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Being Born Again


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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.



circular logic anyone?

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.

C'mon, asswipe. Prove anything.

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.



circular logic anyone?


You proved my OP perfectly because the Holy Spirit comes from God, not man. So since you didn't know that then you never really understood the bible. :close:

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Moved to Lion's Den, since it's not a topic about the Ex-Christian Life.

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Moved to Lion's Den, since it's not a topic about the Ex-Christian Life.

Again, since this whole forum is the Lion's Den, then just where was it moved to?

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Moved to Lion's Den, since it's not a topic about the Ex-Christian Life.

Again, since this whole forum is the Lion's Den, then just where was it moved to?

Other than a 2k yo book of fairy tales and myths, you have no proof of anything except your gullibility. :lmao:

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Hey, numbnuts, Jebus said to a crowd of followers that he'd be back before all of them croaked. What happened? Jebus is a liar? Gawd can't tell time?

Fuck off, dipshit, unless you've got something new, which I seriously doubt.

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SO where IS this "JESUS" I'm supposed to meet????


And IF he is SOOOO powerful why doese he need YOU to be here and tell us anything?? :loser:

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Another OneVerse WonderChristian.


Nevermind the verses in the bible (a book they claim to believe in) that clearly talk about former believers..... you are going to stick your dick into the ONE verse that makes you think this query is even valid.


Nothing new.


Bored already.

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Can we just ban this "moran" already on the grounds he is just too dumb to post here?

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.



circular logic anyone?


You proved my OP perfectly because the Holy Spirit comes from God, not man. So since you didn't know that then you never really understood the bible. :close:



and around and around and around



how convenient for you that is.


click my journal...i want to have my way with you on my blog very badly

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.

Once I meet a resurrected god-corpse and a divine ghost I'll think about your post.



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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.


LOL... really? This is the best you can come up with?


So by this theory, you've physically met the Holy Spirit?


I know it makes you feel better to say were never really "true" christians like you, but I'm afraid that simply isn't the case.


Rev Oxley brings up circular logic - and once again you avoid the assertion and come back with an arrogant response.


Your argument is circular. You're saying we can't have been "real" christians, because "real" christians can't become "ex-christians". But how do you know you are a real christian? I'll give you a hint - you don't. Do you really think any of us expected to lose our faith? Are you mad? So what happens when/if you do? Guess you weren't a "real" christian either...


And what's with the arrogance? Is it just a smug assurance that you must be absolutely right? Come on! I'm an atheist and I don't even claim to be absolutely correct in my assertions.


I get the distinct feeling your just hear to cause shit so you can go back to your friends and show what a mighty defender of the Lord you are.


Have fun with that...

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I thought Christians had to be baptized in order to be born again? At least that's what it says in John 3:4-5

Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
Nope, don't see anything about actually meeting the Holy Spirit anywhere in that verse. Why don't you go actually learn something about your faith, Knupfer, before you try and reconvert us? And you're lying when you say that true Christians can never fall away because even the bible says that Christians can fall from grace. Hebrews 6:4-6 says
For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame.
So, why don't you stop lying and making shit up that isn't in the bible? And this verse clearly says it's impossible to renew us to repentance once we disbelieve, so why don't you kick the dust off your sandals and move onto the next town already?
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You proved my OP perfectly because the Holy Spirit comes from God, not man. So since you didn't know that then you never really understood the bible. :close:

Well by your reasoning, God sends the Holy Spirit to us. Either he hasn't done that yet, or else the Holy Spirit just ain't so convincing. And I'm pretty sure that God, the almighty creator of the universe, could be pretty convincing if he wanted to.


So either way, it's up to God, not us. Your move, God.

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.




You know.... I think you are onto something here...... Once you suffer permanent brain damage, there's no going back....

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.




You know.... I think you are onto something here...... Once you suffer permanent brain damage, there's no going back....



Ow! Diet coke through my nose. Too funny. :crucified: You nailed him

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So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.


Since the holy spirit likely does not exist, this of course includes yourself as well.

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.



What makes you think that God does not walk among these people?

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Being God I can tell you that you're full of shit, Knupfer. I assert this on my authority as God. Has as much strength as your logic does.


Ah well, I could pity you, but it wasted on one who wants to destroy the way of life of another. Go forth, and continue to be the shining example of Christian Love that you've been here.

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Being born again of the Holy Spirit means meeting our risen Lord through the Holy Spirit. And once you meet someone, you can never ever deny he exists. So obviously no one here was ever born again and thus never understood what Jesus means in John 17:3.

Why be born again? Why not just grow up?

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...the Holy Spirit comes from God, not man.

I am of the opinion that both are from the imagination of man. As you are the one making the extraordinary claim of undetectable supernatural beings, the burden of proof is upon you to show that they are not fictional.


To do this to our satisfaction, we insist that you provide experimental data from a peer-reviewed double blind experiment so that we can replicate the experiments for ourselves.


Any attempt to use the Bible as "evidence" will result in a verdict of petitio principii.


Any attempt to use "I feel God in my heart" will be dismissed as subjective and anecdotal.


Any attempt to use "Life on earth is so complex it simply *had* to be created" will result in a verdict of argumentum ad ignorantium.


Any attempt to use "Believe or burn" will result in a verdict of argumentum ad baculum.


And if you piss Me off there's no telling what might happen. (pulls the Perthro rune out of Her runebag and smiles quietly to Herself)


So what about it, K? Do you have actual data up your sleeve, or are you just like your predecessors -- A pious whiner who came here for the thrill of being publicly martyred?

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Hey, numbnuts, Jebus said to a crowd of followers that he'd be back before all of them croaked. What happened? Jebus is a liar? Gawd can't tell time?

Fuck off, dipshit, unless you've got something new, which I seriously doubt.


What's the scripture reference for this claim of Jesus? I keep hearing it, but haven't found it myself.

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Why be born again? Why not just grow up?
Yeah, didn't Paul say that we should put away childish things when we become adults? How can we put away childish things if we're supposed to be born again? Which one is right? Is Paul right and the bible is incorrect or is Jesus right and the bible is still contradicted?
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