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Eternity In Hell Is Monstrous Not Holy Or Just...please Help

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I just cannot understand how sending someone to the worst place ever is Holy....I just can't. I see it as monstrous and something not even a murderer deserves. Yes punishment for murderers and such for 100, 1000, or even a 1,000,000 years but eternity is monstrous.

I mean did god ever not hear of the word rehabilitation.


There is no need for eternity because I bet even the most hardened criminal would do a complete 180 after just a 1000 years in there, given the chance at rehab. I can understand god not tolerating such people in Heaven but eternal Hell is not the answer or holy....a holy loving god should offer some divine rehabilitation program after some time in Hell.


I am at a loss with how could any god do something so monstrous to any of his creations even hardened criminals shouldn't be given up on for eternity. I guess I am more merciful than this loving god...:P


Oh and the fundies disgust me to no end because they are happy that people are suffering in the worst place ever FOREVER! Fucking monsters them fundies and their god. I don't buy that without hell there would be no deterrent against doing criminal things....I am deterred greatly by the thought of even 1 year in earthly prison(which is a luxury suite compared to hell I imagine). Again there is no need for eternal punishment if even 1 year in human prison is enough to keep me on a straight line(not that I want to murder or anything just trying to make a point).


Funny I probably would have gladly been Christian if not for the monstrosity of god threatening with eternal Hell.


There are *many*, many posts and threads on this topic. here is a recent one:








Yes vgbob, it is monstrous.


And also consider that a large part of these "convicts to hell" are so because they maybe didn't have the mental capability to understand the "simple" Gospel, and some misunderstood it, and some just got taught by false Christians and hence didn't believe the correct Gospel. Isn't that nice? God doesn't want people in Heaven. He wants everyone in Hell. At least that's what one would think since the Bible is so f*cked up.

Yes vgbob, it is monstrous.


And also consider that a large part of these "convicts to hell" are so because they maybe didn't have the mental capability to understand the "simple" Gospel, and some misunderstood it, and some just got taught by false Christians and hence didn't believe the correct Gospel. Isn't that nice? God doesn't want people in Heaven. He wants everyone in Hell. At least that's what one would think since the Bible is so f*cked up.


Yeah, its nothing short of a mind fuck and how ironic I might have been a happy Christian if NOT for the threat of eternal Hell(go figure).


You lie once and you spend eternity in Hell, because lying is a sin. How ridiculous is that? ONE FUCKIN' LIE!!! God doesn't love. He hates. His twisted logic of gathering up a bunch of believers through a method of threats only to use them as slaves for his own gain is sickening. This is exactly what's going on in the Bible. Repeatedly and endlessly.

Guest LoneSoldier

I wish I had met the people that I was influenced by as a little kid, now, rather than then. Even as a little kid my heart told me that their beliefs were against goodness not for it. But I listened because they were the adults and not I. It used to ring in my ears, that my Grandparents, wonderful people to me, would burn for all eternity in hell, just because they were not "saved". Now in my twenties, "disgust" is a word I also hold toward fundamentalist Christians. Those who would gladly turn their backs on their loved ones, because they knew the 'key' and accepted it, whereas their loved ones didn't. I have such an anger in my belly that I was twisted by these lies as a child. It doesn't take a fundamentalist viewpoint to be Godly, it simply takes a caring heart, and if my Grandparents are in Hell, then I will never figure out what God wants me to "think" in order to be worthy of heaven.


Don't worry. There is no hell.


And the whole lake of fire idea only came about from superstitious, ignorant, primitive people who witnessed volcanos erupting.


It's only christian religious indoctrination that keeps the fear alive. And christian indoctrination can be completely conquered and left behind.




vgbob, if it's any consolation to you, there are Christians alive today who do not believe in an afterlife. I am studying at a Lutheran seminary and so far as I can make out, they are orthodox Christians in that they believe in a historical Jesus and salvation through Jesus, but they think it's for this life and not for the afterlife--that means no hell doctrine. Here is the homepage of the denomination. Click on the button "What we believe." There are quite a few documents there. I didn't read it all and it may not be what you're looking for. But I think I can guarantee that it's not fundamentalist. If I wanted to be Christian I would give this denomination a very serious look. If you're in the USA, they have an American counterpart, I think.


PS I see they also have a button for Resources. That has a lot more documents. It's not the most attractive website but it's got quite a bit of information on it.

  • 2 months later...

In the religon of funny-mentals, a time-out is sheer hell!

Don't worry. There is no hell.


And the whole lake of fire idea only came about from superstitious, ignorant, primitive people who witnessed volcanos erupting.


It's only christian religious indoctrination that keeps the fear alive. And christian indoctrination can be completely conquered and left behind.




Ditto that!

Guest Anonomous Person

Absolutely! The concept of an Infinite punishment for a finite crime is completly Monstrous! In my conception, God must be infinitely Wise and Compassionate and therefore must balance Justice and Mercy. For an individual to suffer eternally for mistakes made during maybe 100 years maximum would be a comlete failure of justice. In fact, if such were true, this would make God ultimately the most heinous and Evil creature in existence! It just goes to show that Fundamentalists have never considered fully the implications of the concept of Infinity! Unfortunately, not all people seem to be naturally deep philosophical thinkers, and such things don't naturally occur to them. Also, the church is very firm on stamping out dissention and has a long list of tried and tested means for eliminating indivual thought.


In Eastern / Mystical / New Age thought, there are considered to be many different afterlife dimensions where a soul will spend a limited amount of time. In this doctrine, an individual experiences an amplification of their inner state in the afterlife and gravitates to a place where others are simularly inclined. Following this, a sick crimminal would be forced to endure a finite period of time surrounded by others of a similar nature in a sort of "Astral Prison", directly related to the individual circumstances. After a certain period of time had elapsed the individual soul would be reborn in a new physical body carrying with them personality attributes from their past. Alternatively, a Pious and loving person would find themselves enveloped by Bliss and love in a dimension that suited the individuals state of development, and would similarly spend a finite time in such a place before either moving back to the Earthly place or moving up to a higher dimension.


Ok, so I'm only giving a really vague description of these beliefs here, I am happy to expand on it lately if anybody would like me to do so. From what I have seen the teachings being promoted by Near Death Experiences fit basically 100% with Mystical teachings, not just from India, China and Tibet, but from basically all over the world. One of the best descriptions I've found of such teachings can be found in a late chapter in "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahamsa Yogananda.

Ok, bye for now.


The idea of hell came from a truly sick mind, to forc people to believe in their religion. The greatest sin we can commit is not murder, rape, genocide, etc which can be forgiven but a non-belief in a diety for which the punishment is eternal torture (no matter how good a life you lived) by that "loving" diety.


The quran rants on and on and on about hell and while the men are with their 72 virgins in paradise, women can only get there if their men say so, though what they are supposed to do in paradise is anyone's guess.


I am of the opinion that Hell does not, should not and can not exist. Putting aside for a moment the improbability of it actually existing in the physical universe (or in some unproven alternate "spiritual" one), neither a loving god nor a just one could or would create such a place.


Trust in the good you can do and see in the real world, and inspire the people around you to do likewise. The best defense against the monstrosity of hell-fear is to show it up for the primitive pseudo-morality that it is.


Some people say that hell is a godless place, a place where God is not present at all. The suffering comes from being cast out from God's presence.


If that is the case - then who made this place called Hell? Presumably Satan did. But you see my point - how can a place exist that is outside of God's presence if God made everything? God can't make a place and yet not be there.


If it is a place that God made specifically to punish unbelievers and sinners - then it is monstrous. The most obscene thing ever dreamed up by man's imagination.


It is also completely impossible. Any entity capable of making the whole universe would be far too wise and all-knowing to think that such an arrangement could possibly serve any purpose. A creator would presumably feel some attachment to his creation. In fact, if there is a God he would fit Universalist beliefs or New Age beliefs far better than fundie beliefs. That is simple logic the way I see it.


I don't know there is no God - although the evidence seems to point to there not being one. But one thing I do know - if he exists, he can't be the fundie God.

Guest antibarbie

Considering the Biblical God has a very clear case of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and is a deranged, sociopathic hate monger, I think the concept hell fits his persona like a glove.


antibarbie. Reading about the absolutely horrible god portrayed in the old testament, being in a place without god sounds good to me.

Guest antibarbie
antibarbie. Reading about the absolutely horrible god portrayed in the old testament, being in a place without god sounds good to me.


Me too and if that God did exist, I would have to side with the Devil, after all all he really supposedly did wrong was try to overthrow God and considering who the Biblical God is, I wouldn't blame him one bit.

Guest PastorD

I know exactly what you mean and I like the honousty of the people that post here - too many churches are condemning us to eternal damnation for the smallest things! I am a simple man with a great life spirit and all I got from church in general is utter BULL!


After many years as a soldier and fighting another mans wars I was met with condemnation, disdain and arrogance!! SOUND FAMILIAR?


After that I became like you... Later as an ex-christian and athiest I found what is oposite to "the church in general" - never once condemnd me, never once looked at me as if I was the guilty one - treated with real respect - eventualy I could no more deny what I found - yes maybe now I am a Christian again - if you can call me that - we do not comply with the church in general. - hey, it should be evident I hate them!! I'm not going to evangelise here - just venting my anger at the crap they spout!


I do not want to try and turn anyone back - not in this forum - too many have been hurt in the so called church and/or christianity and religion.


I hate religion - thanks - here I can say it out loud




sounds contradictory I know - all that BULL sucks... what I ahve now is true...


I hear the voices of pain caused by the church - I salute you for making a stand and speaking your heart.


Good on you guys

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