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Goodbye Jesus

DevaLight's Blog

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I suppose I am writing to say that I have come back into Buddhist practice and I think the impetus was a couple of dreams that I cannot simply ignore.


I feel I do have established some kind of connection with Buddhism that I will keep with me until I die. Therefore, although I may continue to have problems, I feel more confident that I will be able to resolve them. Most likely my tendency to find fault and to analyze things to death is a problem when it comes to spiritual practice. I think this is likely the result of being in the legal field for 25 years. Not everything is a problem to be analyzed!


My devotional side is coming back very strongly and I don't think of this as a bad thing. As long as the object of devotion is a worthy one.


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Guest nomeme




This seems as if you are integrating yourself better. As for the object of devotion, maybe it would help if you clarify your goal.

For example, are you seeking to transcend in some aspect of your life? Or are you simply wanting to restore balance and to be better integrated? If the latter, then how about making your own humanity the object of your devotion? Identifying and affirming your authentic human self.


Best wishes to you in your human journey.




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Guest nomeme


Btw, Deva, I mentioned you in one of my posts on my "Rename That Tune" thread.

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