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Goodbye Jesus

Message To Hardcorebeliever

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Just to head off any troll posts by the pathetically desperate: A. Hell is a bunch of made-up bullshit, so don't even bother threatening me with it. B. No, this testimony doesn't sound 'familiar' or 'fake'. You didn't read it anywhere else so if you really are a Christian, you might want to think about bearing false witness against your neighbor before you accuse me of making this up. 3. Yes, I was a 'true believer' so don't try to use my story to alleviate your own fears by using the psychological defense mechanism of distancing yourself from anything that rings familiar in my testimony. 4. I don't care if you think I'm angry, rebellious, unhappy, defiant--that's YOU projecting. Try reading about logic and critical thinking instead of mental masturbation that apologetics provide simply because it feels good...

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HCB was a spoof.


I think that's a message to the hardcorebeliever-in-general because it addresses the hardcorebeliever-in-general troll charges against exchristians.


Ahh, I can see that now.


Basically the answer is yes, but also to any trolling theist the same goes too. I realize we need theist to come on the forums in order our reasons to refute their bull crap, but at the same time I do not believe the thread should be closed preventing anyone from replying as some times they are.


I do not know why or who closes the threads or for what reason, but they should remain open and die on the vine by themselves in order everyone or anyone can have a chance to reply to them.


I do not know who has the power to close a thread; author, administrator or moderator, but if a thread is to be closed we on these forums have the right to be fore warned or told rather than just close them without any explanation whatsoever.


These forums are to have us let off steam against the theist whom we consider has taken pot shots against our lives in the past thus controlling us and turning us into mind slaves without any regards for us, so now we can attack the attackers. But by denying us that right is wrong without us being given a reason.


That is why I posted this thread as form of protest both to all theist and to those that shut us off from having a counter attack on the theist who attack us on this forum.


I closed the thread, because HardCoreBeliever was not a Christian, but one of our other members L.B. who wanted to be funny and play a little joke on us. We don't encourage that behavior since it will cause an unnecessary shit-storm. And the topic kept on getting angry responses against HardCoreBeliever (which isn't a real person or a believing Christian) which means it's just a waste of band-width and effort to tell every poster to read on in the thread and see that it's just a poser/sockpuppet/fake/pretender/alias.


I made the decision to close it, and I stand by it.




Old Jew, when I wrote my first post in this thread I assumed you had read all of HardCoreBeliever's thread. If you had you wouldn't be so upset about this. It's all explained. It's like a mystery novel.

  • Admin

And I fully agree with Hans' decision.


Han is a warm and wonderful human being, who I don't believe a word of the rumours I start about him, in a Hunter S Davis way... :fdevil:


On the subject of Socks... I've seen then turn into the agents of paranoia even when very carefully managed and reported to Mods (we had one thread where ONLY socks posted... it was a sort of surreal, freeform, melodrama... it worked just fine and all involved had a good time but then there was a proliferation of 'trolling socks' and other 'respected' posters socking-up and pulling shivs on people. Very ugly, very quickly, and the level of trust lost was never actually regained (I've never liked socks and don't use them... My internal world is complex enough without tryingto convincingly manage more than one identity...) One thing it showed me in cleaning up the mess... the use of a competent practitioner of what we called forensic linguistic analysis as a mod... :D

Basically the answer is yes, but also to any trolling theist the same goes too. I realize we need theist to come on the forums in order our reasons to refute their bull crap, but at the same time I do not believe the thread should be closed preventing anyone from replying as some times they are.


Oldjew.... My answers interspaced.


I do not know why or who closes the threads or for what reason, but they should remain open and die on the vine by themselves in order everyone or anyone can have a chance to reply to them.


Umm, when the "everyone or anyone" pay for the bandwidth, threads then can "remain open" until hell freezes over. As long as its my watch on the thermostat, bandwidth is preserved for things more useful.

**I** generally am guilty party for closing threads and pissing in trolls breakfast flakes by doing so.


I do not know who has the power to close a thread; author, administrator or moderator, but if a thread is to be closed we on these forums have the right to be fore warned or told rather than just close them without any explanation whatsoever.


When some seriously evile shit happens on these boards caused by Staff, intentional and/or otherwise, I'm generally in the midst of it.


Define for me, on and using private property such as Ex-Christian dot net your *rights* are please. As for forewarned, I'll be happy to allow an appointed group of concerned investors in this place feel free to advise me on the mechanics of my decisions. Franchise appointments for the "Let's ride daFatman's ass and diagnose his fucked attitude group, LLC" are being sold by the pound at this time.

Until then, the Boss has trusted me with having a 'fast gun, will travel' when it comes to being one of his peace keepers.


I've had to back up on rare occasion, been corrected, and even told what a flaming dickhead I am, and all rightfully.


These forums are to have us let off steam against the theist whom we consider has taken pot shots against our lives in the past thus controlling us and turning us into mind slaves without any regards for us, so now we can attack the attackers. But by denying us that right is wrong without us being given a reason.


See above. That definition of the fourii is not incorrect. It is not a blank cheque for someone with a reallllLLLLYy warped sense of humor to come in, fuck off on the Bosses dimeage, create shit on the carpet, roll around in it, then go "Oh, its all in FUN! Soooooo Sorry..!"


Again Oldjew, 'right' is mighty fookin' subjective when you don't pay the bills, or are employed here by the cat who does.


Shitters on Dave's carpet, especially spoofers, folks who are registered ExC-ers who come in and raise hell are gonna get more damage done than your average religious/sectarian dumbass.

Seems this issue comes up annually or so, gotta take out the Big Fookin' Club of Menial Mentations and remind folks that being part of the Community is a privilege and not a 'right'.

Act like a shitheel, get pressure washed out front door.


That is why I posted this thread as form of protest both to all theist and to those that shut us off from having a counter attack on the theist who attack us on this forum.


I'd suggest if you LIKE shitheaded sectarians, go to the zillions of various religious oriented boards and net sites and take them on with the same or similar banter allowed here in Dave's House. After you've had your account shoved back out the front door, kicked off their sites, and banned for mis-dis-un-appropriate thinking, come back here and remind me how fucking much christian chickenshit I'm supposed to allow and take here..


Dave's House is one of the most open spaces on 'Net when it comes to the discussing of *religion* period. We Staffers work hard to help this little joint continue to be available to the most amount of traffic, the greatest amount of persons leaving/left their religious ties and binds. Spoofers in essence are helping take from here valued resources that I guard as carefully as I have time and tools for.


Not afraid to say that if someone finds these digs unacceptable that on the way out they can take their cover charge out of the Staff's tip jar and leave with at least as much as they came in with.


Otherwise this mean_old_man guards *here* as well as can be...




I know it's a serious post but, DAYM! I'll never get to sleep now, the image of someone riding Kevin's ass will lurch before me every time I close my eyes any time soon!


and at the risk of being called a creep, I've always found the big K fair to the point of it being a character flaw... and more tolerant of buffoons and general assholery (often aimed at him, and yes I do remember that being me) than many on Mr. Edison's Telegranet!


I think the mods are usually more lenient toward keeping threads open than they need to be. That thread went on a lot longer than I thought it would, once LB was exposed. (LB you are the berries, kid).


I have found Hans and Skip's efforts here very commendable. Other sites I've been on the mods either never wield their power and the boards suffer, or they abuse their powers and members suffer. I think they and the others do a great job. Modding a board is a very tough job and this board allows much freedom of thought.


As for hardcorebelievers everywhere, I will say it again, the fake fundies prove better at defending your faith than you do. Maybe you could learn a a thing or two from a non-believer. But then that would require a major IQ transplant.


Usually when the criticism of the Mods gets to a dull roar, I tend to post this


"Hurrah! For The Life Of A Soldier"


By Rudyard Kipling, 1892


I went into a public- 'ouse to get a pint o' beer,


The publican 'e up an sez, "We serve no red-coats here."


The girls behind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,


I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:


O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy go away";


But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins," when the band begins to play-


The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,


O it's "Thank you Mr Atkins," when the band begins to play.


I went into a theatre as sober as could be,


They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me;


They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls,


But when it comes to fighting', Lord! They'll shove me in the stalls!


For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy wait outside";


But it's "Special train for Atkins," when the trooper's on the tide-


The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide,


O it's "Special train for Atkins," when the trooper's on the tide.


Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep


Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap;


An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit


Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit.


Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy 'ow's yer soul?"


But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll-


The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,


O it's " Thin red line of 'eroes," when the drums begin to roll.


We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no blackguards too,


But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;


An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all your fancy paints,


Why single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints;


While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy fall be'ind,"


But it's "Please to walk in front, sir," when there's trouble in the wind-


There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind,


O it's "Please to walk in front, sir," when there's trouble in the wind.


You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:


We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.


Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face


The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.


For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck 'im out, the brute!"


But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;


An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;


An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool - you bet that Tommy sees!


Unless it's me criticising, then it's wholly fair and just...


having modded, I can only say that the space from 'Hallelujah!' to 'Crucify him!' is measured in such short distances that the Casimir-Polder force can be felt... and trying to keep you guys 'nice' would make cat herding seem a fruitful task... :fdevil:


So I did not need a long sermon, just that the moderator or administer cut it off because the one who made the thread was a jokester.


Sometimes I see the thread late and want to post an answer and get locked out. I'd like very much to help you financially, but I am on a fixed income and my bills every month keeping piling up whereas I just get by from one social security check to the other.


Maybe one day I can give you some money. I come into forums because it is like going to visit some one and talk, but I do not like to visit theist because I have nothing in common with them and they do not like me, so by going to an atheist forum and a theist posts a thread I can get back at them for all of the oppression they put me through throughout my life. I have and had no intentions of fighting fellow atheist because I see us all in the same boat; minorities in a world full of theist who want to kick our ass, especially the lower underdogs; the gays, lesbians, Jews, Indians and other such likes at the bottom of the totem pole.


I have gone on theist sites and posted my humor and they all ban me real quick. Usually the same day. Some days I can't post because I have other things to do or I am gone traveling with my crazy Fundy friend, but when I am home alone I like to post here.


I am not against your policies or anyone here, I am against Xians who made my life a living hell and now will do anything to throw the same shit back in their faces.


I am truly sorry if I have offended any of you as that was not my intentions. My intentions were I just wanted to be able to attack Xians at every opportunity because they have attacked me in the past at every opportunity and they continue doing so on radio, TV, magazines and in the newspapers. It never stops and it never will.


I only wish the best for all of you. I know they have hurt all of you too, but believe me when I say I am on your side fully and deeply apologize for any misunderstanding I may have reflected on you.


Mostly I just wanted to know how threads were shut down and why. I only started operating a computer five years ago and started going on forums only this past spring, so I am still not completely familiar as to how they work, who operates them or the quirks of it. I tried myself starting my own forums, but no one seems to post on them and those that do I can't seem to find a way to block them (trolls) so I have lots to learn yet.


Anyway again I am sorry I got to your goat as I never intended to.


Heck, I'm not offended. It's all cool. We just live and learn. Okay?

Mostly I just wanted to know how threads were shut down and why.


In this case, it was just because of an Ex-Christian creating a secondary account and posting frequently heard Christian accusations and apologetic tactics. It's occasionally entertaining during "slow" months when the number of gen-u-ine christians are sparse...just for the entertainment value of debate. But when there are plenty of opinonated bigoted ignorant christians popping on (like lately) a freethinker in theist costume is not necessary to provide the entertainment (and use bandwidth) already being covered by the Real McCoy's. It's like eating a spoonful of sugar, deciding it could use some sweetener, and sprinkling Sweet&Low or Equal onto the next spoonful of sugar. :twitch:




No offense taken. I tend to respond piece by piece as I'm typed to.


This Boardset is a damned decent collection of some fine thinking minds, and most set free of their religious problems, or on the way to finding solutions.


Guarding resources on this and half a dozen other places I help work is something that is seriously taken. Spammers can and tend to take more than they are allocated, even in *fun*. Trolls, even homegrown goofballs, make for extra work, and often hard feelings within the Community that may have been avoided, should I have been more awake at helm.


I like the often weird and strange set of opinions we collected have managed to give over the time spent here at Dave's House. Without you, and the hundreds of other voices, one time posters, or regular hard core chronics (cough, HANS, cough), this place would be devoid of content like Troy/Partures spot.


And yeah, enjoying what I do here is sure part of why the DSL is on damn near all day and most of my nights. ExC and its availability to everyone who wants and needs is is my mission. I hope that my oft abrupt and brusk methods of *speaking* do not piss off, or cause folks to think poorly of here..




I cheer when I see the BIG BOLD RED letters of a Skip post, because I know an ass whooping is about to happen.


I, for one, am god-damned glad that there are people like:


Skip and Dave and Han and the others who keep the BS to its manageable minimum


Oldjew, whose passion is admirable because we were never supposed to deserve being treated like shit


whiteraven, Ruby, Robborob and many others whose insights, empathy and unique personalities keep this place from degenerating into either cold intellectual snobbery or cretinistic bashing


Finally, I'm glad for the freedom to be able to poke a little fun at all the arguing and the mind-numbing inanity of Xtian apologetics, and yet still be held accountable to a standard of responsibility by the mods because I get to be here and do all this for free (which things I would gladly donate to if I could, and one day will).


Know what the best part is? When I "say" something to the powerful ones on here, they RESPOND. YHWH...? not so much good with the returning-my-calls-thing.

... or regular hard core chronics (cough, HANS, cough), ...

The doctor gave me some pills to make me stop spending so much time online. He told me they would fix it.


But it doesn't seem to work. I've been putting them into the floppy drive for weeks now and there's smoke coming out of the computer... I'll ask the doctor for some other medication... I wonder if he got some liquid instead, it'll be easier to poor in...

... or regular hard core chronics (cough, HANS, cough), ...

The doctor gave me some pills to make me stop spending so much time online. He told me they would fix it.


But it doesn't seem to work. I've been putting them into the floppy drive for weeks now and there's smoke coming out of the computer... I'll ask the doctor for some other medication... I wonder if he got some liquid instead, it'll be easier to poor in...


I haven't laughed so hard in weeks. Me is neither paramedic nor computer techie but I knows not to put pills nor liquid meds in computer to make doc stop coughing. Maybe a behaviour therapist like member Dave (NOT the webmaster) could help Hans deprogram from spending too much time on his computer. Please find a detox program to help your hard drive to stop smoking.


Well, I know it's not a viral infection since my antivirus works great.


It could be just a regular bug though... maybe need a debugger to fix the problem? :shrug:


Hsdiulkwe asdzcxoiu .... asdfi s. shoot. the keyboard got stuck again.


And the keys are worn down, so the text is getting smaller...


Ah, found a new keyboard in the pile of trash... behind the old computers and the books, and the games and DVDs and CDs and ... I better draw a map for next time or I'll get lost here...

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