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"tis The Season...



blog-0410884001356112483.jpgWell it is almost upon us...my second Christmas as a EX christian. I am okay with it really. I still enjoy the music and love the lights, candles, scents and sounds. I think that I am NOT annoyed by the "secular" part as much, I actually LIKE the Vintage Santa Clauses and the fun children's "Christmas" programs even more now. I have not had ANY desire to spend any part of my "Christmas celebration" in any church or with religious television programming or even listening to christian radio. It is just not a part of my life anymore and that is okay too.


Looking into my soul a little deeper, I would say that I enjoy LIFE at this time of year even more than I ever have. I may not have the "delusion" or "myth" that fascinates and intrigues me but I HAVE LIFE and that is a far greater gift that I have given to myself than I have ever received while I was a christian.


I have also received a much valued gift of a deeper sense of perspective and justice. I feel MORE deeply for the pains of others; their losses and sorrows and even more joy for those who are "rejoicing" than when I was a christian. Funny irony isn't it??? Christians are TOLD to "rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn"...and I am being MORE OBEDIENT to this christian mandate by LIVING MY LIFE HONESTLY...mmm...something for all christians to think about.


I enjoy giving and receiving gifts even more now...as though all the "pretense and pomp" is uncovered and the TRUE meaning of the gift shows through...more to ponder.


I am getting ready to make "Christmas cookies" and I am looking forward to spending time and laughter and CHEER with my son as we messily decorate them while our puppies look on, drooling in anticipation that we would drop one or two in their direction. I would love to find some carolers to carol with around the neighborhood. I would like to get Santa caps for our puppies (two large breed; now 8 month and 100 lbs and 15 months and 160 lbs) and put jingle bells on their collar!!! LOL. I would like to put up a small tree upon the mantle and put "snow" on the windows. I love tinsels and lights and would like them inside also but my SO has long "hated" Christmas so I am limiting myself a little this year. I have already told him that next year I was a BIG Christmas tree...I may also make it a Hanukkah bush since I used to (and would be willing) to celebrate Hanukkah yet. I seem to see this time of year with more frivolity and lightness...something that I think that I was missing with it for so many years.


Well, I am "thankful" for Christmas though I don't actually celebrate it anymore. I wonder WHY it is celebrated in the first place but I can see that commercialism has magnified it to the wonderful materialistic holiday that it has become. Now that I am NO LONGER A CHRISTIAN, I can enjoy the "good" parts of it and not mess with anything that I see no valuing in having in our home.


Anyways, I wish you a "Merry Christmas"...a wonderful time of LOVE and SHARING with your family and friends and I hope that we all can "get through it" without all the sickening stuff that we used to swallow when we were deceived.


It is so much better to enjoy LIFE as a free thinker isn't it????

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