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Goodbye Jesus

Is God That Strong?

Guest mystemizer

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Guest mystemizer

my parents were chrisitian so as from when i am young we went to church almost every sunday.

church is boring for me mostly preaching the same old stuff about the concept of sin and hellfire.

but i didnt take it very strongly. after all, i am still young and all i need is to believe in god

to go heaven

so then i thought, why not maximise my happiness now staying at home and just before i die

and then i would convert

then i left church at about age 17.

i also reason that if god is omniscient, its unfair for him to create an individual if he knows hes going to hell

despite by all the so called choices that god gives him

what choice does he have if god make him when god still knows hes going to hell.


after i stumble upon richard dawkings video root of all evil : religion

it dawned on me that religion is evil after all..

i notice that he criticise god and religion in harsh and some sort of vulgar and profane way.

deconversion is not very difficult for me(perhaps not even havving 1) as after all religions are relatively mild i

n singapore and also i do believe in criticising religion n god


as also stated by richard dawkins in book The God Delusion

''The God of The Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction:jealous and proud of it:

a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak: a vindictive,bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser: a misogynistic

homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic,

capriciously malevolent bully.''


thomas jefferson states the God of Moses as 'a being of terrific character- cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust.'


i was wondering all the time that wouldnt ciriticising religion and especially God help u better to deconvert

having read some testimony of former christians tat says deconverting can take as long as a lifetime

i guess you guys should put yourself Above God and condemn religion and the acts he did.

if god wrote the bible through man and the bibles is full of lies and contradiction, wouldnt it be nice to

just give the bible a hard kick

or perhaps when thoughts of hellfire n eternal damnation crops up, imagine something is god and kick it hard

that would certainly help alot, in my opinion.

and i personally think this website should just have a esection PERMANENTLY dedicated to just criticising religion.

as also most outspoekn atheists like richard dawkins and also websites do.


so my question is what stuff/thoughts u find along the way that gives u solace in decoverting and how long it takes

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Mystemizer, I see it's your first post, so I just wanted to say welcome. :)

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my parents were chrisitian so as from when i am young we went to church almost every sunday.

church is boring for me mostly preaching the same old stuff about the concept of sin and hellfire.

but i didnt take it very strongly. after all, i am still young and all i need is to believe in god

to go heaven

so then i thought, why not maximise my happiness now staying at home and just before i die

and then i would convert

then i left church at about age 17.

i also reason that if god is omniscient, its unfair for him to create an individual if he knows hes going to hell

despite by all the so called choices that god gives him

what choice does he have if god make him when god still knows hes going to hell.


after i stumble upon richard dawkings video root of all evil : religion

it dawned on me that religion is evil after all..

i notice that he criticise god and religion in harsh and some sort of vulgar and profane way.

deconversion is not very difficult for me(perhaps not even havving 1) as after all religions are relatively mild i

n singapore and also i do believe in criticising religion n god


as also stated by richard dawkins in book The God Delusion

''The God of The Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction:jealous and proud of it:

a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak: a vindictive,bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser: a misogynistic

homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic,

capriciously malevolent bully.''




so my question is what stuff/thoughts u find along the way that gives u solace in decoverting and how long it takes


Welcome Mystemizer. I'm a deist and I think about it this way. God is supposedly omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omni-whatever, so basically he transcends everything and by being the Supreme Being, exists in the ultimate state of joy, not wanting anything. Such a being doesn't care if it's worshipped or not. I'd like to think whatever's running the universe might appreciate attempts by conscious beings like ourselves to commune with it, but even if we're beneath it's notice , just as bacteria are beneath our notice, it's much better than the idea of the psychopathic god Dawkins describes.

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