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One of the words often discussed in the UK media is RESPECT. In the religious context it is about people having to respect each other's beliefs. Now we observe the leaders of the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths making obvious public displays of mutual 'respect' Now we naturally all want to see all religious groups getting on well together. But I often wonder at the utter hypocricy of it all. How on earth can you 'respect' a viewpoint you believe to be false? Most people hold on to their beliefs because they are unwilling to make the effort to resolve their doubts. This website illustrates the massive effort it took a lot of people to break the hold of their childhood indoctrination. What respect can a non believer give to religion and religious beliefs and those that hold them?

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It kinda annoys me when the media does that.


Respect is one thing.


Tolerance is another.

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One of the words often discussed in the UK media is RESPECT. In the religious context it is about people having to respect each other's beliefs. Now we observe the leaders of the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths making obvious public displays of mutual 'respect' Now we naturally all want to see all religious groups getting on well together. But I often wonder at the utter hypocricy of it all. How on earth can you 'respect' a viewpoint you believe to be false? Most people hold on to their beliefs because they are unwilling to make the effort to resolve their doubts. This website illustrates the massive effort it took a lot of people to break the hold of their childhood indoctrination. What respect can a non believer give to religion and religious beliefs and those that hold them?


Well, I certainly don't and cannot RESPECT "faith schools" which, far from teaching respect and tolerance, promote separatism, intolerance AND disRESPECT.

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It's funny too, because their very religions teach to be disrespectful towards other beliefs. ex: those that aren't christians are "fools" and WILL go to hell.

I do not respect the christian religion, because it definitely does not respect me. However, I'm well aware that a good numbers of christians don't really have that way of thinking... I think it kinda makes them hypocrites, but they're better than those who really think others are fools. I don't respect their religion, but I respect them as a person.

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...I often wonder at the utter hypocricy of it all. How on earth can you 'respect' a viewpoint you believe to be false?


Actually, quite easily. I think.

I disagree with christians about their faith. Oh well.

I also disagree with those who say Xavier Naidoo makes damn good music. So? I disagree with these people on certain things. Good. Life would be fucking boring if everyone agreed on everything. Unless they start to insult me about my differing beliefs/views, why should I bother them? In other words, as I see it, one can easily think another is wrong on something but still respect her.


What respect can a non believer give to religion and religious beliefs and those that hold them?


Most atheists/agnostics I know personally (this includes most nominal "christians" here if we want to be specific ;) ) do respect me without any problems. And why shouldn't they? I respect them too, so why not just agree to disagree on some topics and talk about the more interesting ones? :)


P. S. Naidoo is what passes as a fundie moron artist over here... singing songs with ambiguous lyrics that can be directed at a charming lady just as easily as they could refer to jebus. Aside from the shitty lyrics, the tunes suck too. I hated Naidoo even before I realized the hidden meanings in the lyrics.


Well, I certainly don't and cannot RESPECT "faith schools" which, far from teaching respect and tolerance, promote separatism, intolerance AND disRESPECT.


Ummm... :scratch:


You know... from what I read recently I get the feeling that some of my fellow Asatruar are ready to march if the death cultists ever force us to. If that should turn out to be true, I'll gladly try and enlist them if you should need some help over there :fdevil:


(Does my memory fool me? You do live just beyond the channel, don't you? ;) )


I do not respect the christian religion, because it definitely does not respect me. However, I'm well aware that a good numbers of christians don't really have that way of thinking... I think it kinda makes them hypocrites, but they're better than those who really think others are fools. I don't respect their religion, but I respect them as a person.


Exactly. What did Gandhi say if memory serves? "I like your christ, I don't like your christians. Your christians are so unlike your christ."


Of course there are good reasons to disagree with jebus as a role model too, but I trust you know what I mean...


And yes, examining the babble (and for what I read so far, the koran too) shows that the kind believers of both faiths are pretty much "happy heretics". Pleasant people, but people who care shit about their faith's doctrine.

I like it. :pureevil:

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I have this crazy notion that if you give respect you get respect. But then I'm crazy, especially after all the bombs tonight.

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Hm... I personally try to respect other religions, regardless of where I stand in their validity. Some of the actions of the religions themselves I don't always respect, but the religion I do. Religion, for most people, is a way of life. It's what keeps most people alive and willing to continue to live life in a social manner. It's their crutch to live life. I have always thought and believed that religion deserves respect - not because I agree with them (I obviously do not), but because of their importance in the world today and how much power/control it has over people. No, I don't like religion. I don't agree with it. But I do tolerate and respect it, in the same way I would respect my opponent in a debate, chess game, basketball game, or otherwise.

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I have no respect for the Christian religion. Why should I respect it? It has been the bane of my entire existence. I would like nothing better than for the religion to be expunged from the planet.


However, I know that will never happen. So, in the meantime, I choose to respect the practitioner as a fellow human being. With that said, I do tolerate the beliefs of others. They can worship and pray if they must. I just don't want them attempting to reindoctrinate me into their respective cults.

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Heh. I suppose respect for me goes along the lines of "hate the Christianity, love the Christian"...


I think Xianity is a shitty religion. I think it has good company as far as shitty religions go, since there are plenty of them. And I'll be utterly honest: I have very little respect for someone who just blindly adheres to said shitty religions, especially the dogmatic, unthinking, fundie types.


But if someone really is dead set on being an idiot, more power to 'em. Takes all kinds to make a world. I won't respect their religion, but I'll certainly respect their right to follow it.

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I have to agree that it's the person/s that should be respected if they are deserving of respect. They should be respected for the right to believe as they wish if for no other reason as long as those beliefs are not causing harm. It would seem that mutual respect of other's beliefs can do no harm...can it?

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