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Goodbye Jesus

Anyone Feel Better Not Being Immortal?


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I wouldn't mind immorality at all but it'd have to be a place of peace. Blue skies, grasses, gentle breeze, babbling brooks, a place for swimming, lots of space, lots of animals, an abundance of life, and of course a neverending supply of fruits and veggies...I'd be perfectly content. Well, I'd also pick to have my loved ones with me.


I could easily live eternally without all the hustle and bustle of the modern world and cars, television, music (as it is today), etc., etc. The simple life *away from it all* would be the best life ever, IMHO.

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At a quantum level, every one of us is as old as the universe itself, and none of us will ever really "die". We'll just be broken down and recycled.


"Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, nebulae to nebulae"

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I must say that I also find death refreshing, for the fact that there will come a time when nobody will remember all the stupid, mean, petty things I did in my life, because everyone involved will be dead. Everybody I love will die, but so will everybody I've ever offended. The embarrassments of my life will be wiped away once the last person who ever knew me dies.

Unless your mistakes are bad enough to warrant inclusion in any written documents!


For example, I am very confident that GWB's antics will greatly outlive his contemporaries. Sorry Dubya, the human race will not be forgetting you anytime soon.

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Heh, good point about having mistakes written down... yet even those will pass away too, after a dozen millennia or so.


Anybody remember the character of Robert "Hob" Gadling from the Sandman comics? That might be an interesting arrangement...

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