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Goodbye Jesus

Follow The Kryasst!

Brother Jeff

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I just published this response to a flyer I got from the Jehovah's Witnesses today to my glorious site.


I frequently walk to and from school. I am attending the University of Alaska Anchorage, and the walk is about 1-1/2 miles each way. Even though I’m usually in a hurry I enjoy the walk, especially on really nice days like today. The sun is out, the temperatures are in the low to mid-60’s F and it feels great to be outside. I had almost made it home when I saw some folks walking down the street towards me. As I passed one of the ladies, she stopped me and handed me a flyer about a Jehovah’s Witness convention that is taking place this weekend here in town. I think she realized from the way I was walking that I was in a hurry, so I didn’t have to inform her that I didn’t have time to talk about religious bullshit with her. I just took the flyer and immediately continued on my way.


I find it really annoying that religious nuts think that it’s perfectly acceptable to visit other people’s homes uninvited and try to force their religious myths on them. That’s just bullshit! How would those religious nuts feel if I came to their homes uninvited and tried to force my rational thinking and atheism on them? They would probably be pissed off, and so am I! Mostly it’s the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Morons…er, I mean Mormons who make a habit of trolling door-to-door looking for tragically uninformed, gullible people who might make good religious converts. But, fundamentalist Christians do it too. I can remember being a young fundie student at East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, TX back in 1985-86. I participated a couple of times in door-to-door trolling activities, and I’m thankful now that most people didn’t care to stand at the door and talk about religious bullshit with us. Unfortunately, the Jehovah’s Witnesses come around here to this neighborhood and our home with annoying frequency. The next time they do, I’m going to cease even pretending to be nice to them. I’ve had it with politely allowing them to continue thinking that it’s OK to invade my privacy so they can attempt to short-circuit my rational mind with their religious bullshit and suck me into their cult.


Anyway, this is the flyer I got from them and my response to it:




"Follow the Kryasst!".


Brother Jeff: Why should I follow a mythical man who allegedly threatened those who didn’t believe in him with an eternal hell? On what basis should I believe his alleged claims? Why should I fear being consigned to a mythical place for eternity for failing to believe unsubstantiated claims allegedly made by a man whose very historicity is questionable at best?

"Improve family life…"


Brother Jeff: How will having an Invisible Friend improve my family life? How will stoning my disobedient children (Deut. 21:18-21) and joyfully bashing my children’s heads against rocks (Psalm 137:9) improve my family life? How will killing my children if they happen to be homosexual (Lev. 20:13) improve my family life?

"Deal with life’s difficult problems…"


Brother Jeff: How will having an Invisible Friend help me deal with life’s difficult problems? How will developing delusional beliefs reminiscent of symptoms of schizophrenia where I believe that an Invisible Man who lives in the sky is guiding my life and talking to me and offering me advice help me deal with life’s difficult problems? How will joining a religious cult help me deal with life’s difficult problems? How do I reconcile the fact that religion often creates problems rather than solving them with the idea that “following the Kryasst” will help me to deal with life’s difficult problems?

"Draw closer to God…"


Brother Jeff: How can I “draw closer” to an imaginary being? How does one even go about attempting to approach a nonexistent entity such as God? How will developing delusional, schizophrenic-like symptoms where I believe that an Invisible Being is talking to me from up in the sky and that he hears me speaking back to him benefit me in any way?


"Oppose the Devil…"


Brother Jeff: What good does it do to “oppose” a clearly mythological being? Why should I believe that a being spoken of in an ancient Book of Myths that also speaks of unicorns, satyrs, and cockatrices as if they were real actually exists? Why should I believe that the absurd, pre-scientific fairy tale that the Devil stars in (as a talking snake!) in the book of Genesis actually took place?


"Gain everlasting life…"


Brother Jeff: “Everlasting life” sounds nice in some respects, but it is a myth. There is no evidence for the existence of the soul (an ancient, ignorant concept that I find mildly amusing), and there is no evidence that we survive physical death. The reality of our situation is that when we die, we cease to exist. That’s just the way it is, and currently nothing can change that fact.


According to the flyer, I am cordially invited to attend their district convention and find answers to “those questions and many others”. I wonder if they would welcome my questions? Will rational thinking be welcomed there? Somehow, I doubt it!


Also according to the flyer, no collections will be taken. Well, why not? According to the Book of Myths and most preachers, God always needs more money! Shouldn’t we give his alleged representatives some of our hard-earned cash so they can pass it along to the Magic Sky Man?


I wish for a world free of ignorant, gullible religious people and mind-numbing, conflict-causing religious bullshit, but until that day comes (if it ever does) I wish the religious nutjobs of the world would just fucking leave me alone! Can I get an “Amen!”? Glory!

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I find it really annoying that religious nuts think that it’s perfectly acceptable to visit other people’s homes uninvited and try to force their religious myths on them. That’s just bullshit! How would those religious nuts feel if I came to their homes uninvited and tried to force my rational thinking and atheism on them?


Amen Brother Jeff!!


I think you might enjoy this (if you haven't seen it already): Door to Door Atheists :D

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I got that too just a few days ago. :Wendywhatever:

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Them jehovah witnesses get on my nerves too. They always leave little booklets in my screen door, walk up the sidewalk trying to talk to me for some reason they infest the housing projects. I keep saying I'm not interested.

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