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Goodbye Jesus

Did A Friend A Hellova Favor.....

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Don't want to go too far into details, but been on the landline and e.mails trying to unfuck a situation that started when i bothered to offer helping hands to someone needing them.


The only winners out of all this will be my lawyer and the folks who fired this shitstorm off.


Long story short, some mail that has been delivered to my "guest's box" was marked "Return to Sender", the contact here at haciendaFatman been gone looooOOOOooOOooong time, they don't exist here anymore.


Mail returned to sender, guessing now there was financial or legal works in one or some of them, now I'm getting my ass waxed for messing with the recipient.


I don't need this shit..




You were "messing with the recipient"? If they weren't there, they weren't there. What were you supposed to do about it? :shrug:

You were "messing with the recipient"? If they weren't there, they weren't there. What were you supposed to do about it? :shrug:



Ms ExCog..


"HellifIKnow" is the answer I must give here. Forwarded mail for a year at my expense, then send note to the friend to "get addressing changed". Did this with a snailmailed note. That was used in the legal mess tossed in my face.


I now feel, in the hours and days since posting that I am in a shakedown, some attempt to bleed me for a bit more..


Told the lawyer on that end to FOAD, and told my lady shark, this end, to deliver the FOAD if the assklowns failed to find the message.


Unintended consequences in every thing one does, some come back and nibble, others like this one byte hard..




How stupid. they tought you were going to play postman for them forever. Can't see how return to sender is messing with their mail...they don't live there.


used you, and now uses the system because you are no longer the dorrmat they want you to be.



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