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Goodbye Jesus

Has Anyone Ever Seen Usbible.com?

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This is by far the most interesting thing I've seen. I knew the bible didn't make sense and this makes an attempt to explain why. It goes into egyptian mythology, astrology, etc. It's very logically laid out. Check it out if you like. I'd like to hear opinions please!




I skimmed a few articles (mainly the creation stuff). I would have liked to have seen more references (or links to original material instead of just Amazon) but I didn't spot anything that was horribly wrong. I've read most every near/middle eastern creation story (I read them if I can get my hands on them but who knows if I've missed any?) and they didn't seem to twist them around like some sites do just to make their point(s).




I like the dark side of Jesus section :)

This is by far the most interesting thing I've seen.
I agree.


I stumbled across that site a couple of years ago. Read the whole thing. And yes, it makes a great deal of sense.


I'm wondering where the idea of the man called Jesus came from. It had to come from somewhere. If he didn't exist, how did he become the most popular "icon" in relgious history? I'm wondering if the guy existed, who he really was and how/why "they" decided to exalt him to "dying godman status"

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