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A Wild, And Gay, Kingdom

Reverend AtheiStar

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A wild, and gay, kingdom


Oct. 24, 2006

Courtesy The Research Council of Norway

and World Science staff


For eons, na­ture has been pranc­ing, flut­ter­ing and al­to­geth­er teem­ing with gay an­i­mals, pro­claim the or­ga­niz­ers of the first mu­se­um ex­hi­bi­tion on ani­mal ho­mo­sex­u­ali­ty.


Scientists have found ho­mo­sex­u­ality in near­ly 1,500 spe­cies, said zo­ol­o­gist Pet­ter Boeck­man of the Nor­we­gian Nat­u­ral His­to­ry Mu­se­um at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Os­lo, an ex­hi­bi­tion co-or­g­an­iz­er. The show, en­ti­tled “A­gainst Na­ture’s Or­der?” is to run through next sum­mer at the mu­se­um.


Boeck­man said the project, draw­ing on sev­er­al years of re­search by an ar­ray of bi­ol­o­gists, proves gay sex is in fact part of na­ture’s or­der. His ar­gu­ments ech­o the claim of gay rights ad­vo­cates world­wide that in hu­mans, too, ho­mo­sex­u­ality is nat­u­ral.


Same-sex mating is es­pe­cial­ly com­mon among herd­ing an­i­mals, and of­ten serves to re­solve con­flicts, Boeck­man said.


“One fun­da­men­tal prem­ise in so­cial de­bates has been that ho­mo­sex­u­ality is unnat­u­ral. This prem­ise is wrong. Ho­mo­sex­u­ality is both com­mon and high­ly es­sen­tial in the lives of a num­ber of spe­cies,” he said.


The best-known gay an­i­mal is the dwarf chim­pan­zee, or bo­no­bo, one of hu­man­i­ty’s closest rel­a­tives. The whole spe­cies is bi­sex­u­al: sex plays a glar­ing role in all their ac­tiv­i­ties and de­fuses po­ten­tial vi­o­lence, Boek­man ar­gued, the usu­al meth­od of solv­ing con­flicts among an­i­mals.


“Sex among dwarf chim­pan­zees is in fact the busi­ness of the whole fam­i­ly,” he re­marked. “The cute lit­tle ones of­ten lend a help­ing hand when they en­gage in oral sex with each oth­er.”


Li­ons can al­so be ho­mo­sex­u­al, he ar­gued: ma­les of­ten band to­geth­er with broth­ers to lead the pride, and en­sure loy­al­ty by hav­ing sex with each oth­er.


Ho­mo­sex­u­ality is com­mon among dol­phins and kill­er whales, he said; with them, male-fe­male bonds are fleet­ing, where­as male-male pairings can last years. Gay sex be­tween dif­fer­ent spe­cies is not un­u­su­al ei­ther, he added. Meet­ings be­tween dif­fer­ent dol­phin spe­cies can be vi­o­lent, he said, but the ten­sion is of­ten bro­ken by a “sex or­gy.”


As a so­cial phe­nom­e­non, ho­mo­sex­u­ality is most wide­spread among an­i­mals with a com­plex herd life, he con­ti­nued.


Among apes, fe­ma­les cre­ate con­ti­nu­i­ty with­in the group, he added; this so­cial net­work is main­tained not on­ly by shar­ing food and child rear­ing, but through sex. “Among many of the fe­male apes the sex or­gans swell up. So they rub their ab­domens against each oth­er,” Boeck­man said, adding that an­i­mals have sex be­cause they have the de­sire to, just like hu­mans.


“We’re talk­ing about eve­ry­thing from mam­mals to crabs and worms,” he con­ti­n­ued. Some an­i­mals practice ho­mo­sex­u­al be­hav­iour rarely, he ela­bor­ated; others, in­c­lu­d­ing bo­no­bos, do it life­long.


This oc­curs also among birds that pair with one part­ner for life, as geese and ducks do, he not­ed: four to five per­cent of the cou­ples are ho­mo­sex­u­al, and sin­gle fe­males will lay eggs in a ho­mo­sex­u­al pair’s nest. Ho­mo­sex­u­al cou­ple of­ten seem bet­ter at rais­ing the young than het­er­o­sex­ual cou­ples, he added.


In col­o­nies of black-headed gulls, al­most eve­ry tenth pair is les­bi­an, he said. It’s very pos­si­ble for the les­bi­ans to be­come im­preg­nated, he added, though these in­di­vid­u­als should­n’t be con­sid­ered bi­sex­u­al.


“If a fe­male has sex with a male one time, but thou­sands of times with anoth­er fe­ma­le, is she bi­sex­u­al or ho­mo­sex­u­al?” he asked. This is much the same way as gay peo­ple of­ten have chil­dren, he not­ed.


“More­over, a part of the an­i­mal king­dom is hermaphroditic,” hav­ing both male and fe­male sex or­gans, he not­ed. “For them, ho­mo­sex­u­al is not an is­sue.”


The theme of an­i­mal ho­mo­sex­u­ality, he said, “has long been taboo” among sci­en­tists, who of­ten mas­quer­ade the touchy sub­ject by giv­ing it oth­er names.


He cit­ed one sci­en­tif­ic de­scrip­tion of mat­ing among gi­raffes, in an ar­e­a where nine in ten pair­ings oc­curred be­tween ma­les. “Every male that sniffed a fe­male was re­ported as sex,” he said; but anal sex with or­gasm be­tween ma­les was por­trayed as a dom­i­nance, com­peti­ti­tion or greet­ing be­hav­ior.


It’s time to start calling it what it is: sex, Boeck­man in­sists.


“Many re­search­ers have de­scribed ho­mo­sex­u­ality as some­thing al­to­geth­er dif­fer­ent from sex. They must real­ise that an­i­mals can have sex with who they will, when they will and with­out con­sid­er­a­tion to a re­searcher’s eth­i­cal prin­ci­ples.”


Animals masturbate, too, he observed.


“There are plen­ty of an­i­mals who will mas­tur­bate when they have noth­ing bet­ter to do. Mas­tur­ba­tion has been ob­served among pri­ma­tes, deer, kill­er whales and pen­guins… both ma­les and fe­ma­les. They rub them­selves against stones and roots. Orangutans are es­pe­cial­ly in­ven­tive. They make dil­dos of wood and bark.”

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This only proves that with man's fall from grace, so fell all of God's perfect creation with man. Those nasty animals shall suffer endlessly in hell too, along with all those impure Sodomites, working in their Giraffe and Kangaroo bodies that which is cleary against nature! And those wicked Bonobos!!! Those perverted chimps are serving the dark lord Satan in their so called "free society." Bad monkeys!














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I remember reading an article on bonobos when I was a fundie. I wasn't quite sure what to make of them (especially holding to the idea that homosexuality was wrong and unnatural).

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This only proves that with man's fall from grace, so fell all of God's perfect creation with man. Those nasty animals shall suffer endlessly in hell too, along with all those impure Sodomites, working in their Giraffe and Kangaroo bodies that which is cleary against nature! And those wicked Bonobos!!! Those perverted chimps are serving the dark lord Satan in their so called "free society." Bad monkeys!



This must have been a level of Hell that was left out. lol...



I remember reading an article on bonobos when I was a fundie. I wasn't quite sure what to make of them (especially holding to the idea that homosexuality was wrong and unnatural).


I would think it would have strengthened your resolve that you were gawd's special creation and definitely not one of those dirty, nasty animals! lol... Or perhaps you co9uld have felt a bit jealous considering waht a great time they were having! lol...

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those videos are awesome!


Damn it. I missed it. This is all that was up when I clicked on it:


This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.

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