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Nanowrimo - EX-C Style

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Writing Adventures In Your Mind Put Down To Paper




So, I have come to understand there are a number of Nanowrimo participants on this site and I thought I would start a blog for the next 2 months ( or beyond), to post related Nanowrimo.org events along with maybe some discussion on what we are writing about.


I think the annual Nanowrimo event is good therapy on a lot of levels. Many, like myself, put our stories out there via blog. Blogs aren't supposed to be 50k words, but I know many of our stories would easily exceed that count. The only stipulation is that it MUST be a work of fiction that is 50k words long or more. The program doesn't publish your work or store it for you. They do have very actively particpating forums that help review ideas, structure, plot issues, etc. Lots of book swap opportunities too!


On top of the benefit of a more constructed version of whatever you want to convey, there is a nice promotional out this year where you can get your book published in hardback form, two copies anyway, for only the cost of shipping, which averages about 4 bucks.


That's a pretty sweet little incentive.


Nanowrimo is fun, challenging, hectic, frustrating, rewarding, and therapeutic. I recommend you join up! It's free, they keep score, and if you make it 50k words worth of fiction - you're a winner in their book! Please check out their site for more details and connect here or on their forums for writing your stories.




Now, to my own writing plans from November 1st - 30th.


In the days to come, I will be finishing up my outline. I did get a version of my cover completed. My book's genre I am not sure of. It is almost Tarantino fantasy like I think, and I will share more about the plot in a later post on here. I am hoping to keep it at novella length, so 50k should be a challenge because it would be so easy to overly fluff up the word count with sub plots, and I want to try to keep a focused story line this time around where less stuffing is better, and the prose carries more meaning.


Here's hoping Christ's Rebellion is just that - a rebellious fantasy fiction story that many will enjoy to read.


Good luck! And let me know if you plan to join up! I'll be sure to pass along my contact info on Nano as well!




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Are there a lot of nanowrimo participants on here?  I definitely agree with you, it's good therapy, even though I didn't take it as far as I could have.  Last year was my first go at it, and I'm working at outlining a couple of story ideas for this year.  :)

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Oh yeah, I think there are quite a few on here. I am hoping we can kind of gather from one participants blog or topic in the Creative forum during the actual Nano event. I think it would be pretty awesome to have folks we already somewhat know and trust to work with.  As far as outlining, I won't write anything without one...except for maybe poetry.

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