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Goodbye Jesus

Why Can God's Word Be Progressive Revelation

Guest SerenityNow

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Guest SerenityNow

You use the same computer as we do that came to us via, science.


Science has saved the lives of thousands with it's ability to predict hurricanes.


Science has saved the lives of people via better construction.


Science has saved the lives of millions via the medical field.


Science is responsible for the TV you sit in front of to watch the TBN and those oh, so evil comedies that you watch.


Science is why you have a car to drive in , a plane to fly in, a train to ride on, a boat to take out on the water after church on Sunday (although the true "Sabbath is Saturday). Science is responsible for that happy smile a parent gets, after they have pushed their child for weeks running behind a bicycle and then finally watch them take off on their own.


Science is what keeps your food from going bad, even before refrigeration.


Science is why man has been on the moon and can see the stars unlike never before.


Science created a fun way to spend a gloomy day with your child and have it be fun with some OOBLECK.


All of that is progressive, and MOST Christians use science EVERY SINGLE DAY, in one or more ways. Ancient peoples used to think that earthquakes and bad weather were caused by the gods for punishment. Science has erased those fears, for COUNTRIES who are up with the ages. We now know what causes those kinds of weather occurences.


One area, "what started it all?" is an area where the die-hard creationist will abandon all other science and start throwing out the most ridiculous arguments known to man. All those other areas of science that you use every day, were PROGRESSIVE REVELATION!! They have not been around since the beginning of time, and people DID NOT KNOW, nor could they do certain things because of lack of knowledge. Yet, many die-harderers come in here with an arrogant attitude and spout of "you don't know, so admit there is a god!!" Well, humans didn't know all of that other stuff either, but they do now. There is nothing wrong with not knowing. Not knowing is what drives man to learn and discover, it's our nature to find things out. But no, not the die-hard, you sit there all smug with your radio, driving your car, living in your home with electricity as it's core and then come here and belittle people who dare to question your biblegod.


Sure, not everything that has come from science is good and has caused death. But the biblegod you worship, and if the biblegod is true, he is worse than anything that science could bring.


If you hate science so much, quit using your electricity that keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Quit driving your car, sending your kids to school, quit using your toilet and follow the OT cleanliness laws, build a house with wood and make sure to put a parpet on so that one doesn't fall off. There, there is a world with no science, kind of, middle-eastern now, isn't it? Oh, and yeah, quit using the freakin' doctors and hospitals that are filled with wonderful instruments to monitor people, keep people alive, help people walk again, all thanks to PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE and ask your god to heal you......in Jesus name of course. It will make insurance a lot cheaper for the rest of us when the companies don't have so many people to cover, do the same with your car insurance.

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Hello Thankful--


I agree with much of what you wrote here. You make many excellent points. Probably because my spiritual orientation is not Fundamentalist, I embrace science and see no conflict between science and basic Christianity. I see no cause for Christians to see science as an enemy.



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Guest FreestyleFred

To put a swing on this thread: What about die-hard Theistic Evolutionists? :P If a person denies science to fit their faith, then I would agree with you on their ignorance. I am a Creationist, not necessarily a die-hard one, but still one. I accept both evidence for and against my position, as I would expect an evolutionist to accept the evidence for and against their position, and so on.

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Even if I don't agree to Intelligent Design proponents, at least they have the decency to admit that some of Evolution works, while Creationism have a huge burden of proof to provide that just can't be done. And there's so many counter evidence in natura and genetics that Evolution easily explain, while Creationism have to bend of backwards and twist in and out just to barely explain. Actually there are many things Creationism just can't explain.


(I'm not slamming you Fred. It's good to have you here. :) )

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It is a big assumption that the evidence against evolutionary models pans out. In fact, I have yet to see a solid argument that I can't blow straight to hell from the creationists, nor have I ever seen a creationist put actual evidence foward that their view is correct (just that evolution is wrong). I also fail to see why anyone should be called an evolutionist, it is the accepted theory of science, kind of like gravity, and just because I have used these theories on a daily basis in labs, well I guess that means nothing.


As for theistic evolution...if you mean that it is evolution and it was directed by an outside force to generate life as we know it, well that is well and dandy. Science doesn't exactly care about why somehting happens, just how, just like religion only cares about the why to the exclusion of the how.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing all the die-hard creationists do that. Guess that would mean that we'd have to get a new president, as ours couldn't (not that he can anyway) use science in his duties.

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The Xtian church has been against advancements in science for ages. When lightning rods were inveted, churchmen said it was unholy to thwart god's lightning. When the earth was proclaimed to go around the sun it was considered heresy becuase the bible didn't agree with that viewpoint. Xtians have hated that science takes away from thier god more and more each day.

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The argument about science vs. religion has never been about the obtainment of truth. Christians are concerned that if science can answer the questions that were exclusively their domain, religious institutions won't retain the power to control society as people will no longer need the church to understand life's mysteries.


Psychiatry, for example, helps those who are suffering from emotional and mental stress, something that people traditionally turned to pastoral counseling or prayer for. It also discounts the notion that people are inheritly sinful, revealing environmental and biological factors in behavior and lessening the effects of guilt inducing tactics from church leaders. And with people increasingly having positive results from treatment, the church becomes a less attractive option. It's no wonder that evangelicals decry psychiatric medicine as another "god".


Churches inevitably lose money along with parishioners and for organizations, particularly their leaders, that are thriving on the income from their members, that's a horrifying thought. After all, science has tangible results while those from religion are, at best, fleeting. Their solution has been to declare anything from science(or anything else outside of the bible) evil to keep people from looking outside of the bible for solutions and thereby, discovering that the church might not have all the right answers, afterall.

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