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Finding Peace



Hard to describe the place I have come to in my life. I am finding peace. It's nothing based in some belief, knowing some facts, or holding some faith. It's finding my own center. It's opening myself to who I am behind all the masks I wear to myself as part of a culture and human world of conventions and norms. It's setting those down and seeing that essence that is not defined by anything we normally judge the world or ourselves by. It is seeing, knowing, and being within that raw, pure essence of my own being in this world.


In these moments of pure sight the world becomes a different entity. It radiates pure being in all things, all matter. There is no judgment except within how we define good and bad in human conventions. All there is simply is. It is no escape from reality, but rather is reality beyond the masks we place upon it in our daily lives. To see the pure face is to see yourself beyond the world. To know that is to know yourself and the world as it is beyond the masks.


As we come to know this more intimately, it becomes our center. And though we still function 'in the body' or put another way, within the conventions of the world we call reality, we are not embedded within it, seated within it, and borne about with it as it blows us from side to side. We experience the world, but are not defined by it. We are defined by our being.


And knowing that, in knowing ourselves, we exist in peace. Every action, every moment, every event radiates from that center and the world becomes alive and full of that peace.


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To see the pure face is to see yourself beyond the world.


I wonder Antlerman.


"Original Face," our own True Self--the face before the Big Bang.


That interior trans-formative 'taste' that becomes 'structure'--Emptiness to Form, the un-manifest to manifest--Form to Emptiness.


A transcendental and ascending, immanent and descending, prior non-dual Union--the pure face beyond the world?

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Who were you 100 years before you were born? What is that is not subject to the body and time?

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"Only the unborn is deathless. Find what is it that never sleeps and never wakes, and whose pale reflection is our sense of 'I'."

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As we come to know this more intimately, it becomes our center. And though we still function 'in the body' or put another way, within the conventions of the world we call reality, we are not embedded within it, seated within it, and borne about with it as it blows us from side to side. We experience the world, but are not defined by it. We are defined by our being.




The purpose of having a physical body is to experience having a physical body.


Yes you are both part of your body and not. You are defined by your personality and by essence. However, the conscience you, or personality, is always in control.


Every choice is yours. If you wish to have more communion with essence, then do so. However, it does not relieve you of having to live this life with all of the scathing and learning that comes with it.

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I'm grateful to you Antlerman for the 'window' your words provide for 'looking' into your 'interior'!


Surely the continued mapping and conceptualization of our "interior spaces" will be one of the most important and fruitful areas of transpersonal research in the coming decades!


Many thanks!

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