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Goodbye Jesus

Instant Conversion


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Mentalist Derren Brown poses as James Lawrence who claims to be able to convert atheists into believing in God with a touch of his hand. Derren makes the following statement at the beginning of each episode of 'Trick of the Mind':

"This program fuses magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship. I achieve all the results you'll see through a varied mixture of those techniques. At no point are actors or stooges used in the show."

Part I:



Part II:




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This guy does all sorts of stuff in england along the wierd mind control lines, not christian type stuff. He programs people so that they will jump at an exact time, which their body keeps track of, so that he can stand by a window, point them out and tell you exactly when they'll do it as they walk down the street! He has studied and is expert in, deceiving and controlling the mind and is an excellent example of why people's ideas of feeling god moving through them, or feeling god push them, or feeling god do anything need not be given a moments serious consideration.

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