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Goodbye Jesus

Why Do Christians Think They Know Everything?


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I have written on this site before and I am doing it again, because this is one of the only places that I know I can be totally honest about how I feel about Christianity, "God" and the like without fear of being judged as some hell-bound sinner who has lost his fucking mind...


What I am about to write was the last straw that broke the camels back in my frustration with what we call Christianity. I started a new job recently after being unemployed for quite some time and having a tough time finding a new job. Anyway, I was telling a good friend of mine (who happens to be a devout Christian) about some of the challenges that I am having at this new job, how unethical and unprofessional some of the employees are and how the company has such a high turnover rate because the leadership within is very bad and the company itself - although doing relatively well - has soem serious internal issues, issues that if I had realized existed would have prevented me from accepting the position..


This guy (my friend) then decides to go into a preaching mode about how I need to be grateful that I have a job because God gave you the job. I cannot honestly tell you the last time I felt this angry by a response to an e-mail. God gave me the job (as he says)....and? so fucking what? that means I am supposed to just take whatever kind of crap that comes from the job and the people who abuse authority in the company because God gave it to me (supposedly)? I could just as easily say the devil gave me the job, what difference does it make? This is what pisses me off about Christians, they have an answer to every fucking problem in the world and they selectively pick and choose verses from the Bible to back their claim..Having trouble in your finances? Well, you must not be tithing..Having health problems? Maybe you have been unfaithful to God in some area in your life...Not doing well in your job? There must be some unconfessed sin (like the usual favorites, sexual immorality, abortion or voting for a Democrat) in your life....Natural disaster or terminal illness hit home? There must really be some serious sin in your life then...You get the point. This is what absolutely makes me sick about religion (and specifically Christianity). Everyone goes to their fancy churches (we are in the era of the mega church you know) and acts like they have their lives together, while they are really living a life of hypocrisy (based on the full context of the Bible) and then they want to have the nerve to tell you why your life is in the mess that it is....Give me a fucking break....I am coming to the slow but gradual conclusion that religion at its core is design to imprison people's minds and souls, to trap them in a web of total deception, using fear and paranoia as the primary tools.



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Nice rant Oladotun.


Yeah man, I left Christianity for two reasons. Denial and control. I think many Christians are in the business of denying that they are, in essence, animals. To be more specific they/we are mammals. And there seems to be a pervasive attitude that our fate is not really like that of other animals. Denial.


The other reason was control. Many seemed to want to make me feel guilty for simply being a sexual being. Whatever. I knew they were just trying to control me and rather ineffectually at that. And of course my sexuality wasn't the only thing they attempted to control.


So putting these two things together doesn't make for a pretty picture. It seems many Christians are saying in essence, "I'm not going to look at things as they really are, and while I engage in this willful blindness I'm going to tell you what to do with your life."


That is simply unacceptable in my opinion.

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many Christians are in the business of denying that they are, in essence, animals. To be more specific they/we are mammals. And there seems to be a pervasive attitude that our fate is not really like that of other animals. Denial.

yeah i agree.

Sometimess it seems to be they are too confident.they think everything can be done.Everything.

They think they held the truth,so anything else is untruth,even if there might be some parallels with them

It seems like a cycle through.


obviously it's symtom of group think




<sidenote:i think i post the group think thing twice.....>

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It seems to be human nature to have easy answers to everything. Maybe it helps people feel in control of an unpredictable universe.

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