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Gift Of Prophecy

Guest JP

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I have dealt with someone in my past who claimed to have the so-called 'Word of Knowledge' (God 'showed him things about me that he didn't want to embarrass me in front of his family with.') Did any of you ever deal with anyone like this? Did you yourself claim to have the gift of prophecy? How is it done?

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I think it's a cold reading... Just observe the body language and follow the chain of thought when the person responds. And, in the case of "prophesy" even the person's sore spots can be useful (Ye olde chastisement, y'know...)


All that's really needed is a good eye and safely vague prognostications in the spirit of the daily horoscope. Things that are probably true for everyone at one time or another.


But it doesn't hurt to have one ear eavesdropping on the Collective Unconscious as well...


Many years ago I used to read Tarot for a relative-in-law. One day she asked me to read for an absent third party whom I had never met. It concerned the woman's dead spouse whom I had also never met. In the middle of the reading I saw a card that triggered the thought that criminal activity had killed that particular man (whoever he was). I'm told that the woman turned five shades of pale when my reading was relayed to her... For whatever reason, I was correct. :eek:

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This guy I dealt with told me God was showing him things about me, but that he didn't want to embarrass me. Since the Bible talks about the secrets of the heart being laid bare after an unbeliever talks with a prophet, the only real secret I had at the time were my homosexual desires...it still freaks me out to this day. Of course, this same man was the one who caused a lot of my mental problems filling my mind with the unforgivable sin.

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in my prophetic experiences, it was alot like cold-reading....


and at a later date as an noob ex-christian i was experimenting with Tarot and was able to "get" impressions from people.


i think in prophecy circles that people may know a little bit already about the people they're reading (in the church community) or that it's safe to "have a word" about common concerns everybody has like money, promotion, good luck, healing, love, family strife, sex, etc...


or maybe some people are just more "intuitive" than others... i dunno.

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The only experiences I had with "prophecy" were sweeping generalised statements about what the church must do, or someone once telling my mother that my brother would one day "lay hands" on people. Still waiting for that to happen.


Here's a little "Word of Knowledge" of my own.


I think this guy is just screwing with your mind. The mere mention of "not wanting to embarress you in front of your family" was, to me, an attempt to embarress you in front of your family. Given that he already has a track record of screwing with your mind, this looks to me like an attempt to continue the screwing.


If it were me, or if you wanted to, I'd call his bluff. If nesseccary, get together with him in an "embarressment free" situation and see if he'll open up and "reveal his secret Word from God". If he won't tell you or makes up some other excuse, as far as I'm concerned, you've revealed his fraud. If he does tell you, I'd respond with something like "Hmm very interesting" but wouldn't reveal verbally whether he was right or not (and I wouldn't care about body language, mixed messages are good) . Then you've got the "secret" and he hasn't.

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If he was talking about your being gay, he probably just has really good gaydar and believes that the ability to spot a homosexual is some kind of divine gift, rather than an ability that most reasonably observant people have.

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About 10 years ago, the pastor of the church I was attending had a "word of the Lord" for me. He told me about it privately, just talked to me and my husband. He said that "despite many detours, God had great plans for me." Well, I've obviously taken another detour and become an Ex-C :wicked:


I've recently been wondering, what is the difference between psychics and xians with "the gift of prophecy"? I suppose xians would say it's the "source". I've seen people ask supposed "prophets" similar questions they would ask psychics - "When will I meet my future spouse?" "What is my unborn baby's sex?" (this was before sonongrams were commonly done), etc.

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The whole reason I became a Christian in the first place was because some preacher had a "Word of Knowledge" about my mother, apparently! It was spoken out in the middle of a tent-crusade meeting and only being nine years old at the time, I really don't remember what it was all about. Maybe one day, I'll ask her what the hell he said. She is still "somewhat" into the Christian thing so I am a bit reluctant to talk about it with her.


Whatever it was though, I now feel pretty sure that many people in that meeting could have attached it to their own experiences too, watching a decent stage hypnotist would show you that! Unfortunately, we were a lot more naive in 1977 about that sort of thing and the whole event was held up as an amazing miracle! :Doh: Shame really, had my mother just not been listening at the time, the next nine years of my life wouldn't have been half so screwed up as they were - never mind the lasting legacy on me, my brother and my sister!!


Christianity really sucks the big one, doesn't it! :glare:

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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu

This guy I dealt with told me God was showing him things about me, but that he didn't want to embarrass me. Since the Bible talks about the secrets of the heart being laid bare after an unbeliever talks with a prophet, the only real secret I had at the time were my homosexual desires...it still freaks me out to this day. Of course, this same man was the one who caused a lot of my mental problems filling my mind with the unforgivable sin.



Maybe you just aren't as butch as you thought, JP. Someone guessing that you have homosexual desires doesn't sound all that amazing to me.

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Having homosexual thoughts is not some rare thing in males or females who are themselves hetrosexual. So this dudes "insider knowledge" is a pure con job. Even if you were "in the closet", there's an over 10% change he would hit the "secret", which is huge odds of getting it right. No miracle there. But when you look at studies that the percent of hetrosexual males who have had homsexual thoughts of some kind at times in their lives, sudden increases "miracle man's" odds from 1 in 10 to more like 1 in 3.


Add to the the phobia of homosexuals in mainstream culture and he has upped the impact of his "miraclous knowledge" on the recipeint of his "prophecy".


I would respond to him with a punch in his mouth for exploiting people with his con job. Better still, head him off at the pass and tell him you just heard from the Lord to rebuke him for HIS private gay thoughts. Say it with the grave seriousness of one who has heard for the Great Jehovah. It's easy, any actor can be a prophet. If it works, then tell him the Lord instructs him to give you $2,000 as a test of his faith. :grin:

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I have dealt with someone in my past who claimed to have the so-called 'Word of Knowledge' (God 'showed him things about me that he didn't want to embarrass me in front of his family with.') Did any of you ever deal with anyone like this? Did you yourself claim to have the gift of prophecy? How is it done?


JP, the guy is a master at manipulation. Just about everyone has secrets they keep from loved ones. In fact you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that is completely honest about every aspect of their life, to all members of their family regardless if it's past or present. All one has to say.. is "I'm feeling something that would cause you embarrassment in front of your family" It's called the power of suggestion. He say's a statement that would apply to everyone.. and allows you to run with it because that statement is made personal by you. If it was said to a college student failing college it would be the grades and the student would be amazed that the reader knew he was failing. All along the reader doesn't know... he's allowing the subject to fill in the blanks.


It's the same as saying, "someone close to you has died" well no shit... almost everyone knows someone who's died even if it's a relative you hardly can remember. The subject is the one that feeds the reader not vice-versa, the reader just lays obvious open questions.

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It also doesn't hurt his chances that everyone has secrets that they don't want others to know about. If you act like you know, well they often get flustered, screw up and tip their hand.



There is also a lot you can tell about people via their body language. We train our faces to lie, but not our hands...really, it's the same kind of cold-read tricks that a cardsharp uses

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