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Goodbye Jesus

Looks Like Another Bs Election In 08'

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Same bullshit...new faces. More promises to be broken, publicity stunts, etc.


I was hoping that by now a decent candidate would surface.


Everyone has their panties in a wad over Ron Paul. I like his ideas on taking some power away from the government...but is he sincere?

At the same time, also, he is extremely pro-life and said in his statement of faith: "I freely confess that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, and that I seek His guidance in all that I do".


So...yah...here we go again.



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Unless we slept through a revolution and only watch Fox News, why is this a surprise?


No one standing, from Slick Willy's Bint, through Ru-Paul, and back to Nyarlathotep Barak, via The Munchkin have the slightest interest in changing the status quo... and they're all going to die richer than any three of us and would sell us for sausage meat, using our pulsing entrails as the skins without a blink. And then get a four book deal and the speaker circuit to tell us how they 'changed history'

... and they're all going to die richer than any three of us and would sell us for sausage meat, using our pulsing entrails as the skins without a blink.


ok...now, I'm just hungry.


I feel much the same SFS, there is no one to vote for.


Ron Paul is anti-free choice when it comes to abortion and is also anti-free choice when it comes to gay marriage. There is never going to be a candiate that runs that I'm going to be 100% behind, the day I agree with someone 100% is the day I re-evaluate my stance. LOL


I'll vote for Paul as the least of evils for the NH primary, but I wont campaign or assist anyone running. I see no one worth rallying behind. I think this election is more so semantics, jack shit will change no matter who wins.

... and they're all going to die richer than any three of us and would sell us for sausage meat, using our pulsing entrails as the skins without a blink.


ok...now, I'm just hungry.


You should try my Lamb Armistan... it's to die for...


I've been concerned for some time that the Libertarians have been turning into just a more fiscally conservative branch of the Republican party while turning away from their ideals of individual liberties, essentially social liberalism.


Ron Paul does nothing to mitigate my fears. While I consider him the least objectionable Republican running, he's not THAT much less objectionable in my book than someone like Giuliani. How can a Libertarian take his position on abortion and gay marriage? I also find his xian bias very alarming, especially since he has a soft spot in his heart for special protectionism of religion, particularly xianity.


I think I'm a bit too much of what a Libertarian used to be, or was supposed to be, to endorse Ron Paul.

... and they're all going to die richer than any three of us and would sell us for sausage meat, using our pulsing entrails as the skins without a blink.


ok...now, I'm just hungry.


You should try my Lamb Armistan... it's to die for...


Mmmm...not bad with a little vincent SPICE.



I said spice instead of price! :grin:

I think I'm a bit too much of what a Libertarian used to be, or was supposed to be, to endorse Ron Paul.


Yah...i'm not seeing much of a difference in any of the parties.

I see Christians going nuts everywhere for Ron Paul...many of them believe that he will allow Christianity to be taught in school...which doesn't seem likely.

Something about him wanting to privatize schooling...?


One would think a Libertarian would endorse who the hell they liked... I personally like a Jack Russel wearing a boater and a Nixon '72 rosette...


BTW, British politics is no better...

Mmmm...not bad with a little vincent SPICE.



I said spice instead of price! :grin:

Ba-dum SPASH!!!!


:begood: Just get down on your knees each night before you go to bed and placing a mirror pray to yourself you will stay home on election day and not vote. If your prayer is answered you will then know your advice is better than any of the lying candidates. Then next time around you can run and we will have our first atheist in the White House.


Oh well I can dream can't I?

Unless we slept through a revolution and only watch Fox News, why is this a surprise?


No one standing, from Slick Willy's Bint, through Ru-Paul, and back to Nyarlathotep Barak, via The Munchkin have the slightest interest in changing the status quo... and they're all going to die richer than any three of us and would sell us for sausage meat, using our pulsing entrails as the skins without a blink. And then get a four book deal and the speaker circuit to tell us how they 'changed history'


Exactly. It's the longest running show in the history of humanity: the Imperial Bread and Circus.


On the bright side, once one has realized the truth of this, one can do as I've done and simply stop giving a flying rat's ass about the whole thing. You'd be amazed how quickly and completely informed cynical apathy can clear up a case of political anxiety.


I really don't care who wins so long as its not hillary, since she's pretty much the inevetable canidate for the dems I'll vote for whoever is running against her. But as has already been stated there really isn't anyone that is really inspring, I think it will end up as it always does, pick the person you think will cause the least damage.


One of these days the rest of you guys are going to just give up on the whole mess and vote with your feet like I did. :P

Exactly. It's the longest running show in the history of humanity: the Imperial Bread and Circus.


On the bright side, once one has realized the truth of this, one can do as I've done and simply stop giving a flying rat's ass about the whole thing. You'd be amazed how quickly and completely informed cynical apathy can clear up a case of political anxiety.


Welcome to the World of Gramps...


But if all the smart people leave, what does that spell for the future of the US?


The guys it belonged to first get it back?


It becomes 'Greater Mexico'?


TBH, it's no big deal. Babylonians and the Egyptians fell to Greece. Greece fell to Rome. Classical Rome fell to barbarians and wound up becoming the Holy Roman Empire thanks to that Damned Limey, Constantine. America dies by its own hand. It's not pretty but it's neither tragic nor undesirable. The illusion of 'Manifest Destiny' is just that, an illusion. Empires fall.


One day Mount Rushmore will be akin to the statue of Ozymandias... and that is how it should be.


Picking our circusmaster is always a fun participatory sport...


If folks *think* for a moment 'laws' did shit, then we'd be out of criminals...


AFATm_o_mIC politics if masturbation of the best clothed kind. You can get a nut or a rub off without disrobing.


The entire system is fucked from head to toe, depending on someone else to get shit done for you is rather useless, somewhat foolish, and demeaning to those with an fraction of self-worth.



Don't give a fuck who might be elected to high office here. Ron Paul will stave off the eventual collapse of the dollar and the growth_hormonal_steroidial_monster the uS has become, might even help reduce the mess, but no one can fix the malaise and bullshit America has become...


When folks figure out that going the best they can to influence meat.space people in their real.whirrleds is the option that works, things get better.


When I hear of folks wanting to *go somewhere* to excape the oncoming tides, I hear "Let us go some place where we can continue to be pandered to so we don't have to get our hands dirty."


Life is a fucking participatory sport, mandating you get dirty at sometime doing something, or elect to stay in your bunker sucking down the Flavor-Aid and watching shit get done TO you..


I'm working for Ron Paul, not perfect by any means for what I'd like, but he is strong for 2A issues, for which I am a single issue franchise user...


Get in the game, or get kicked in crotch, your choice...


k, nut guard ON, FL


I'm voting for whoever emerges as the Democratic candidate.


American politics is a tug-of-war, guys. Pick a side and pull with all your might.


Or laugh at the losers and complain about the winners.


Your choice.

One of these days the rest of you guys are going to just give up on the whole mess and vote with your feet like I did. :P


"Soon," V. They very day I finally have that damn fancy piece of paper I'll book a one-way flight Out O' Here.




One is the loneliest number ...


How can you vote for someone who can only count to one?


for me none are perfect but the only one I could vote for would be Ron Paul. (even though the media will make sure that wont happen). He is the only one who would rid the country of its tax tyranny and the income tax scam. that is why the media tries to down play him or don't give him enough light. he stands for so much that I believe. He doesn't like socialism and its abuses neither do I .


Don't suppose theres a chance we can get a spot on the ballots for "No President"?

He'd get my vote.

Running away solves nothing. Protesting does little.

There are just too many damn groups in this country voting for different reasons(i.e. Christians voting for whomever seems to be the most 'Christian').



Oh well....Vote for No President 08' !!!!!!

When I hear of folks wanting to *go somewhere* to excape the oncoming tides, I hear "Let us go some place where we can continue to be pandered to so we don't have to get our hands dirty."

Fortunately Albert Einstein didn't feel that way. Unfortunate for the Germans.

When I hear of folks wanting to *go somewhere* to excape the oncoming tides, I hear "Let us go some place where we can continue to be pandered to so we don't have to get our hands dirty."

Fortunately Albert Einstein didn't feel that way. Unfortunate for the Germans.


Fortunate for us that the Nazis disregarded Jewish Science like relativity. Otherwise, they'd have got the bomb.

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