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Goodbye Jesus
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Some hope for tomorrow!



Last evening, my beloved lady and I attended a graduation party of a friend's sister. Considering the sheer amount of hard drink that was ready to be consumed, and the open declaration of her brother "We didn't buy beer or wine or any other wimpy stuff - this evening's motto is to get stoned, dammit!", I looked forward to some fun of course... but guess what - after no more than 30 minutes, half of the gang (except for me and my beloved, all were students, and not all of them had even graduated yet!) was discussing politics, religious topics, economy, the upcoming early elections to the federal parliament... pretty much all the topics our adults seldom discuss anymore! And all this while drunk, but still very reasonable...


...I guess our fears about our youngsters are a bit exaggerated. There is still hope for this strange country. blink.gifyellow.gif


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