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A Problem In The Future


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A problem in the future

The Libertarian Enterprise

by James Glaser


“Today, children grow up in the presence of adults. They are not allowed to go off on their own and explore what it is to grow up. They don’t get to make their own decisions, and they sure don’t get to do anything that might be a little bit dangerous. Well, we as a country are going to pay for that sometime in the future. Someday America is going to run out of leaders, because we have stopped our young people from thinking for themselves. Someday, no one will be around to tell these now adults what to do, and they will be scared. That is why today so many people are willing to let the government walk all over their freedoms, because they are scared, and they don’t know how to think for themselves.” (03/24/08)



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I agree completely.


Personally, I think it started with Social Security, if not earlier. The idea was that people aren't smart enough to handle their own retirement, so just let the gubberment handle it. Same with health care now. Why? Because the government does such a good job with everything else it touches?


Well, a new report came out today. Social Security and Medicare are toast, soon

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Very true.


Today (IMO) the school and culture in society is to follow, not to lead, and not to be different or break the mold. If you are a different child you are diagnosed as ADD, ADHD, Aspergen, MPD, OCD and so on ... and you get special counseling to find a way to fit in. No one is accepted for who they are, but they have to be made to be "normal".

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I would add the thought that it's not so much that they are taught to be scared, it's that they are dumbed-down, and taught to be dependent on the higher authority of government, as a monolithic entity, to herd them through life. To think for themselves is to stray outside the herd mentality, to question what is good for the collective. To conform to the pathway that is set out for them by the elites, is good. Orwell or Huxley would have loved it...

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