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I am looking to put together a list of unfulfilled prophecies..Christians seem to point to prophecies fulfilled as a main reason for their belief. I have also read that many prophecies were never fulfilled. Does anyone have any unfulfilled prophecies that are rock solid? I would appreciate them

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The Messiah hasn't been born. I would track down a Jew to discuss this in detail though.

But, just about all the prophecies are metaphorical in nature, and can be taken to describe many events, like Nostrodomus.

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Does anyone have any unfulfilled prophecies that are rock solid? I would appreciate them


QUESTION: What part of the Bible do you consider to be rock solid?


Some people consider one part to be solid historical truth and others consider another part to be solid historical truth. And they are not necessarily the same.

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QUESTION: What part of the Bible do you consider to be rock solid?

I don't consider any part of the Bible rock solid. what I am looking for is any prophecy did not happen that a Christian can't try to explain away. Those that can't be explained away by Christians as why they didn't happen yet or happened another way.

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Actually it's hard to find a single prophecy that has been fulfilled. Almost every attempt to argue a fulfilled prophecy I've ever come across uses the Bible to prove it happened (which is circular logic if I've ever seen it!) Perhaps a better approach would be to show Christians that other religions' holy books also claim to have prophecies fulfilled. You can't assume it's history just because the Bible says it happened. Ask the Christian you're arguing with if he/she can produce even a single source outside of the Bible to verify any claims of fulfilled prophecy. That will destroy most if not all of the so-called "fulfilled prophecies" in the Bible!

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A prophecy fulfilled or unfulfilled proves and disproves nothing. Given enough time and spin ANYTHING can be "proven" (read: argued)

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Soor, I agree with MathGuy. The reason for asking what part of the Bible you consider solid was that if the Bible is not solid then there is nothing solid in it. That's my rationnal for what it's worth.


I also know from experience that MathGuy's argument won't go anywhere with Christians because they think if the Bible says it, that is proof that it is true. I've said to Christians, "You can't use the Bible to prove the Bible." I just get a blank look from them. It seems they haven't a clue where to start arguing with a person who does not accept the Bible as valid. But they are still as convinced as ever that the Bible is true. They are just also convinced that I am hopelessly lost. And this worries them. And they feel helpless when they find that the one thing they have always depended on is wiped out from under their feet, i.e. that I have rejected the authority of the Bible. They want to save me but the gulf between us is too wide; they can't reach across it.


And, of course, they can never produce a single reason for why I should accept the Bible, except that I will find out when it's too late that hell is real. I feel sorry for them but they absolutely refuse to listen to anything I say that could possibly comfort and assure them. They will go so far as to claim that Satan gives a person peace, too. In other words, if I in my present spiritual state claim to have peace, in their mind the only possibility is that it is Satan's peace that I have.


Most of these were discussions/arguments with various family memebrs. It's a hopeless circle that always leaves me feeling very seriously upset. I no longer talk with them and that has allowed me to recuperate and be my own self. However, I understand if you want to try your hand at convincing Christian friends and relatives. You may be more successful than I have been. Not all people are equally stubborn.

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I have always enjoyed the Jewish sites online pointing out how much Jesus DOES NOT fulfill Jewish prophecy.


I'd love to "prove" Revelations already happened, and make the Christians deal with it just like the Jews have had to deal with it from the Christians.

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Soor said:


I am looking to put together a list of unfulfilled prophecies..Christians seem to point to prophecies fulfilled as a main reason for their belief. I have also read that many prophecies were never fulfilled. Does anyone have any unfulfilled prophecies that are rock solid? I would appreciate them


I found just the person who might be able to help you. Skeptical Believer. In this post he mentions "fitted" prophecies.


I'm not sure how to get his attention. Maybe if you go to his thread and comment on his post you will get feedback. Just a suggestion.

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