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Debunking Bible Prophecy

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Anybody know of some good webcites that debunk Bible prophecy?






Anybody know of some good webcites that debunk Bible prophecy?

Isn't that really just a "feature" of the prophecy itself?




There are lots of good sites out there that debunk Bible prophecy, including these:


Prophecy...A Resource




Failed Prophecies in the Bible




Messianic Prophecies




The Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah




The Lowdown on God's Showdown




Prophecy - Imaginary and Unfulfilled




The Myth of Prophecy Fulfillment




Recycling Prophecies






The skeptics annotated bible is a good place to start.




Debunks pretty much everything.

The skeptics annotated bible is a good place to start.




Debunks pretty much everything.


The Skeptics Annotated Bible - Corrected and Explained






Or, visit this page. Brother Holding (Turkel's page). He can't refute a damned thing, so it's just his long-winded and typically obnoxious account about how allegedly "silly" the SAB is. LOL



The Skeptics Annotated Bible - Corrected and Explained




Yes indeed. It has this gem:

The alleged contradiction and attack on the Bible:


Leviticus 11:5-6 - The bible says that hares and coneys are unclean because they "chew the cud" but do not part the hoof. But hares and coneys are not ruminants and they do not "chew the cud."


The answers:


* In the 21st century, we consider "chewing the cud" regurgitating partially digested materials and chewing on it (like cows do). This is called "rumination." However, this isn't necessarily the same meaning and definition of this Hebrew word ("gerah") that the ancient Israelites had.


* Rabbits practice "refection." They chew on their dung which consists of partially digested food and partially undigested food. Therefore, there is a similarity even between our current understanding of "chewing the cud" and an ancient understanding of it. They both chew undigested food. At any rate, the Israelites didn't use different words for rumination and refection, so "gerah" (translated cud) had to suffice.

I don't call it "rumination" or "refection."


I say the cows chew their cud and apparently rabbits eat their own shit. I have a feeling an ancient anybody would probably see it the same way. There's no way I'm confusing some bits of food in a turd for cud. "Hey, what's that? Corn? Yummy. I think I'll chew my own cud since I don't have another word for eating my own shit. <munch munch>" Gastrich is a moron.




Anything in the Bible can be made to fit when words suddenly don't mean what they mean. If I'm allowed to change the definition of words, I can make any book or text be a prophecy or "scientific" description of anything else I want.


Someone said a long time ago: The sky is blue.


The word "sky" is a reference to someone that is in power, which means someone like the president in power in USA. And "blue" is just translated wrong from the original quote in Quantamzulargoian, it's supposed to be "red" in our language, because the Quantamzulargians didn't have a word for red, but they used the word blue instead. And red is the color for the conservatives, so this quote was a prophecy that Bush would become president. Fascinating. They could see the future!


My weekend was off to a good start until I read Hans' post... :mellow:


Now I'm all fucked up... :twitch:


Here my dumb ass is actually looking up that word Quantamzulargians. :Doh:


My weekend was off to a good start until I read Hans' post... :mellow:

Now I'm all fucked up... :twitch:

Here my dumb ass is actually looking up that word Quantamzulargians. :Doh:
He fucked you up, too, huh? :Hmm:



Mission accomplished.

:lmao:Mission accomplished.


Damn. I swallowed it too. In fact I was already spreading the word about the prophecies regarding G.W.


Well, what do you expect from us - we were trained to follow exegesis, hemeneutics, and the reasonableness of christian apologetics.

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