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Bishops issue guidelines for Catholic voters

Los Angeles Times


"Catholic voters who back candidates because of their support for

abortion or other 'assaults on human life' would be 'guilty of formal

cooperation in grave evil,' according to a statement adopted Wednesday

by U.S. Catholic bishops. The bishops defined what they called

'threats to the sanctity and dignity of human life' as human cloning,

embryonic stem cell research, racism, torture and genocide. In the

midst of the 2008 presidential campaign season, the U.S. Conference of

Catholic Bishops overwhelmingly endorsed an updated statement on faith

and politics designed to help Catholics fulfill their political

responsibilities to vote and run for office." (11/15/07)




Isn't that against the law? For cleric or religious leaders or churches to publicly support or manipulate their members to whom to vote for?


I don't think they can't actually back a specific candidate but they can offer up guidelines like these. I also think they also can't use the tax-free churches to spread this news verbatim (ie. they couldn't read this from the pulpit but could give related sermons and hand out a flier or something afterward or at another meeting).


It's splitting hairs in my mind. I'd like to see them taxed but at the same time you'd then see every preacher on Sunday morning simply announce "And remember Jesus said to vote for <Candidate> this Tuesday. Amen." I'm not sure which would be worse. The current system of "hints" or the blatant backing from the pulpit (which kind of already happens). At least we'd get lots of tax dollars from one.



It's splitting hairs in my mind. I'd like to see them taxed but at the same time you'd then see every preacher on Sunday morning simply announce "And remember Jesus said to vote for <Candidate> this Tuesday. Amen." I'm not sure which would be worse. The current system of "hints" or the blatant backing from the pulpit (which kind of already happens). At least we'd get lots of tax dollars from one.




To me, it dosen't matter. I'd rather them be blatent and open about it than sneaky like they are now.


For me, it's all about the taxes. Here in Florida, property taxes are going through the roof. I'm sure they are all over the country, or will be. If churches started paying taxes, can you imagine how much our property taxes alone would go down? Most churches in my area are acres in size, all completly tax free. Not to mention all the things they can buy without sales tax.


What I don't get is if a fire were to break out in a church, the fire department will come and put it out. If vandals break in and steal church property, the police will file reports and investigate. FOR FREE. The church feels it shouldn't pay its more than fair share of taxes, yet will not hesitate to use the city's services that are paid for by the rest of the community.


I don't care what you do for the community, religions are a business. They should be taxed as such.

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