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Do You Believe There Is A God Or Creator Or Supreme Being?


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"Do You Believe There Is A God Or Creator Or Supreme Being?"


No, I do not. I believe that such beliefs are the bedrock of various superstitions and have been for millenia. In my opinion such beliefs appeal mostly to over-emotional people and/or are for stupid or otherwise mentally-deficient people. I believe that such beliefs, especially the Xian one, make people go insane.


When my nephew's baby boy died at the age of six months, my nephew stood in front of the pitiful little casket and told his congregation "I know that my baby died because of sin in the world."


This is insane. The baby died because the professional babysitter had too many babies to took after, did not check on him, and he rolled over on his tummy, breathed in too much of his own carbon dioxide, and died.


The official determination of Cause of Death was SIDS. This is also insane, but is the legal way of not holding the babysitter culpable.


For some reason, humans need to be worshipful. I worship the Sun, which is a thing without which we would die and is a thing that clearly exists. In its many forms it is the oldest religion in the world, and remains the best one. No dogma, no doctrine, just pure worship. The Sun is unyielding and uncaring. It has no relationship with us, or anything else. It is pure Power, and it sustains life on this planet. That's good enough for me.


Of course, for fun and enjoyment in our worship we personify it and give it wonderful names. Our star is the basis of all Pagan beliefs, and it is also the basis of Xianity, which has been humanized into insanity.

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I do not believe in a single all encompassing male deity - some old guy sitting up in heaven fussing about all the sex and other evil stuff that humans are up to down here on the earth. I am more drawn to paganism and the idea of a web of life that we are all a part of. It feels - um - right? or comfortable or truer?? LOL I don't know, I realize that there is no proof for this "feeling" but I always wind up moving back in that direction anyway. :shrug: For some reason I am almost embarrased to admit to these feelings, but when spring rolls around and the trees began to bud or in the fall when everything prepares for winter sleep, I "feel" as though I am connected to the web of life.

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  • 2 months later...

I do not believe in a single all encompassing male deity - some old guy sitting up in heaven fussing about all the sex and other evil stuff that humans are up to down here on the earth. I am more drawn to paganism and the idea of a web of life that we are all a part of. It feels - um - right? or comfortable or truer?? LOL I don't know, I realize that there is no proof for this "feeling" but I always wind up moving back in that direction anyway. :shrug: For some reason I am almost embarrased to admit to these feelings, but when spring rolls around and the trees began to bud or in the fall when everything prepares for winter sleep, I "feel" as though I am connected to the web of life.


I see nothing wrong with it. If it harms nothing and helps you experience the universe more fully, why does it matter if it is objectively factual or not?

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Guest indy107

I know this sounds nuts but -


“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. ”


“[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.”


“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”


“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”


I LIKE the idea of The Force. And after watching What the Bleep - it's not that far off from where scientists are today. They can't even explain it. Call it The Force, call it The Universe, call it Panethsism, call it God, call it whatever - I think there's 'something' out there that connects us, that's inside of us. I think it's intelligent, but is only the observer. And i think we can manipulate it. I've been looking into LOA, and The Secret. Something's at work here. And all religions touch on it.


I also think the early church twisted it into something totally different and called it xtianity.



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I do not subscribe to the idea of a pan-universal Mind or creator. I see gods much as I see the universe: Vast expanses of nothingness and chaos with minuscule pockets of order and intelligence.

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I have been many things since my departure from Xianity; Deist, Heathen, Agnostic. I have opened myself to many more paths also; Atheism, Buddhism, LaVeyan Satanism, Wicca, and the philosophies of those such as Rand, Kant, and Nietzsche. I have learnt much, but still I have much to learn. One day, perhaps I will have a handy label for myself, but I'm in no hurry.


I worship myself and my loved ones, both those here with me and those long dead. I worship ideals and concepts I find truly worthy, such as strength, independence, honor, loyalty, open-mindedness, generosity, courage, and so forth - the ideals praised by our Pagan ancestors. Also, the ideals many see "personified" in the wolf, that animal to which is traditionally ascribed the traits of strength, ferocity, wisdom, and loyalty.


I also honor some Pagan gods, at least in terms of seeing them as metaphors and respecting them in their traditional interpretations. I often times am keen to consider them real beings, for I defer to the ancient concept of gods being created along with the universe, and not the omnipotent makers of all the world, as per Abrahamic myth. But this is honestly less important than the above; I honor traditional gods as it suits me, when it suits me.


But since believing that there may be all sorts of gods and perhaps a Force-like creative power isn't the same as having evidence for them, I am content to remain Agnostic on the question of the existence of any gods and prefer to make gods out of that which I can see or experience or find true and immediate worth in. I loathe the idea of gods which are all-loving and all-good and all-powerful and are responsible for all life, which is in accord with some "perfect" plan beyond our "puny" understanding.


In the end, it's all good.

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I think the existence of God is possible, but I fail to see any sure sign of intelligent intervention in the universe.


The thing that really pulled me to the point where I would consider myself atheist was information processing theory. Essentially, information and information processors (intelligence) only exist so far as they are "instantiated" in a physical medium; you can't have words without pen and ink, you can't have a computer without hardware, you can't have intelligence without matter. So, to say that there is a supreme, all-powerful intelligence that exists outside of matter is rather absurd. Furthermore, even if there was an external intelligence, what mechanism is there to enable to affect the physical universe?


I know see that there are several flaws in this reasoning (why must God exist outside the physical world?), but my atheism persists, interestingly enough.

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Yes. My belief is indescribable......I don't know if that's because it's very big and important or because it's late and I had a long day and I'm kinda goofy because I think I have a cold.


As for the afterlife, I don't know. The very least I can say is that I know I have nothing to be afraid of. I am not entirely comfortable with the idea of living forever, but I know that could be due to the fact that I'm all caught up in this three-dimensional world and not in the limitless one. I would like to become a spirit or goddess that protects animals. I certainly would not like to reincarnate again in this world.


I worship any and all gods, depending on which suits me at the moment. Gods are evolved beings (sometimes) to me, and we can become gods if that is the path we choose. Gods are expressions of the great, wild Divine, both One and individual. I also pray to certain Catholic saints. The Divine is a family and I can ask for help for any one of them. I believe in the Force, in science, in prophecy, Bleep, Tao, and admitting my own intelligence along with my self-limited understanding. (Again, indescribable.)

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No. End of story.

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The question of the importance of a God/Creator isn't something that I've asked myself in any explicit terms since my deconversion. I guess that might lead some to believe that it isn't very important to me at all, but I'm not so sure that's the case. I guess I'd say that I believe in a "source" of existence of some sort, but whether or not that source is some sort of consciousness I will not speculate. I guess I prefer the Taoist understanding of a "creative force" that is nameless, as names tend to be limiting.


Spirituality in my life is expressed as a longing to be part of a larger whole, whatever that whole may be. The experience of spirituality is not necessarily tied to the "religious" or "sacred"; seeing a movie that I love with a crowd of like-minded people can be a "spiritual experience" for me. So in that way, I'd say "spirituality" is very important in my life.

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For those that have deconverted from christianity, I know there are many places to land. Agnostic, Aetheist, Pantheist, and everything in between. Though I no longer believe Jesus was "god's son" and that the Bible is inerrant(see it more as a collection of stories told in the light of understanding that the people of that day had), I have trouble letting go of the Creator idea. I don't necessarily think this "Creator" has anything to do with us on a daily basis, other than everything around us is part of the Creator. This is just where I am right now...not sure where I'll end up.


I am a spiritual person in that I see/think about things that are beyond reality or what we can see with our eyes. I love yoga, meditation, nature, etc... I consider those interests spiritual. I'm trying to figure out where God/Creator fits into my spiritual life. Maybe I will come to a place where I don't need that but maybe not.


In my previous question, I explored how Jesus does/doesn't factor into your life.


Now I'm asking "How does God/Creator factor into your life?"


Also, do you consider yourself "spiritual" thought you are not longer Christian/Religious?





I believe in a duel God, Azna & Om. How do they factor into my life? Everything I do is with them in mind.


Do I consider myself spiritual? Yes.


I call myself a Gnostic Christian but I'm really a mixed bag of everything.

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From my point of view, atheists are more spiritual than most people, because:


(1) They use their brain and think for themselves;therefore, putting into practice their god nature;

(2) They concentrate in being happy and nothing else; which is what I think we should all do;

(3) They do not trust in prayers or supernatural beings. They trust in themselves, which is PLENTY; There is no telling about all the things a person who trusts him/herself can create or accomplish.




Joeseph Stalin must have been far more spiritual than I.



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Do You Believe There Is A God Or Creator Or Supreme Being?




If there is a god or creator or supreme being, why is belief also necessary to secure its existence?


If a god exists outside necessity of belief, then it is unnecessary to believe for it to exist. If it is necessary to believe in order for god to exist, then said god is a phantom of one's imagination (which necessitates religious hostility towards those who do not believe).

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Joeseph Stalin must have been far more spiritual than I.

Come on Rad, you can do better than that!


Stalin used atheism like the Conquistadors used Christianity: it was a means to an ends and not the thing itself. Any system can be abused in this manner. Stalin espoused an atheistic state because he wanted to establish a new religion around himself (a cult of personality), much the same way Mao did with the cultural revolution.


Now that we've got your knee-jerk reaction out of the way, maybe you'd care to actually take some time and do a real comment on Lorena's post? I would say that I agree with most of what she's saying. Is there a specific aspect of it you have an issue with or were you just verbally jacking-off?




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No. After a year of trying out different religions and beliefs I think I'm a bonafide atheist.


I still believe in things like karma and energy, but as far as gods and goddesses go...No. I just find it pointless and imature, like a child with an imaginary friend.

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YES! I believe in the One True God, Jesus Kryasst! (1 John 5:20)


Kryasst is my Lard and Slaver!


The Magical Being (who is also somehow magically Kryasst) magically created the universe about 10,000 years ago. He also magically created this flat earth about 6000 years ago. (Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-3, Col. 1:16-17)


Read my Statement of Magical Thinking!





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YES! I believe in the One True God, Jesus Kryasst! (1 John 5:20)


Kryasst is my Lard and Slaver!


The Magical Being (who is also somehow magically Kryasst) magically created the universe about 10,000 years ago. He also magically created this flat earth about 6000 years ago. (Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-3, Col. 1:16-17)


Read my Statement of Magical Thinking!





Brother Jeff, you know that God created the light on the first day before before he created sun, moon and stars on the fourth day! The earth was created on the third day, so how did you get 6000 for the earth and 10,000 for the universe when the universe was created only 1 day after the earth? I think your math is wrong. ;) The earth is older than the universe...what's the matter with you? :)

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To update my previous post...


I used to believe in various Pagan gods, but no longer. They make fine concepts and have much philosophical worth, depending on the god in question, but my values, my loved ones, and myself are enough gods for me :)

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For those that have deconverted from christianity, I know there are many places to land. Agnostic, Aetheist, Pantheist, and everything in between. Though I no longer believe Jesus was "god's son" and that the Bible is inerrant(see it more as a collection of stories told in the light of understanding that the people of that day had), I have trouble letting go of the WakingUp



I'd like to think there is a plan, but I have no evidence for it.If there is and I doubt it, this god doesn't need my worship,doesn't hear my prayers and doesn't record and judge every deed. So I conclude I am an atheist

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Like a lot of others on this thread, I've gone through various stages. There may be fancy names like pantheism or paganism to describe my beliefs/feelings or there may not be. My most recent conclusion or decision or whatever has been that since we have scientific explanations for practically everything that used to appear as though it depended on a Higher Power there probably is no god.


I think there are more important things to worry about and I felt liberated just one more step when I gave up all pretense to believe in a supernatural being or life beyond this life on this planet for this lifetime. This does away with concerns about heaven, hell, karma, and rebirth.


I figure if there is more I will find out in due time. If this is all there is, which in my opinion is the most probably, I will have enjoyed life and given to life what I could. I never knew what people meant by the "joy of being alive" until I let go of all supernatural entities and concepts. Sometimes I feel awed to be part of such a beautiful planet with vibrant life.

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Now I'm asking "How does God/Creator factor into your life?"


Also, do you consider yourself "spiritual" thought you are not longer Christian/Religious?






God doesn't factor into my life at all, because I don't believe such a being ever existed. I wouldn't consider myself spiritual either because I don't believe in anything supernatural. I think sometimes people use the term "spiritual" incorrectly to mean what they get inspiration from in their lives. To me, there is so much better things to be inspired by then dusty old books (referring to the bible here) and tales of spirits, like the wonder of the universe itself, or the beauty of nature, or the enormity of evolution and such like.

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For those that have deconverted from christianity, I know there are many places to land. Agnostic, Aetheist, Pantheist, and everything in between. Though I no longer believe Jesus was "god's son" and that the Bible is inerrant(see it more as a collection of stories told in the light of understanding that the people of that day had), I have trouble letting go of the Creator idea. I don't necessarily think this "Creator" has anything to do with us on a daily basis, other than everything around us is part of the Creator. This is just where I am right now...not sure where I'll end up.


I am a spiritual person in that I see/think about things that are beyond reality or what we can see with our eyes. I love yoga, meditation, nature, etc... I consider those interests spiritual. I'm trying to figure out where God/Creator fits into my spiritual life. Maybe I will come to a place where I don't need that but maybe not.


In my previous question, I explored how Jesus does/doesn't factor into your life.


Now I'm asking "How does God/Creator factor into your life?"


Also, do you consider yourself "spiritual" thought you are not longer Christian/Religious?






Many may think my avatar of John Delancie as "Q", the mischievous omnipotent being of ST: TNG lore is tongue-in-cheek. In some ways, yes, but others, no. I think "Q"made a great god. Heck, at least made appearances every once in a while, and I loved how Picard alwayyyyyyyys acted so superior towards him. "Get off my ship, Q, this ship is the property of Stahhhhh-Fleeeet!" Whyyyyyyyy didn't Q just say "Hey, asshole. I'll make your f*cking ship disappear! How long can you hold your breath in free space,Picard!?" lol.


But seriously, who's to say that the Universe and life isn't the construct of a highly advanced alien civilization, a la 2001 Space Odyssey(remember the monolith?) or "Q" or Trelane, the Squire of Gothos, who was a child from an alien species for whom building planets was childs play? Heck, I've often said that the planet Earth and all life on it is the science project of a high school student from an advanced alien civilization.......and the kid got a C minus for a grade! lol.

Here's a humbling thought: Ever think that the Earth may be a zoo? No, not figuratively, literally. Could we be one big "safari park" planted here for an alien civilization's amusement? Might explain UFO sightings, huh? Ultimately, beings this advanced would be "god's" in our eyes, so the line between natural and supernatural phenomanae becomes blurred.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm n atheist and don't believe in a Creator or Supreme being, basically that life occured in a natural way as it is occuring right now.

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I absolutely believe that God exists. God exists in the same manner that all fantasies exist. God very firmly exists in the minds of those who believe.

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