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Killer Jellyfish Population Explosion

Tabula Rasa

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I first read this article and my jaw dropped. I think I'd rather take my chances with a shark than these bastards:Killer Jellyfish Population Explosion

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And for some reason they don't like red... I found that amusing.

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If these things evolve and start walking on land we are sooooo screwed!

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I heard that they escaped from a lab where someone had been attempting to cross-breed from a lawyer and a politician.

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I have experienced box jellyfish first hand. I live in Pensacola FL. There have been days in late summer where the jellyfish were so bad they had to have everyone get out of the water. There were people hospitalized. Me, my wife, and daughter have been stung by the little devils. IT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!! What is really bad, there can be a tentacle that has become disconnected from the body of the critter and the loose tentacle can hurt. I would tell anyone who goes swiming or wading in a warm water area of the world, watch for them. We kind of consider them the wasps or hornets of the ocean. Their stings remind me of that. The good news is that as long as you are not stung repeatedly and get tangled in the tentacles the pain generally goes away after about a 30 minutes.


Whew.... Judging from what I'd read, they were made out to be as poisonous as pit vipers. I'm glad to see that being stung is survivable. Maybe the article was talking about a specific species.

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When I was a kid living in South Daytona Beach, Florida, back in the 1960s, we used to get jelly fish the size of a silver dollar that floated into shore by the thousands. We used to throw them at each other, what else do kids do with these things?--before someone told us they could sting. We never got stung badly--they made small welts.

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I experienced those suckers in Pensacola myself back in the '70s. My uncle was in the Navy at Pensacola Naval Air station and while down there my cousin like an idiot was out with a bucket trying to scoop one of those things up and got stung by another one.

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Here in Shanghai, they shred jellyfish and serve it pickled in vinegar, garlic, and soy sauce. It's not bad. Pretty much tastes like vinegar, soy sauce and garlic in a hard gelatinous form.

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