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Is "faith" Merely Instinct?

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Well, I've been "studying" evolution lately and I had a thought last night...I'm wondering if anyone has ever written up a hypothesis on it. Not that I'm qualified to make one, I'd just like to read something along the same lines.


And when I say I've been "studying" I only mean that I have been reading bits and pieces here and there and watching a documentary or two in what little free time I have lately.


Basically, I know next to nothing about evolution since I was pretty much convinced of the Genesis method of things. Yes, I had questions and doubts (I've always been a skeptic for the most part), but my addled brain would generally come around to accept that "God did it" and I was just a lowly earth creature who couldn't understand anything.


Since I know virtually nothing about it, I'm kind of in limbo on the subject. I will not commit to, "Yes it happened this way," but I also will not say, "No this is ridiculous." I am of the opinion that evolution is the most highly-likely possibility though. The more I read, the more it makes sense - especially discovering it has never been this smooth transition of species to species as old high-school textbooks and religious-related media tend to show.


So, my blathering explanation intro now comes back to the thought I had:


Instinct is something hardwired into every species it seems. Even man has instincts - fear/danger warning, desire to reproduce, predatory nature, etc.


I am wondering if "faith" or "superstition" or whatever you want to call it could also be a hardwired instinct?


Perhaps there have always been the odd scoffers and non-believers, but these were minorities where the "religious genes" were of lower quantity or not present. The development of science is allowing these free-thinkers to come out more and more so the "free-thinking genes" are becoming more dominant (though slowly).


Could "religion" eventually be bred out of the human race?

Guest Structural Engineer

This is my personal opinion.


I believe religion and faith are by products or side effects to a positive trait we humans posses. We humans are basically pattern seeking mammals. We always search for patterns in nature to simplify our analysis of how things work. At the beginning of our race we did not have the tools given to us today by technology (a product of pattern seeking which is the basis of computer programing for example). The lack of technology and education made our ancestors classify things as made by a god when a pattern could not be identified (you yourself fell into that as did i in the past when we said i dont understand this so god did it).


Ignorance has always been beneficial for organized religion. As science and reason marched foward god marched backward. thats why religion has always been against many scientific research projects like stem cells for example. its unbelievable religion still exists today but if you walk into any church and start asking some basic science and math knowledge youll see that religious fanatics fail miserably. test your religious buddies by asking them to define simple concepts like area, volume,density, mass etc. To a chemist, seeing metal disolve in an acid is the most normal thing but to a christian it will probably be the hand of god.


I am leaning towards agreement with Structural Engineer. Welcome to the forums by the way SE.


Religion seems to me to be a side effect of humanity's first attempts to understand the universe and their place in it. No big deal, right? Most of us don't get it right the first time, and the acquisition of understanding is an art.


We're getting better at at it.


I don't know, even in the "hard-wired" intellectual, there seems to be a need to come and protect people of like kind.

I don't know, even in the "hard-wired" intellectual, there seems to be a need to come and protect people of like kind.


WTF is a 'hard-wired' intellectual?


End3, yeah c'mon. Don't annoy Gramps, he's very smart and you're being obtuse.

So what is a hard wired intellectual, please for the sake of your arguement?

need I say more

Yes, actually I would say you do...what do you mean by a "hard-wired" intellectual, as opposed to, let us say, a conventional intellectual, an open minded intellectual, a pseudo-intellectual, etc.?


hardwired-unmodifiable behavior pattern

intellect- the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands

a purist

hardwired-unmodifiable behavior pattern

intellect- the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands

a purist


Hardwired - pertaining to or being an intrinsic and relatively unmodifiable behavior pattern (that is a correct definition you gave but not complete)


As for your use of intellect and intellectual?

Intellectual has 10 definitions, 5 of which are nouns, 3 of which relate. (dictionary.com / websters dictionary)

1. a person professionally engaged in mental labor, as a writer or teacher. (doesn't relate)

2. an extremely rational person; a person who relies on intellect rather than on emotions or feelings. (relates)

3. a person who places a high value on or pursues things of interest to the intellect or the more complex forms and fields of knowledge, as aesthetic or philosophical matters, esp. on an abstract and general level. (relates for sure)

4. a person of superior intellect. (relates)


So assuming you use the arguments that relate

2. An unchangable rational person?

3. An unchangable person who pursues knowledge?

4. A hardwired genius?


and are you asking if "hardwired intellectuals" would protect family aka "like kind?"


P.S. What does a purist have to do with intellect?


It still doesn't make any sense out side of the irritating moron's head...


Forget it, Gramps and Evan, this guy seems to be writing in ur-end3ish- that is, he've made his own original gibberish language and we have to freaking decode it.


I am saying it is possible to be so bound by the pursuit of intellect thought, that one fails to see any other patterns. Good example is GH. The def of intellect...power or faculty, how do you reconcile that? Man, I can see where that definintion is exacting. Oh brother.


I recognise most pattens of thought... and I can even see the utility of them...


At the moment, I'm having to decode your assaults on the English language, which you CAN stop doing when you want to, but you seem to wallow in the faeculence of simply indecipherable linguistics...


Hable Espanol?


Sprechen sie Deutsch?


Spreek u Nederlandse?


Parlez vous Francais?


Jazz interpretive dance?


Mayan Picto-glyphs?



Give us some common tongue we cna try to communicate in and I'll do my level best to understnad, however, No Crazy Shit Spoke Here!


Hey End3,


A serious pursuit of intellectual thought contributes to new patterns no matter what, I don't see how learning and retaining knowledge shut you off from new patterns unless you are a true blue ivory tower snob that doesn't associate with any dissenters or reasonable people or you are a religious ignorist (People purposely ignoring facts in order to preserve their beloved truths about deities)


The brain is the faculty of our thinking or learning. Actions, reading, writing, communicating and thinking are faculties of the brain therefore having a power to mold others for the better or worse.

People learn what other people say or write which starts in the brain then put it into action. So knowledge and intellectualism are powers enabled by the faculties of the brain.


It would be a waste if we don't strive to learn as well as living our life. Knowledge implies new patterns attained, new powers and faculties found. The lack of knowledge or refusation to learn more implies a lack of new patterns attained while no new powers and faculties are found. It is that simple.


Next time, write in real english not the exacting linguistic delineation (Or degradation or abuse, it's hard to tell) of the language you claim to write in and use everyday.


Some thoughts that come to mind....1) I exist, so why is my perception excluded from the data set? Just because your perception excludes it as rational does not seem to exclude me from existance or from the data set. 2) What is the mechanism for the faculty of the brain. How can we speak with certainty about the faculties of the brain. 3) How then can we make a statement about humanity...


"Mold others for better or worse"... What?? Do you believe in better or worse? Pick some statements that will help me define in my existance where you are coming from in your existance.


So, we've gone from bad physics to bad existential philosophies...


Why should one take on board the comments of a three year old when trying to launch a rocket to the moon? Should a chimpanzee be consulted on economic theory? Why the FUCK should I respect or note the opinions of someone incapable of constructing a coherent and cogent sentence?


and Onyx, he does does to language what a group of Tweaking frat boys would do to an unconscious cheerleader...


you were teaching you son the other day about arguments, why bother


Honestly GH,

You seem to be different, and my curiosity brings me here to find out why...but you won't answer. I know an extremely intellegent professor at our local univeristy, but he has chosen Chritianity. What's your story, fully man.

you were teaching you son the other day about arguments, why bother


Unless you're going to pull a 'Darth, I am your son...' twist, or you know something I don't, I have no children...

Honestly GH,

You seem to be different, and my curiosity brings me here to find out why...but you won't answer. I know an extremely intellegent professor at our local univeristy, but he has chosen Chritianity. What's your story, fully man.


1) I seem 'different' how?


2) I'd dispute 'intelligent' if he buys the Christian story as literally true. Most 'Professors' I have had the misfortune of meeting seem to know a huge amount abou t their chosen subject and stuff all about anything else... they usually have a reasonably good memory, which a lot mistake for 'intelligence'...


3) I've discussed it before, I'm not going there again.


step-children perhaps, don't make me guess..seems as though I was reading in one of the threads and you mentioned teaching your child to debate....maybe it was a mistake on my part.


Nearst thing I have to children are an aged cat and evil tempered tortoise who is considering his long winter nap... I think you're mixing me up with the much taller, and far less pretty, Han Solo...


When I came to this forum, I am like all the others, blah blah blah ...but from my perspective you seem to be the leader that comes to the perifery(sp?) of the website and defend the masses. I see you as probably being a pretty good guy. You don't have to be. That is just my perspective. I have 3 children, 11, 7, and one suprise that is 1...two girls and a boy.

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