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Argument For The Infallibility Of The Hitch-hiker's Guide


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The art of flying, also very important. Just miss the ground.

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Space is a vaccuum, so , if your body were covered by, say, a super-strong cellophane-like material that wouldn't permit the escape of water from your body, you wouldn't freeze, but instead your body temperature would actually increase beacuse of the lack of thermoragulating air flow to evaporate your body's sweat.


Now, let's see what happens when your exposed body is flung into space.


In the laboratory, when a given amount of water at, say, 37 degrees celsius is expose to a vaccum, the water will begin to boil as it's temperature decreases. The temperature decreases because the evaporating water molecules 'suck' heat energy from the water in oreder to break free from the intermolecular forces that hold the water molecules in place in liquid form. This will occur until the temperature decreases to a point where the rmaining water becomes solid, ie, a block of ice. This block of ice will continue to sublimate over time until all that remains are free water vapor molecules ( for the sake of the argument let's assume the vaccuum is infinite like space, as in a limited vaccuum the presence of water vapor molecules would negate the vaccuum, instead making it a finite volume of vater vapor)

Considering that your body is just a porous membrane filled with water contaminated with various organic molecules, the sam thing will happen to your exposed body in outer space as happens to a given amount of liquid water. Given that the maximum surface area of exposed liquid water is located in your lungs, along with a significant volume of air, if you tried to hold your breath the water vapor and air would exert pressure and try to escape through the path of least resistance: your ribcage. Hence, your chest would explode killing you instantly. If your forced all the air from your lungs, your chest would implode, afording you a few extra seconds of life. When a sufficient amount of water has boiled from your body into the vacuum of space, you would freeze solid, sublimating water vapor over a period of time until you became, in essence, an interstellar-and-solar-radiation baked mummy.


End of story.

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Good to see some have a sense of humor even when there own religion is being made fun of.

Well, my Aunt is a church warden and she thought Monty Python's "The life of Brian" was funny.

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Read the book and/or listen to the radio show. Don't bother with the film, it's shit.




But, I'm not sure the guide is infallible. For example, there could be some argument about that bit where earth is characterized as "basically harmless."

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"Mostly" harmless. I think in the universal scale of things, that's pretty accurate.


(hmmm...maybe I could be a "Towelite"?)

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But, I'm not sure the guide is infallible. For example, there could be some argument about that bit where earth is characterized as "basically harmless."

On the cosmic scale of things, it is.




Oops! Skankboy said it already. :)

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"Mostly" harmless. I think in the universal scale of things, that's pretty accurate.


(hmmm...maybe I could be a "Towelite"?)


So there fore it is safe to say the Guide is infallible. Which means you guys don't exist and I'm a figment of my own imagination. Because the Guide states, if there are an infinite number of planets in the universe and only a finite number of life forms in the universe, then the average number of life forms per planet is virtually Null. Simple maths.


So if anyone here claims to be a real person, I'm not going to believe them, because the Guide says you can't possibly exist.


God, I'm so depressed!



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Unless you also account for the improbability that you could be a herring with a very good skill on writing coherent sentences on a forum on internet...? ... (no... I'm not sure what I said either...)

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And now the IID has brought me here...


On the effects of exposure to hard vacuum:


First off, chest explosion is rather unlikely, more likely, what air was in your lungs and GI tract and other sundry parts would take the path of least resistance (not necessarially the shortest path), i.e. mouth, nose, ears...well pick an oriface and you get the idea. Kind of messy there.


While some counter pressure is needed (and there have been prototype designs of thin pressure suits) it doesn't have to be strictly air pressure (momma google knows all). Also, the skin is actually pretty adept at keeping moisture in, sweat is specifically made in it, and if you notice, you have no ill effects when immersing yourself in good-old-fashioned dihydrogen monoxide. You don't take on water (well okay, if you're drowning, then yes, but that is the whole pesky breathing thing), and the water does not absorb through skin (in fact, pretty much nothing polar does, but watch out for those non-polar solvents: I'm looking at you CHCl3 and DMSO). The skin is a two-way barrier, so we don't leak all that much either (barring a puncture here or there, or a good old allergy to concrete: breaking out in road rash). The flash boiling scenario isn't that likely, either.


Now the suddenly freezing, if in the near-absolute-zero shade, that is pretty likely, possibly, except a vacuum is a very good insulator (you need matter to transmit heat, or pull it away) and while sublimation is going to be an issue, it is still pretty slow, even in a vacuum from a solid, just is kinetically difficult to do, doing all that work to go gasseous (like last night's Mexican...). Most likely, the surface layers of skin would freeze fast, fast (what little liquid there is boiling off), leading to a very unpleasant case of frostbite.


Now in the light of a nearby star...say the sun...well yeah, the radiation could really, really quickly cook you (incoming radiation == inc photons == inc energy == jacked up temperature), so I could see a total baking (remember, kids, you need oxygen to burn, but frying and baking are just as destructive).


Oh, and no one has mentioned the bends...the massive internal hemmoraging that would result from the nitrogen crashing out of your blood...yeah that will hurt...a lot. Massive internal bleeding as that gas rips apart capilaries and other blood vessels all over the body like a confetti shredder. That will definately do you in.


Not a pleasant environment, and I would also like to point out that I think it takes about 4 minutes for the brain to deprive itself of oxygen (longer in cryo conditions), and considering that a good chunck of it may be intact and possibly functional...yeah. Death, while certain, would not likely be instant, I would think.


A whole lot of unpleasant ouch here. :twitch:


And to bring in a more pleasant topic, I leave you a picture of a furry bunny:


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And I leave you a picture of a whale and a pot of petunias.



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I stand by the Authorized Version - the 1978 King Adams BBC Radio Version of the HHG. I ain't gonna pay no heed to any of these other "perversions" out there, such as that New International Book Trilogy. I mean, heck, it's got FIVE books, and they leave out important stuff from the original texts. ...And don't get me started on that Revised Standard Movie they got out now.

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Praise be to Zarquon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

And I leave you a picture of a whale and a pot of petunias.



At an Improbability Factor of eight million seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-eight to one against!

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Absolutely true. I dare anyone to try to prove to me that the answer to live the universe and everything is anything but 42!


Go on. Prove it's not 42


I disagree. The answer is actually 47, which is 42 adjusted for inflation.

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Actually the answer is 10,1010, 52 and 2A simultaneously.


There are 10 kinds of people in the world...

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We all know that comedy is best when it is based on some truths.


We can presuppose that absolute comedy is absolute true.


I believe The HH Guide is absolutely funny, so hence it is absolutely true.



What's your take on that argument?


LOL! Yes, it definitely must be true.


The Ultimate Question is lyrics from a Bob Dylan song (which makes sense to me, since I'm from MN) and the Ultimate Answer is 42.


And, of course, we all know the Earth is Mostly Harmless. Except possibly for George W. and some religious fanatics.






Actually the answer is 10,1010, 52 and 2A simultaneously.


Don't forget chocolate. :HaHa:

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So our Grand unified theory goes as follows:


42 + 2A X BabelFish + Towels^2 = 73(Chocolate - 37) + Bowl of petuinias


Everything is so clear now!

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