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Goodbye Jesus

What Do Ex-christians Do On Sundays?


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What do you do on Sundays now that you don't believe in Jesus?


I take this opportunity to sleep. When I was believer in high school, I had no free time, cause I was always in school or church, and now that I am in college, I can stop going to church altogether. Heck, I slept from 3 in the morning to 12:30 today, I never got to do that believing.


I know that a lot of you are older and have more money and can do better and funnier stuff. So I wanted to know so I could get some ideas when I get a steady income.

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When you're working, the weekends are usually the only time you have to tend to real life (mowing lawns, repairing faucets, painting, etc., etc.).


Those chores aside, with Sundays off little weekend trips are fun, with an overnight stay in a motel or campground. When I'm not recuperating from a crushed foot (as I am now) I find Sunday mornings a very good time to ride the motorcycle.


Hell, it's Sunday morning! Have a late brunch somewhere, take a hike or bike ride, feed the homeless (used to do that until the cops put a stop to it) or feed the squirrels (that's illegal too, but squirrels don't draw that much attention). Go to the zoo. In other words, you can do whatever the hell you want (and can afford, of course!).

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check out the sunday-morning-heathen thread and you'll knowwhat people are up to!

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The dreaded Sunday morning! After years of getting up earlier and going to bed later (and more tired) than I did during the work week, it came to the point to where I found it quite unsettling that I worked harder on The Day Of Rest™ than I did for the folks who were issuing my paychecks. My "weekend" consisted of trying to cram any chores that I couldn't get completed during the previous five days and any fun I wanted to have into Saturday. I could never do it. I couldn't finish up my tasks and I couldn't enjoy any relaxation.


When I stopped going to church, I engaged the weekend (two whole glorious days all to myself!!!) with a vengeance. I don't necessarily enjoy crawling out of the rack at zero dark thirty, but on Saturdays and Sundays, my focus is to LIVE. For me, that means taking care of any unfinished business as quickly and as efficiently (and as early) as possible so that I may experience as much life as I possibly can before I have to head back to work on Monday morning. Sometimes I enjoy a nice, big breakfast and sometimes it's a sausage biscuit and coffee before I rush forth to greet the day, but my whole attitude is that I can sleep/rest when I'm dead. I seize life by the throat and do as many of the things I enjoy as I possibly can from the time I wake up on Saturday until I lay my head on the pillow Sunday night. And really, it doesn't matter what it is that I choose to do. What matters is that I've LIVED and experienced that time rather than squandering it. I'm not bitter and hateful over the amount of money I gave to the church, but I am about the time I gave to it. I'm doing everything I can to make up for that.

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I have weekends off, so my Sunday is a chill-out-before-the-work-week begins anew day. Usually, I take my family to my parents' lake house, where some watch Nascar and some swim or hike in the woods. Mom makes a great dinner, we all stuff ourselves and talk about whatever comes up. I maybe grade a few papers.


Today my wife and kids didn't get back from Asheville until about 11:00, so we stayed at home to catch up on home stuff. I walked down to the high school this morning and went around the track twelve times (trying to get back in shape). Later I mowed the lawn and put screens on the new windows. The weather is cooling off enough to turn off the AC and open windows. My wife is drying apples for her apple stack cakes and boiling crabapples for crabapple jelly. Our trees really produced this year. Looks like we are going to have many pecans soon. A friend is bringing over some muscadines this evening, and Sandy will make jelly of that as well. My kids are putting away their clean clothes and preparing their stuff for school tomorrow.


I remember resenting, as a child, having to get up, dress in uncomfortable clothes, and sit for an hour quietly while some old guy told us how awful we were and how great God was for giving us a way out of hell. Once I moved out of my parents' house, all religious observance immediately stopped (I had been an atheist since thirteen or so). For many years, I worked in retail, so Sunday church would not have been a regular option. Now that Sundays are truly free, they are lovely, lovely days.

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I sleep late and do housework. Nothing very exciting, but at least now my Saturdays are free (Attend mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation, do no unnecessary work on these days).


I also spend a lot of time looking at my cat -- but that's not limited to Sundays.


Great thread, by the way.

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Sunday is just another Saturday to me. I have not attended a church service since April of 1978 so I rarely give the idea much thought. My partner and I moved from the San Francisco Bay Area in 2001 to New Hampshire and bought an older home on two heavily wooded acres. Keeping up the ole homestead keeps us as busy as we would like. Sometimes I miss how easy it was to care for a home in California. The weather was a lot kinder to the outside of any building and if you did not care for yard work, all you needed to do was stop watering. Now it seems like I need machete every time I go outside. I have to be vigilant to keep the woods from reclaiming our yard.


I have a desk job all week so I am kind of glad that the house and yard insist on my time or I would never get any exercise at all. In the winter (which seems like most of the year) my exercise in comprised of moving tons of snow from places where it insists on falling to those areas we deem more appropriate.

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Usually I have breakfast with a friend of mine- we have been doing that for over 10 years.


Lately I have been using my new camera to go out and photograph some birds at the pond next to my house. In Florida we have a lot of herons and egrets which you can get quite close to so you can get some good pictures. I am a complete novice photographer, but have enjoyed a few of the pictures I have gotten. It will be even better next month when the weather cools a bit, then I will head out to the wildlife refuge (a reminent of the Everglades). I need to purchase a telephoto lens, but at this time don't have the money for it.


Sometimes I just stay in and read the Sunday paper, which in my area, is huge.


So if you work all week in an office, Saturday and Sunday you have a chance get out and do some fun stuff you really want to do. Sunday morning is also a great time for grocery shopping since the store is not as crowded.

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Haven't been to chruch since about January. No service in the morning and no youth group at night is refreshing. If there isn't something for band (a show on the Sabbath! Say it ain't so!) I'm normally working on homework or practicing my music. Or doing other things.


unfortunately my mom has been thinking about going back to church...

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I treat it like a saturday, complete with football, just like a saturday. :HaHa: I read, watch tv, spend time with friends and family, do work that needs to be done, go off on a short trip, you name it. I also use it to get a few more hours of extra sleep in before the week starts.


I remember resenting, as a child, having to get up, dress in uncomfortable clothes, and sit for an hour quietly while some old guy told us how awful we were and how great God was for giving us a way out of hell.


I do believe that is the most accurate description of anything i have ever read.

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Sundays consists of: long workout in the morning, catch up on studies before Monday, watch a TV show or a movie with wife and kids, eating snacks, drinking beer...

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If you look at my posts in the Coffee Klatsch thread, you'll see a fairly consistent pattern:

  • Wake up really late, usually just before noon
  • Go to karate class
  • Go for coffee
  • Go shopping
  • Renovate something or other
  • Spend rest of day on Internet

I usually get a lot more done on Sundays than on other days, even with a noon start. I suspect it's because I've had more sleep.

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I do yard work and tend a garden, mostly squash. I'm growing a melon that my neighbor's plant came through the fence and I've got a melon from next door growing in my yard. I might have a green house in the back yard in a couple of years.

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Sundays? Sleep. Sometimes, like today, All damn day. That's it.

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Being an atheist I obviously now have no morals or ethics so I wait for my neighbors to go to church...and then I rob them.



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Being an atheist I obviously now have no morals or ethics so I wait for my neighbors to go to church...and then I rob them.





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I usually do laundry, play games on the computer, worship Satan, eat a few babies, kill some kittens... you know regular atheist stuff.

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I like to write fantasy and science fiction stories. I set aside time for doing that on sundays. I don't know why but I just find it easier to write on a sunday.

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Let's see, what don't I do on a Sunday......


On weekends I have my son I have to bring him to Hebrew School. Nice place, very liberally minded (ie open minded). Just yesterday had a discussion with one of the Rabbis about the Flying Spaghetti Monster....she thought it was great. After that we go have lunch than go to soccer practice. Long day, but a lot of fun.


On non-visist Sundays, I try to go to my local Unitarian Universalist church, again a great group of religiously LEFT people who care about human beings first. Then it is watching sports or visiting friends all afternoon.


Last night I had a lovely dinner with some church friends, and we had a grand time beating up on Sarah Palin, George W, and the Religious Right.


The days are full. Would not have it any other way....certainly not at places i don't believe in.

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The dreaded Sunday morning! After years of getting up earlier and going to bed later (and more tired) than I did during the work week, it came to the point to where I found it quite unsettling that I worked harder on The Day Of Rest™ than I did for the folks who were issuing my paychecks. My "weekend" consisted of trying to cram any chores that I couldn't get completed during the previous five days and any fun I wanted to have into Saturday. I could never do it. I couldn't finish up my tasks and I couldn't enjoy any relaxation.


When I stopped going to church, I engaged the weekend (two whole glorious days all to myself!!!) with a vengeance. I don't necessarily enjoy crawling out of the rack at zero dark thirty, but on Saturdays and Sundays, my focus is to LIVE. For me, that means taking care of any unfinished business as quickly and as efficiently (and as early) as possible so that I may experience as much life as I possibly can before I have to head back to work on Monday morning. Sometimes I enjoy a nice, big breakfast and sometimes it's a sausage biscuit and coffee before I rush forth to greet the day, but my whole attitude is that I can sleep/rest when I'm dead. I seize life by the throat and do as many of the things I enjoy as I possibly can from the time I wake up on Saturday until I lay my head on the pillow Sunday night. And really, it doesn't matter what it is that I choose to do. What matters is that I've LIVED and experienced that time rather than squandering it. I'm not bitter and hateful over the amount of money I gave to the church, but I am about the time I gave to it. I'm doing everything I can to make up for that.


So true! Even my devout wife finishes up most Sundays with something to the effect of, "I thought it was supposed to be a day of rest." And as Saturday goes by in chores, the kids are left out in the shuffle, resenting the work and not spending any quality time together. Ugh.


Related to use of time, I spent my "quiet time" this morning watching the football game I taped but couldn't watch yesterday. It was sweet.

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Related to use of time, I spent my "quiet time" this morning watching the football game I taped but couldn't watch yesterday. It was sweet.

Clearly NOT a New England Patriots fan....LOL

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For a long time I became distressed on Sunday mornings. Then I FINALLY found the PERFECT church to attend ... I try to get there right when I wake up on Sunday.


I attend "Our Lady of the Squeaky Springs."



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Being an atheist I obviously now have no morals or ethics so I wait for my neighbors to go to church...and then I rob them.




Nice! I consider you to be Bugs Bunny in the flesh, mwc. Always ready with the perfect wise crack!!! Very funny.


And then...


I usually do laundry, play games on the computer, worship Satan, eat a few babies, kill some kittens... you know regular atheist stuff.



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am i the only one that spends my weekend burning down churches?

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I usually do laundry, play games on the computer, worship Satan, eat a few babies, kill some kittens... you know regular atheist stuff.

Only on Sundays? You, ma'am, are not a True Atheist . A True Atheist doesn't worship Satan and eat babies on Sundays... one does it every day. :fdevil:


And killing kittens is mean. :(

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