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I asked a group of Christians to pray for peace!



If you read my Best Right Winged Christian quotes you might know what I am talking about, well here the full story on what happen. I was going to this one Christian web site for awhile. A supposedly more open minded one, but in truth, there Fundis is disguised. I had a lot common interest wise with some the people there but not so much in religion. For most part I felt okay there but I found my self feeling like the out cast group for not believing that a true Kind and loving God could send a good person to hell forever and felt ganged up on for thing in my own life, (things like who I was friends with, asking to many hard questions, accused of “making” god in my own image witch is something we all do) My faith In the Christian God was already shaky, at one point I was driven nuts by some the things the people were saying there, so I left for awhile. During this time I started to reject Christianity but I still believe in Prayer (Please don’t shun) and I was hit with a tragic event in my family, an old Family friend of my was almost killed when Israel went to war with Hezbollah and I still don’t how there doing. This event would lead to change reaction of events in my personal life that would rock my world view and help me turn my back on Christianity. One these things I will talk about is this. One day I was thinking about this and how much now really wanted to see peace with the Religions of the world so I came up with this prayer request







"I simply ask that you pray for peace between all people, of all nations and all religious faith. You will pray for the safety of not just the people you love but for the well being of your enemies as well. Pray for friendship with people you may not agree with on everything (including religion) and pray that we may live some day in a world with peace. I challenge you all to do this every day ( especially for people you may not like) I challenge you to put aside your political views, your religious views and how you feel about anyone or any thing just to pray for a time of great peace between people of all skin, faith, and land."



Now, I know many of you no longer believe in prayer, but was that evil? Was that asking for much? Because the first guy to reply thought so.



"Peace is not the ultimate goal, nor is it attainable.


Hear me out, I agree we as Christians are supposed to pray for our enemies, but not for their peace. Because if they are at peace then they are not searching for God. Christianity teaches quite explicitly that Christianity is the ONLY way to go to heaven. So if we prayed that these people who are heading to hell have peace then we are not loving them (as we are commanded to do). It is in their best interest to be uneasy with their beliefs because these are incorrect and are leading them to hell. So we do pray for our enemies but we pray for their salvation and their defeat not for their peace.


I will not pray for peace between religions because if people follow any of those religions then they cannot and will not be at peace with each other. Take Islam and Christianity, They cannot both be correct. They are mutually exclusive and both religions tell the adherents to convert the world (except Islam tacks a "or kill them all" at the end). Therefore if there were peace between these religions it could only be because no one is truly following either. Peace at any cost is not peace. If we give up the essence of what we are for peace then I don't want it. Peace is not worth any price. "



That is when I lost it, my Jaw dropped when I read this, everyone one the site, with the exception of one guy, was in the same Boat. I thought no one would reject peace but I learned from this day I was wrong. When Religion is involved, to some people, that something that much more important then peace with others. They had chose’s there religion over people and wanted the war to go on. To make things more interesting, around that week Osama bin laden made a tape declaring that he would stop all terrorist attacks if the all of America converted to Islam. So I found my self scratching my head wondering who the bad guy is?


I was the only who condemn the guy who made the reply, every one ells took the side of the little God Warrior witch resulted in one ugly internet brawl. I thought (in my opine) he sounded just like a terrorist, and I had no problem saying it. After that it became me vs. the whole web site and its was ironic because I asked them pray for peace, instead it lead to online war. After that we could not have a friendly conversation on anything. We were then at war about Evolution, if hate to Christians was brought upon by the Christians them selves and even if Opera (I still can’t believe I am saying this) was worse, then Hitler. These “friends” of mine had already bin ticking me off over few other things. One I remember wanted drive a wedge between an old friendship, because she belonged to religion she believed to be evil and whole the group was letting me know even after I told them about our friendship. (I was facing pear pursuer from other Christians about this as well and I went threw hell over it)


I did put the pray in another online group and (Guess what) people form other religions did pray. Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, Pagans, Baha’is and (if the little God warrior or Christ’s little fan club is reading this) Yes, Christians and Muslims were praying together. I don’t know why but could not shake this off. Something about that really disturbed me to this day. I guess it the fact I use friend with these people and so I know there the comment was real, not fake.



Im done ranting.

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"I simply ask that you pray for peace between all people, of all nations and all religious faith. You will pray for the safety of not just the people you love but for the well being of your enemies as well. Pray for friendship with people you may not agree with on everything (including religion) and pray that we may live some day in a world with peace. I challenge you all to do this every day ( especially for people you may not like) I challenge you to put aside your political views, your religious views and how you feel about anyone or any thing just to pray for a time of great peace between people of all skin, faith, and land."


That's beautiful.


I find it odd that they would not pray for peace when their savior is called the Prince of Peace. How could they not pray for people to stop killing each other? Granted, Jesus' message is a mixed bag and he did say he came not to bring peace, but a sword, maybe that is what they focus on. I guess their idea of peace is after Jesus has returned and all are made to bow before him things will be peaceful.


Any god who does not weep at people fighting and killing each other in is name is not worth anything to me.

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Didn't Jesus pray for peace and unity between people when he was in the garden before he was crucified? I wonder why he never answered his own prayer if Jesus is god.

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Therefore if there were peace between these religions it could only be because no one is truly following either.

Unintentionally I think, this fundy has hit on a bit of truth. Peace can only come with the end of religion (or at least his idea of religion).

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