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Ok Guys,


In a bid to get to know you all better, how would you describe your current philosophical position.


Here is some stimulus material from Wikipedia:


Weak agnosticism, or empirical agnosticism (also negative agnosticism), is the belief that the existence or nonexistence of deities is currently unknown, but is not necessarily unknowable.



Strong agnosticism or positive agnosticism is the belief that it is impossible for humans to know whether or not any God or gods exist.



Weak atheism or negative atheism is the lack of belief in any God or gods, without a positive denial of the existence of any god or gods.



Strong atheism or positive atheism is the philosophical position that God or gods do not exist. It is contrasted with weak atheism, which is the lack or absence of belief in God or gods, without the claim that God or gods do not exist.



Historical and modern Deism are defined by the view that reason, rather than revelation or tradition, should be the basis of belief in God. Deists reject organized religion and promote reason as the essential element in making moral decisions.



Weak Atheist for me - although I like the term 'Negative' better. No Weak...damn

it, it all sounds so wussy. Why do the Strong Atheists get the good names?


:scratch: 1/2 the time I would consider myself Strong Agnostic, the other half would be Weak Atheist.




Although my faith could be rented or even leased for enough $$$ by a deity or pantheon :wicked:




Strong atheist.


I would say I fall under strong atheist myself looking there at your descriptions


Weak agnostic for me, inasmuch as I fully realize that the deities I honor might not be real. Who knows? ;)


Weak Agnostic as philosophical view

But I currently hold the belief that most likely there is no God.


I chose "strong atheist" based on the definitions given. However, I do not claim that it is impossible that god(s) exist, just that I have seen no evidence to convince me otherwise. So, for now, I take the position that no gods exist. I guess I'm somewhere between strong and weak atheism.


"Pannist" "Whatever pans out, happened"


Figured a long time ago the cosmic turn of events didn't care a shit what I thought or did. I do the best I can with what I have...


"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst"


Works for daFatman.




It took me awhile, but I voted "strong atheist." I am pretty firm in my disbelief of the whole "god" concept.

I do hold on to my pagan views, but since they dont involve any dieites I dont think it weighs in.

Well, I guess lump me in with the Deist/Weak Agnostic............ Maybe I'm clinging but my belief in a Creator(s) requires no book, no rules, no sacrifices.  Just a belief that nature, TO ME, stands alone as evidence of a higher power.  Evolution does not sway me in one way or the other because belief in evolution doesn't always = disbelief in higher intelligence.  However, because I truly don't know, I claim Weak Agnostic also.


I'm the same view ... 'Deist/Weak Agnostic'


I believe what Science finds as facts. It just seems to me that there is still something in the Universe that is dealing with this, in ways other than what Religions have been made up to believe.


I still can't fathom all matter in the Universe exist in such dead cognition, when we only get a flash of all this in a cognitive way. And how life is formed to exist in different settings and having those adaptions for them. I still see what looks like intelligent design with this life. Not the Christian interpretation of it. But still I see what looks like intelligent design with our lives. And I'm not sure such a Deity is all loving. Cause I do see Evil working in ways with this life as well, I can't explain. Like Good and Evil is a Game for this Deity (? Playing around with us (?) ... I don't accept scapegoating like it's the Devil. Otherwise, I think such a God needs to make everyone see it exist daily with evidence. If that is the real scenareo.)


I am a weak or negative atheist. Some label weak atheism as agnostic atheist.

I believe that we do have free will and that no one causes us to be good or evil, it's just a way that we choose to go in life.  We can choose good or bad.  As far as nature, what we see as natural destruction is helpful to the earth in one way or another, so I do not see evil in storms and such. 


That's just my humble opinion though.


There is Evil. I was typing something and lost it. I was saying why is it that I don't have the language skills to find the gals I wanted in my life, which are my choices I don't have working for me?


On Holidays like this, I get tooth infections and I'm in pain now.


There is so much working against me, it just amazes me, even scripting this. I hit something and lost what I was going to say. So I'm starting over rather upset to what I was going to say and lost it.


I do not see me have the real optimal choices for what I want. Other ones is like this bad or that bad. Hard for getting good choices. I usually see something can prevent bad things at times, but nothing is profided for me. Female Famine!!!

Guest marktaylor

strong atheist- hope mom and dad enjoyed themselves!


Strong athiest in a land of weak Christian minds.


Strong atheist.


At this time I see no evidence for the existence of ANY gods, and therefore give them no credence.


Strong Atheist, my apostacy started back in February, I was a strong agnostic, then a weak atheist, and now I am a strong atheist, it happened over time.


Philosophically, strong agnostic.


Practically, weak athiest.


Not sure. Pannist probably, or maybe I could call myself a Nivekist - if there were a God, Nivek would know about him.


I forgot to add that in my weaker moments, I do tend to feel that there is some higher consciousness that seems to be manifest in every living thing, but we can never know if that is the case. Call it the Ground of Being or whatever, but a lot of times I "feel" it is true. I just know that I can't know and that my mind could be playing tricks on me.


I like nivekism as well. Great philosophy of life.


strong atheist


don't believe in god

don't want to believe in god

I forgot to add that in my weaker moments, I do tend to feel that there is some higher consciousness that seems to be manifest in every living thing, but we can never know if that is the case. Call it the Ground of Being or whatever, but a lot of times I "feel" it is true.  I just know that I can't know and that my mind could be playing tricks on me.


I like nivekism as well.  Great philosophy of life.


I think of it as Life Force or The Will to Live, and nothing more than that.




Religion is for people afraid to think and live for themselves. Too scared to take full responsibility for the course of one's life.


I feel secure there is "something" one could call god. It feels right. But until it speaks to me (and I know it truly IS and isn't the result of trauma or hallucination), I don't dare to make any assumptions about the level of direct involvement such an intelligence would have with us.


Cannot make any absolute assumptions about such a thing.


I think I voted wrong. Typical blond :Doh:


I voted "Stong Agnostic" but I'm really a Weak Agnostic, since the "impossibility" of the knowledge of a deity seems too dogmatic a position to take (for me). From my current point of view, it's the void of knowledge that is the defining element.


I call it Lazy Agnosticism. As my partner's French mother says, "the good Lord seems to be on vacation for a very long time." ;)

Guest AscendoTuumDeus

Weak atheist. I will not assert the fact that a diety is impossible to exist.

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