize many have the whole "suppression by depression" syndrome going on when it comes to presidential elections, but I ask you to consider this.   Even if you vote for an independent, you are sending a message to all the political parties. After elections, they analyze the voter base that turned out AND turned away. They want to know why 3rd parties got your vote because they want to find a way to get YOUR vote next time! So make your voice heard!   http://www.gottavote.com   You have



Freedom Of Religion Vs Freedom From Religion

I noticed lately that on various sites that I visit, there have been multitudes of posts about individual struggles dealing with proselytizing fanatics and businesses pushing particular religious beliefs. Within these conversations, it never fails that replies involve the phrase "we are guaranteed freedom FROM religion" and the word "illegal". As if to imply it is illegal for someone to walk up to you on the street and start screaming about God in your face.   I hate to break it to you, but ev



A Little Look At Being A Slave To The Man

Okay, so here we are on Sunday, and after a lot of reading, researching and follow up on the whole slavery debacle I think I have an understanding of sorts (all depends on which VERSION of the Bible you read apparently).   We are going to look at 3 different scriptures (and their chapters in entirety), in the books of 1Timothy, Titus, and Colossians. I might throw some of Paul in for good measure, but he really was a mobster like zealot that I'd rather not lend any credit too whatsoever.   I



Sunday Of Sanctity: Atheism---Not Really The Cop Out It Is Purported To Be

First of all, welcome new readers! Was terrific hearing from several of you this week and sharing your thoughts! A quick introduction might be in order since there are so many new faces around here. I'm an Atheist who used to be a fundamentalist Christian. I enjoy discussing matters of science, religion, quackery and sometimes philosophy so that's what you'll find here on this blog.   With that said, let's get on with today's discussion: Atheism, is it really a moral cop out?   No, by far, i



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