The money I usually spend on a soda and TV dinners for week I instead put towards vegetables, water and whole fruit juice. Breakfast today was coffee and a little portion of leftover chicken, lunch was sliced organic carrots and cucumber with a little ranch, and some apple juice. I've incorporated a curl bar circuit routine that I use every 2 days. Big gains in strength so far, I hate feeling weak in the arms, and I'm glad to feel that changing.
About a year ago I ate a 1200 calorie per day
The right and the left are two heads of the same monster, in a universal sense. Sure, they're divided on certain moral and political stances, but they're all still accountable to the same monster. It's like a two-headed eagle busy arguing with itself, all the while failing to notice the chain around its neck, and who exactly is doing the holding. Right when you think it might get its shit together and remember to fly, the owner grabs its attention with some petty disturbance and gets it arguing
I miss the fellowship and community feeling of organized religion, and I miss the feeling of ritual, as strange as that may sound. I very much enjoy liturgical worship and all of the combined aesthetics -- incense, votives, iconography, chant, et. al. It's just that I obviously no longer believe in the dogma and theology behind said things. What's a guy to do when there's the feeling of a void within him where all of these things used to be? I couldn't bear to attend services once in awhile and
At this point of my personal deconversion process I've found myself able to watch and listen to anti-christian material without being shocked or offended, personally. I'm amazed at that. For so long, any blatant, in-your-face "God doesn't exist" material would leave me butthurt, lol. Well, now I can say that isn't the case. Might seem trivial (I hope not), but it's a big step for me. I don't consider this part of my life a "dark night of the soul" anymore, but an awakening and realization that I
In many regards I am a product of modern Western culture and civilization: desensitized, overweight, overstressed… you get the picture. I am trying to make it by in a world that I feel separated from, a stranger in a strange land, surrounded by people, themes, ideas and concepts that I will never understand. I run on an older operating system, so to speak, and have found myself completely incompatible with the “latest updates.” I have felt all my life that I am a malfunctioning unit of sorts, cl