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Religious Comfort For Bin Laden


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Religious comfort for bin Laden

Boston Globe

by James Carroll


"Seven years ago last Thursday came the attack, but the American

mistake came three days later. That was when President Bush, standing

in the soaring space of the National Cathedral and invoking God,

declared his purpose: 'to answer these attacks and rid the world of

evil.' When the global war on terrorism was conceived in expressly

religious terms, with a Christian God declared to be not only an ally

but a sponsor, the administration was carrying out an essential part

of the plan of Osama bin Laden. Bush is criticized for many things,

but his most grievous failure lies in having fallen into bin Laden's

trap. Beginning on Sept. 14, 2001, US foreign policy was yoked to a

certain brand of messianic fundamentalism." (09/15/08)



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