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The Babble Code


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Anyone have any experiences with the babble code that is supposedly able to foretell the future using the babble? I find it amazing that the codes are only shown to the public AFTER the event and then the xtians try to claim it was foretold. Well, if events are foretold in the babble using a code, crystal ball, seeing stone, or another way to pull an answer out of their asses, then isn't it criminal not to call and warn someone that their demise is foretold in the babble? Why didn't the good people with the code tell us about 9-11 before it happened? Or warn us not to vote for Bush? Anyone find this program for free on the internet? It is so valuable to the human race I find it for sale at about $35 and more over the internet. Wouldn't it be more valuable if it were free? I thought xtians were not suppose to buy and sell info concerning the faith?



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Anyone have any experiences with the babble code that is supposedly able to foretell the future using the babble?


I prefer x-rated tarot card ;) hehe

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I have a pack

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The book Moby Dick predicts the death fo JFK, IIRC, if handled in the same way.


and X-rated twister a lot more fun :fdevil:

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There's a Bible Code program out there that can also look through any text file you want. Turns out I secretly predicted that Israel would nuke Iran this year, in an essay I wrote about economics in like 16th century Persia. Who knew?

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There's a Bible Code program out there that can also look through any text file you want. Turns out I secretly predicted that Israel would nuke Iran this year, in an essay I wrote about economics in like 16th century Persia. Who knew?

Hey, keep the faith, Iran's working on the bomb.

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Heretic, you can save your $35. Here's a free code finding program and, best of all, it's not from a believer. This page shows some of the things he's found in the bible. Things like "we are the borg" and "god ain't real" in Genesis. :grin:


As for the timing of the predictions, I'm sure you have already figured out that they are NEVER revealed before the event. Which makes them postdictions not predictions.



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