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Goodbye Jesus


Flyby Stardancer

These are located between the music building and the libarary. The two bright green trees were brought to campus by our late President Thompson (who was a tree fanatic), and decided to grow despite the fact that this area is too warm and at too low an altitude for them. Go figure.


Behind them (and in front of the President's House) is the President's Wood aka Alcorn Arboretum. Well, AA is it's official name and President's Wood is what we actually call it. That's because that area was set aside on campus for trees to grow by (you guessed it) President Thompson. More trees were added during his tenure as President. We have a lot of trees on campus that are just there because President Thompson was offered them and he liked them (included a couple hundred of another species that is also not supposed to be able to grow here).

From the album:

UPS Campus

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