Goodbye Jesus
Thank Zod for my Ipod Shuffle. If not for this little baby, I think I’d have to kill all my co-workers.
A couple years ago, management established an “open office environment” policy.
What does this mean?
It means all the cubicle walls were taken down. We don’t even have the illusion of privacy any longer.
And absolutely NO sound buffering at all.
Some visual buffering would be nice….not everyone really needs to watch me blow my nose. I know I really could be spared the viewing pleas
Now, I will be the first to admit that I haven't seen The Nativity Story yet. But I did see The Passion once it was available to rent (I will wait for the same for The Nativity Story). And my memory isn't ready for the dustbin yet.
One thing I do pay some attention to, is movie reviews and Tops at the box office. People were lined up around the block to see The Passion in 2004 ....while Nativity now in 2006 couldn't even match tap dancing penguins. I listen for the far Right to start raving
Well, my parents know where I stand regarding dogma. My dad accepts it without question, my mom has a harder time.
We discuss religion on occasion when I visit, and I often talk to them about things going on in Ex-C forums (nothing of a private nature of course). Things have gone well.
I went on a trip with them a month ago, to visit family. Much of the family is liberally religious to zealously religious. Just depends on who we are around.
Now, I don’t get into it with my extend
Dear Right Wing Conservative Christians,
Hope the family is doing well. No, not your church family, I mean your own family. I hope your finances are doing okay, and that your youngest shines like a cute little star in the next school performance.
I wish you personally the best. But that is not the purpose of this letter.
I'm really writing to tell you that you are on notice. All of you. Every last one.
We have had enough. To be honest, we've been weary of you for quite some
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